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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-02 | ![]() |
World's Ugliest Dog
Hey boy!! Who's a good dog? Yes, you are…. You're a good dog… Come here!
…… Now, Sit. Okay, it's time for another story!
Hey everyone, do any of you have a dog as a pet? 你們有沒有人養狗狗呢 Or
maybe you know someone who has?
Oh man! Dogs are the best!... But whatever you do, don't let them see a…
Uh-oh… 我的天啊! 牠看到一隻貓! He just saw a cat! Come back here, boy! …….
Aghhh! Not mom's favorite vase!
(Out of breath) Ahhh! The cat's gone…. Oh… but mom's vase! …….You! You're
in a lot of trouble, boy! ….. How could y… Ohh!! I can't stay mad at you…
you're just too cute… ….Who's a good boy?
I really like dogs. What about you? 你也喜歡狗嗎? They make great pals too…
Dogs are called man's best friend after all! 狗狗是人類最好的朋友 對不對?
Ohhh they're just sooo cute…. and cuddly! 真的很想要一直抱著他們耶! And
that's why we love them, right?
But what if..... the dog wasn't quite so cute and cuddly?
Yeah, that's right! What if… IT WAS THE UGLIEST DOG IN THE WORLD!
Ahhh… I'm sorry, boy…. But hey! It's ok! Their owners love them no matter
what they look like! 不管這麼樣 , 主人當然還是愛他們!
Plus, they can even enter a competition! The World's Ugliest Dog Contest!
Yup. 世界上最醜狗狗大賽!
The competition is held each year in California and the winner… or should we
say loser? Hmm…. Anyway, they get over one thousand dollars, a trip to New
York City, and a trophy that says they're the ugliest dog in the world! Would
you want a trophy like that? 你們會想要這樣的trophy嗎? 我才不要! Because I'm
way too beautiful. I should enter a beauty contest!
H…hey! Come on, boy! Let's go play fetch.
Hi, let's review some of the words you just heard. Dogs are cute, aren't
1) Cute可愛的。That little dog is so cute! 那隻小狗好可愛! Dogs are my
favorite animals狗狗是我最喜歡的動物,favorite 最喜歡。
2) What's your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什麼? My favorite color is
3) Ugly 難看的,醜的 That's one ugly tree over there! 那棵樹好難看!
4) Ugliest最難看的,世界最醜狗狗大賽就是 the world's ugliest dog contest.
5) 比賽就是contest,英語演講比賽English speech contest.
Now let's review some of the words. Cute 可愛的, favorite最喜歡的,
ugly難看的, ugliest最難看的,contest 比賽.
Which animal is often called man's best friend?
A: Zebras
B: Dogs
Or C: Cats
What kind of dogs can enter the competition from the story?
A: Ugly dogs
B: Fast dogs
Or C: Hot dogs
What is the opposite of ugly?
A: Strong
B: Silly
Or C: Beautiful
1. B. Dogs. 2. A. Ugly dogs. 3. C. Beautiful.
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-16 | ![]() |
Eating Bugs!
Hi Everybody! What do you think about eating a sandwich -- of BUGS!
(SFX: ;SCREAM!!!!) What??? A bug sandwich! Ya think I'm crazy??
Nope! Eating bugs is actually a really good idea! Let me tell you why!
Lots of people around the world don't have enough food to eat.
That's really sad, right? So many people are hungry … and then they get sick
and have a sad life! 很多人沒有東西吃,肚子餓 ,生病還過著悲慘生活
They need more food!
Hmm… where can we get more food? Where does food come from?
Well, we can grow more food … we can grow more vegetables like carrots and
tomatoes ... and we can get more animals for food … like more chickens …
more cows and more pigs.我們要生產更多的蔬菜和肉類
But there's a problem! Vegetables and chickens and cows and pigs need space
… and we don't have much space! 空間都不夠啊
Bugs are small! They don't need much space. And they are healthy. Bugs are
good for you.
You can cook the bugs … and make a bug hamburger!
Bugs actually taste good. Some bugs even taste sweet!
Cool, yeah? Sweet bugs!
Eating bugs is a good idea that can help people. 可以幫助人類.
Wow! Maybe I'm ready to try a bug burger! How about you? Bugs for lunch?
哇,我已經等不及要吃吃蟲子漢堡, 你會想試試看嗎?
Ha! Maybe someday!!
Hi, would you like to have a bug sandwich for lunch?
1) Sandwich 三明治。A sandwich is two pieces of bread with things like meat,
cheese and tomatoes in between 三明治就是兩片麵包,中間夾著肉片,起司和番茄。
2) Chicken 雞,所以營養好喝的雞湯就是chicken soup. Chicken soup is good for
you when you're sick生病時喝一點雞湯對你有好處。
3) Sick 生病。Hungry people often get
sick餓肚子的人經常會生病,並且過得不好They have a sad life.
