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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-31 | ![]() |
Lonely Elephant Finds New Home
Today's story is a little sad… but don't worry… it has a happy ending.
Kaavan the elephant lived in a zoo in Pakistan.
Kaavan是一隻大象,住在巴基斯坦的動物園。 But the zoo was a bad zoo.
Kaavan had very little space and was all alone.
The poor elephant lived in this bad zoo for 17 years!
Well, when people heard about the zoo, they said "Hey! Be nice to Kaavan!
He's lonely and bored!"
The zoo wouldn't listen. "It's just an animal. What's the big deal?"
人們要求動物園要善待牠,但動物園根本不理。But people in Pakistan and all
around the world didn't give up.
They kept pushing the zoo to be nice to the elephant.
Finally, the zoo said, "yes." They gave Kaavan more space and things to play
with. 大家都沒有放棄,終於讓Kaavan搬到大一點的空間。
Then...the top court in Pakistan found out about the zoo. "This zoo is a bad
zoo. Close this zoo, and find new homes for the animals."
Ok... now for the happy ending: People helped Kaavan move from Pakistan all
the way to Cambodia.
Now Kaavan lives with lots of other elephants in a big elephant park!
Animals have feelings, right?
Zoos should be nice to animals.
And if it's a bad should close! I'm so glad Kaavan has a happy new
Elephants are very smart and they have good memories.
1. Elephant 大象。Can you imagine having an elephant as pet?
你能想像養一頭大象當寵物嗎? Oh, that would be fun! 那會很好玩!
2. Lonely 寂寞的。Animals sometimes feel lonely, right?
動物有時候會覺得寂寞,對嗎? I think so. 我想是吧。
3. Give up 放棄。You should give up the idea. 你應該放棄那個主意。Why? I like
the idea of a tree house. 為什麼? 我喜歡蓋樹屋的主意。Where would you find
the tree? 你要去哪裡找一棵樹? In the park across the street.
就在街對面的公園裡。Give it up, Ryan! 放棄那個主意,萊恩!
4. Live 居住。Think about living in a tree house. 你想想看住在樹屋裡。I don't
want to live in a house among trees! 我可不想住在樹的中間。But you get to see
many birds! 但是你可以看到很多鳥啊!
elephant 大象 lonely 寂寞的 give up 放棄 live 居住
1. What is the name of the elephant in the story?
A: Dumbo
B: Kaavan
C: MaoMao
2. Where was the bad zoo?
A: In Japan
B: In America
C: In Pakistan
3. What did the top Pakistan court say?
A: This is a bad movie theater! Bring me new movies!
B: This is a bad zoo! Find new homes for the animals!
C: This is a nice restaurant! Let's have more food!
1: B 2: C 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-06 | ![]() |
Mini Giraffes
Animals slowly change… it's called "evolution." 中文就是演化。
When the earth changes, animals change, too!
It takes a long time. Very, very slowly, animals change... if the place
where they live changes. 地球環境的改變,讓動物也慢慢的、很長時間的跟著改變。
If the animals don't change slowly… they will go extinct!
A long time ago, there used to be tiny elephants! On an island called Cyprus,
there were elephants that were only about 140 centimeters tall! 地中海
Maybe they changed because there wasn't enough food or enough space to be
big. 可能因為島很小,食物不多,所以大象長不大。
We call these kinds of smaller animals "dwarfs"… that word means "small".
There are no more dwarf elephants... they went extinct a long time ago.
But guess what? Scientists have now found dwarf giraffes in Africa!
Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. But these dwarf giraffes are
only about half as tall as a normal giraffe. 侏儒長頸鹿只有一般長頸鹿一半高。
Maybe they are slowly changing. Evolution is pretty amazing… super, super
slow changes that help animals survive. Maybe someday all giraffes will be
dwarf giraffes. 為了生存,也許有一天,所有長頸鹿就會變成侏儒長頸鹿。
1. Grow 生長。My tomatoes are growing tall. 我的番茄長高了! They are
certainly growing fast. 它們確實長很快。
2. Half 一半。Still, they are only half as tall as my
cucumbers.不過它們仍然只有小黃瓜一半高。 Half is not bad. 有一半不錯了。
3. Africa 非洲。I've never been to Africa. Have you?
我從沒有去過非洲。你去過嗎? Yes, I've been to South Africa.有,我去過南非。
4. Small 小的,smaller 更小。Are they smaller than their cousins in the zoo?
牠們比動物園裡面的表哥表姊小嗎? No, they are bigger. 不會。牠們比較大。
Please read the words with me.
grow 生長 half 一半 Africa 非洲 small 小的 smaller 更小
1. What is the tallest land animal in the world today?
A: The mouse
B: The giraffe
C: The African elephant
2. Why do animals change?
A: When the world changes, they have to change, too
B: They change because it's fun!
C: They change to fit in smaller clothes
3. What kind of dwarf animal did they find in Africa?
A: Dwarf cats
B: Dwarf elephants
C: Dwarf giraffes
1: B 2: A 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-02 | ![]() |
Man Takes VERY Long Swim with One Breath
How long can you hold your breath? 你可以憋氣多久?
A few seconds? A few minutes?
Could you swim across the entire length of a pool in one breath?
你可以一口氣從游泳池這邊游到那邊嗎?I can't.
But a man from Denmark can! Denmark is a country in Europe.
He swam the distance equal to over four swimming pools in only one breath!
The man's name is Stig Severenson. And he took only one very, very, very big
breath before he did this very, very long swim.
That is a world record for the longest distance anyone has done in one breath.
But guess what, Severenson also used to hold the world record for the longest
time anyone could hold their breath.
He could hold his breath for twenty-two minutes! 他可以憋氣22分鐘! Isn't that
crazy? It makes me dizzy just thinking about it!
I said he used to hold the world record though. Someone else beat his record
by holding their breath for twenty-two minutes and twenty-two seconds!
You should time yourself holding your breath, and see how long you can do it!
1) Hold 暫停。Do I have to hold my breath when I swim? 我游泳時一定得憋氣嗎?
No, of course not. 當然不是。 You can't swim far if you keep holding your
2) Swimming pool 游泳池。If I were rich, I would want a swimming pool at
home. 如果我是有錢人,我要家裡就有游泳池。But you can't swim! 但是你不會游泳!
You will drown! 你會淹死。No, no, it's not for me. 不會,那不是給我用。It's
for my penguins. 是給我的企鵝用。
3) Longest 最長的。The longest cucumber in the world is 107cm long!
4) Dizzy 頭昏。It's too hot. I feel dizzy.太熱了,我頭好昏。Let's find a
place to sit and eat some ice cream. 我們來找個地方坐下吃冰淇淋。
Let's review the words.
hold 暫停 swimming pool 游泳池 longest 最長的 dizzy 頭昏
1. What is this story about?
a. Keeping your eyes open
b. Holding your breath
c. Shouting the loudest
2. How long did the main character in this story hold his breath?
a. For over the length of four swimming pools
b. For over the length of four football fields
c. For over the length of four tennis courts
3. Where is the main character in this story from?
a. The U.S.
b. Denmark
c. Taiwan
1. B 2. A 3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-08 | ![]() |
Unique Basketball Card
Yes! My team won! Ah, I'm so happy! Yes!
Man, I really love watching basketball. It's my favorite sport! The games are
so exciting! 我超愛看籃球賽!
Did you know that they make collectible cards for basketball players? There
are many different kinds, some that are just normal cards, and some that are
really special. And those special ones can be worth a lot of money.
One super valuable card was recently discovered. This card is one of a kind,
and is from Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James!
LeBron is one of the biggest NBA stars ever! LeBron James是知名的NBA球員之一
But what makes this card so special? Well, it has the NBA logo from the
uniform he wore during the season when the Lakers won the championship! They
actually cut the logo off the shirt and put it on the card!
Isn't that cool?
That card is one of a kind! That means there's only one of it in the entire
world! And that makes it very valuable. Experts say that it could sell for as
much as 100 thousand US dollars! Woah! That's a lot of money!
