Click for Cute (12/31/2014)
Hi everyone, and welcome to the last Click for Cute of 2014! Get excited for the new year, like this little puppy! (The older dog is basically me when presented with any outside stimulus.)Continue reading

Click for Cute (12/17/2014)
Apparently, pinweens like the same app games as cats! I mean penglings. Pingalings. Penguins! Penguins like app games!Continue reading

Click for Cute (16/12/2014)
Munchkin the Shih-tzu/teddy bear is back in a wintery video! Continue reading

Click for Cute (09/12/2014)
Hey everyone! Today’s video combines two of my favorite things: video game music and cats. Enjoy!Continue reading

Click for Cute (11/14/2014)
It’s Friday! Kick off your weekend with a friendly, inquisitive polar bear!Continue reading

Click for Cute (11/11/2014)
This is Munchkin the Shih-tzu. He is adorable. That is everything you need to know about him. WaaaaaaaatchContinue reading

Click for Cute (07/23/2014)
Hey guys! Today I present to you an adorable corgi who doesn’t want to go outside, and expresses this in the cutest way possible!Continue reading

Click for Cute (07/01/2014)
Happy July everyone! To usher in the second half of 2014, I offer you this video of a doggy enjoying some corn on the cob:Continue reading

Click for Cute (06/27/2014)
Happy Friday, everyone! May your weekend be as bunderful as this guy’s!Continue reading

Click for Cute (6/25/2014)
I don’t understand a word the announcer is saying, but I only need to know a cat and a really fluffy bunny are best buds.Continue reading

Click for Cute (06/23/2014)
Happy Monday, everyone! Here’s a little video to help get you started with the new workweek. I get excited about food too, but I try to be more reserved about it *nod*Continue reading
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