4) Sad悲慘的,傷心的。That's a sad story那個故事真慘!
Let's review the words we've learned today: sandwich三明治 chicken雞
sick 生病 sad悲慘的。So don't eat too many sandwiches, you may get sick!
1. What do vegetables ... and even people need?
A: They need space! B: They need dogs! C: They need pigs and carrots!
2. Why is eating bugs a good idea?
A: Bugs are vegetables B: Bugs are good for you …
C: Chickens like bugs!
3. What do all people need everyday?
A: Food! B: Monkeys! C: Bugs!
1, A 2, B 3, A
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-19 | ![]() |
Ten-Year-Old Rock-Climbing Queen
Hey, everybody!
Rock climbing … mountain climbing … rock climbing … mountain climbing …
HMMM … is rock climbing the same as mountain climbing?
Rock climbing is using ropes to climb up a rock! It's like climbing up a wall
--- climbing up a rock wall!
Lots of people like to climb mountains 很多人都喜歡爬山…… even some kids
like to climb mountains!! 甚至小朋友也喜歡
But rock climbing?那攀岩呢? Kids don't go rock climbing, right?
Oh, really … well … a ten-year-old can't climb the most famous super crazy
rock in America, right? 10歲小孩不可能去最有名的一塊大石頭攀岩,對不對?
She did! Really?? … wow!
El Capitan is a crazy rock in America! It's … super steep.它超陡的 No,
wait! It's super, super, super, super, SUPER steep! It's a wall! A rock wall!
BUT … she did it! Yep! A ten-year-old girl! 但是一個10歲小女孩爬上去了
The youngest person in the world to climb that famous rock in America … is a
10-year-old girl!
Her name is Selah and she climbed a rock called "El Capitan."
So … is Selah Spiderman? How can she climb a rock wall? ---- For rock
climbing, you need ropes.
Selah and her dad used ropes to climb up the rock wall … it took them FOUR
DAYS! Selah和爸爸花了整整四天就爬上去Yeah!
One…Two…Three...Four days! They had to eat on the wall … and even sleep on
the rock wall 他們靠著石壁吃飯、睡覺… with ropes! 只靠繩子支撐 Wow! That's
really amazing!! 哇,太令人驚訝了
After Selah climbed 'El Capitan' … she said she felt very, very happy!
Nice work, Selah! You're a 10-year-old rock-climbing queen!
Many children like to climb trees, walls or rocks.
1) Climb爬。Mountain-climbing 爬山,rock-climbing攀岩。We're planning to
climb Jade Mountain next summer我們計畫明年夏天去登玉山。
2) Rope繩索。You need ropes when you climb big rocks. 攀登大石頭需要繩子。
3) Use 使用。Do you use toothpaste every day 你每天都用牙膏嗎? No, not every
4) Famous 有名的。A little girl climbed the most famous rock in
America小女孩爬上了美洲最有名的岩石。A-mei is a famous Taiwanese
5) Feel感覺。How do you feel when you eat chocolate?
I feel happy 我覺得開心。
I hope you feel happy when learning English. Let's read the words together:
climb爬 rope繩子 use使用 famous 有名的 feel感覺
1. What is the famous rock called?
A: Big Tall Rock B: Really Famous Rock C: El Capitan
2. How old is Seelah?
A: 1-year-old B: 10-years-old C: 22-years-old
3. What do people use to climb?
A: Horses B: Elevators C: Ropes
Answers: 1 C, 2 B, 3 C
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-26 | ![]() |
She Wins!
Hi everybody! You know … I really like my bicycle!
I think bicycles are amazing! Bicycles are easy, fun, good for you, and good
for the air! No pollution! 騎車不會有空氣汙染的問題 I ride my bicycle, um,
everywhere! I ride my bicycle to go shopping, to the park, to meet my
friends, but I'm not a bicycle race winner! (laughs) Nope. I'm not like
Fiona is a young woman from Germany, and she won a super hard bicycle race!
She rode her bicycle a long way! 她是個年輕德國女生 .
Can you imagine riding your bicycle from Taipei to Kaohsiung? That's pretty
far, right? 從台北騎到高雄?很遠,對吧?
Well, Fiona rode her bicycle from Bulgaria to France… that's like riding
from Taipei to Kaohsiung …(said ever-increasingly fast:
times! 天啊!要台北高雄來回五趟半耶!
Fiona won the race! She rode for more than 10 days! Riding her bicycle in the
rain, in the hot sun, at night, in the daytime, over mountains. Woah! That is
one hard race.