Maybe I should go buy some cards! Who knows, maybe I could get really lucky
and get a super valuable card too!
1. Sport 運動。l think football is the best sport for children.
我覺得對小孩來說最好的運動是足球。It's easy to learn, fun and good for
building muscles. 它容易學,很好玩,而且可以增強肌肉。That really sounds like
a good sport! 聽起來真是好運動!
2. Game 比賽。There's a football game tonight.今天晚上有一場足球賽。Are you
going to play? 你要上場踢球嗎? No. I'm in tomorrow's game.
3. Valuable 很有價值的。Do you put your valuable things in a safe?
你把值錢的東西放在保險箱裡嗎? Well, the only valuable thing I have is my
cell phone. 我唯一值錢的東西就是我的手機。
4. Sell 賣出。Are you selling your computer? 你要賣掉你的電腦嗎? Yes. I'll
sell it for 5,500 NT. 是的,我開價五千五百塊。
Okay, let's review the words.
sport 運動 game 比賽 valuable 有價值的 sell 賣出
1. What is the speaker's favorite sport?
A. Basketball
B. Water skiing
C. Mountain climbing
2. Which basketball star is on the valuable card?
A. Michael Jordan
B. LeBron James
C. Shaquille O'Neal
3. How much is the card worth?
A. 100 thousand US dollars
B. 2 million NT
C. 5 million Japanese yen
1. A 2. B. 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-09 | ![]() |
72 Hours with 72 Snakes
Snakesssss! Oooooooh... I'm so afraid of snakes. 我超怕蛇的! And snakes can
be very dangerous. A bite from a venomous snake can kill people!
But… snakes aren't trying to bite you. Snakes don't eat people. They only
bite people when they feel afraid. 蛇只有在害怕的時候才會咬人。
Mr. Khaire (Ku-AR-eh) from India, thinks people don't understand snakes. To
show people they shouldn't be afraid, he even stayed in a cage with 72
venomous snakes for 72 hours!
Everyone said "don't do it!"... "It's too dangerous!"... "You could die!"
But Mr. Khaire likes snakes, he says "If you don't try to hurt them...they
won't hurt you!" he said. 他說只要你不惹牠們,就不會傷害你。And he stayed in
the cage for 72 hours.
Some of the snakes even crawled over him, but he gently picked the snakes up
and moved them away.
And guess what? No bites!
Mr. Khaire became famous as "The Snake Man of India", and then he opened a
zoo that has a special "snake park" where people can learn about snakes.
Wow! Cool story! And I think he's right. Snakes don't want to hurt people;
they only bite when they feel afraid.
1. Afraid 害怕。Which animal are you most afraid of? 你最怕什麼動物? I'm most
afraid of spiders.我最怕蜘蛛。But they are so small! 但是蜘蛛很小。They are
big to me. 對我來說他們很大。
2. Bite 咬。Spiders don't bite.蜘蛛不會咬人。You're right. They don't.
3. Famous 有名的。Yilan is famous for its hot springs.宜蘭以溫泉聞名。And
Tainan is famous for its food. 台南則是以美食著稱。
4. Cage 籠子。Why do animals stay in cages at the zoo?
為什麼動物園的動物都待在籠子裡? Many of them stay outside, like
zebras.也有很多待在室外,比如說斑馬。Cages are for smaller animals like
turtles. 籠子是給比較小的動物,例如烏龜。
So are you afraid of snakes, too? 一起讀讀單字吧。
afraid 害怕 bite 咬 famous 有名的 cage 籠子
1. Where is Mr. Khaire from?
A: Indonesia
B: India
C: Iceland
2. Why is Mr. Kharie famous?
A: He ate 25 hamburgers in 25 minutes!
B: He stayed in a cage with 72 snakes for 72 hours!
C: He played with 48 bears for 48 hours!
3. What do we call snakes that are super dangerous?
A: Venomous snakes
B: Silly snakes
C: Snakes and Ladders
1. B 2. B 3. A
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