Blog posts from the team at International Community Radio Taipei, Taiwan's only English radio station.
Posts tagged "Ebola"
English in the News: "Incubation Period"

English in the News: “Incubation Period”

incubation period 潛伏期 (in medicine, the time between infection and the appearance of signs of disease) Examples: 1) South Korea officials believe the disease has peaked and it would begin easing in coming days. Their assessment is based on a view that the virus’ maximum two-week incubation period for those infected at a Seoul hospital...Continue reading
Listen to Band Aid 30's Ebola charity single "Do They Know It's Christmas?" featuring best-selling British musicians

Listen to Band Aid 30’s Ebola charity single “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” featuring best-selling British musicians

A host of UK musicians have gathered together to perform the song “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” as part of an Ebola charity single for the supercharity group Band Aid 30. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure announced the group ealier this month, saying that he did so after the United Nations contacted him about help...Continue reading