Fiona was smart and strong! She only slept for four hours every night - and
then she kept on riding … for 10 days! 10天比賽中她每天只睡4小時 Woah! I
could never do that!
In the end, Fiona was number one! She is only 24 years old, but Fiona is now
the first woman to win this really super hard bicycle race. She was faster
than all the young men in the race! Pretty cool, huh?
Fiona is going to try again … she wants to win again … and she wants to
ride even faster!
Wow! Fiona is such a strong and smart young woman! You're awesome, Fiona!
加油 !
Fiona, a German girl, won a very long and hard bicycle race.
1) Win贏得。 I want to win the race我要贏得那場比賽。She won yesterday's
2) Ride騎。When does she ride to school every day她每天什麼時候騎車上學? At
7:50七點五十分。Fiona rode her bike to France費歐娜騎腳踏車去法國。
3) Sleep睡覺。 People sleep at night, but owls sleep in the
daytime人們晚上睡覺,貓頭鷹卻白天睡覺. I only slept for 3 hours last
4) Fast很快 faster更快 fastest最快。Can you walk faster你可以走快一點嗎? This
is the fastest I can go我最快就是這樣了。
We learned some good words today, so let's say them again. Win贏得 ride騎
sleep睡覺 fast, faster, fastest 很快 更快 最快
1. What's good about bicycles?
A: They can sing and fly
B: They are good for lunch
C: They are good for the air - no pollution!
2. Who is Fiona?
A: A young woman … who won a super hard bicycle race!
B: I don't know
C: She's a bicycle!
3. Which statement is true?
A: Fiona is the first bicycle to win the race
B: Fiona is the first teacher to win the race
C: Fiona is the first woman to win the race
1: C 2: A 3: C
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-05 | ![]() |
Ten-Year-Old Rock-Climbing Queen
Hey, everybody!
Rock climbing … mountain climbing … rock climbing … mountain climbing …
HMMM … is rock climbing the same as mountain climbing?
Rock climbing is using ropes to climb up a rock! It's like climbing up a wall
--- climbing up a rock wall!
Lots of people like to climb mountains 很多人都喜歡爬山…… even some kids
like to climb mountains!! 甚至小朋友也喜歡
But rock climbing?那攀岩呢? Kids don't go rock climbing, right?
Oh, really … well … a ten-year-old can't climb the most famous super crazy
rock in America, right? 10歲小孩不可能去最有名的一塊大石頭攀岩,對不對?
She did! Really?? … wow!
El Capitan is a crazy rock in America! It's … super steep.它超陡的 No,
wait! It's super, super, super, super, SUPER steep! It's a wall! A rock wall!
BUT … she did it! Yep! A ten-year-old girl! 但是一個10歲小女孩爬上去了
The youngest person in the world to climb that famous rock in America … is a
10-year-old girl!
Her name is Selah and she climbed a rock called "El Capitan."
So … is Selah Spiderman? How can she climb a rock wall? ---- For rock
climbing, you need ropes.
Selah and her dad used ropes to climb up the rock wall … it took them FOUR
DAYS! Selah和爸爸花了整整四天就爬上去Yeah!
One…Two…Three...Four days! They had to eat on the wall … and even sleep on
the rock wall 他們靠著石壁吃飯、睡覺… with ropes! 只靠繩子支撐 Wow! That's
really amazing!! 哇,太令人驚訝了
After Selah climbed 'El Capitan' … she said she felt very, very happy!
Nice work, Selah! You're a 10-year-old rock-climbing queen!
Many children like to climb trees, walls or rocks.
1) Climb爬。Mountain-climbing 爬山,rock-climbing攀岩。We're planning to
climb Jade Mountain next summer我們計畫明年夏天去登玉山。
2) Rope繩索。You need ropes when you climb big rocks. 攀登大石頭需要繩子。
3) Use 使用。Do you use toothpaste every day 你每天都用牙膏嗎? No, not every
4) Famous 有名的。A little girl climbed the most famous rock in
America小女孩爬上了美洲最有名的岩石。A-mei is a famous Taiwanese
5) Feel感覺。How do you feel when you eat chocolate?
I feel happy 我覺得開心。
I hope you feel happy when learning English. Let's read the words together:
climb爬 rope繩子 use使用 famous 有名的 feel感覺
1. What is the famous rock called?
A: Big Tall Rock B: Really Famous Rock C: El Capitan
2. How old is Selah?
A: 1-year-old B: 10-years-old C: 22-years-old
3. What do people use to climb?
A: Horses B: Elevators C: Ropes
Answers: 1 C, 2 B, 3 C
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