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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-29 | ![]() |
Robot Squid
Some people have another name for the Earth... they call our world the "Blue
Why do they call it the Blue Planet? Because most of the Earth is water!
But, we don't know very much about the ocean. It's easy for scientists to
study mountains and land animals... but learning about the ocean is hard!
We can't swim deep in the ocean like a whale. We can go down in submarines...
but submarines are sometimes too noisy, and they scare away sea creatures.
So, scientists are now using a new robot to study the deep ocean.
It looks like a squid! That's really cool. 科學家用像烏賊的機器人來研究深海。
Yeah! The robot squid also moves just like a real squid moves. I think this
is a great idea. Other sea creatures will look at it and think, "Hmm... it's
just a squid". 其他的海洋生物看到,只會覺得那是一隻烏賊。
With this squid-robot, scientists can study the deep oceans and discover new
and amazing things.
Two-thirds of the Earth is water. We still have a lot to learn... and who
knows? Maybe the squid robot will find new kinds of fish or... old ships with
treasure! 地球有三分之二是水,說不定烏賊機器人會發現許多海洋知識以及寶藏!
Wow! Now I'm getting really excited! This squid robot could really teach so
much about our "Blue Planet."
1. Planet 行星。There are now only 8 planets in our solar system.
我們的太陽系現在只有八顆行星了。You're right. One star and 8 planets.
2. Sea 大海。Don't you just love the sea? 你很喜歡大海吧? Yes, I love the
sand, the sounds and the water. 是啊,我喜歡沙灘, 海浪聲,還有海水。Come,
let's go swimming in the sea。來,咱們去海裡游泳吧。No, it's too cold.
3. Ocean 海洋。Turtle Island is an island in the Pacific Ocean.
4. Learn 學習。What did you learn today? 你今天學到什麼? I learned that fish
are not scared of squid.我學到魚不怕烏賊。Did you learn that at school?
Please read the words with me.
planet 行星 sea 大海 ocean 海洋 learn 學習
1. What is another name for the Earth?
A: The Red Planet
B: Jupiter
C: The Blue Planet
2. How do scientists learn about the deep ocean?
A: They use motorcycles!
B: They swim really deep
C: They use robots
3. What animal does a new robot look like?
A: A giraffe
B: A squid
C: An octopus
1: C 2: C 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-30 | ![]() |
No Fingerprints
Hi, everyone! Do you know what a fingerprint is? 你知道指紋是什麼嗎?
Try this: Put some ink on your fingers...then press your fingers onto some
white paper...what you see is your own fingerprint!
Scientists say it's almost impossible for two people to have the same
The police can sometimes match fingerprints to bad people. --Aha! Got you! --
You're going to jail!
But, in a country called Bangladesh…there's one family where the men don't
have fingerprints! 孟加拉有個家族,他們的男性成員,都沒有指紋。
Yeah! It's true.
These men's fingers are smooth...with no circles on the skin.
And this is a problem.
They're not bad guys, but they can't get passports or IDs because they don't
have fingerprints! 因為沒有指紋,所以沒有護照或身分證。
The men in Bangladesh are a little bit angry.
They say, "Hey! It's not our fault we don't have fingerprints!"
Scientists are finding new and better ways to make IDs and passports.
Soon, they won't need fingerprints.
I'm sure those men in Bangladesh will be happy when that happens.
Huh, what an interesting story. Everyone has different fingerprints! And some
people don't have fingerprints at all!
o Finger手指。Don't use your fingers to pick your nose. 別用手指挖鼻孔。I
didn't! See, my fingers are clean! 我才沒有! 你看,我的手指很乾淨!
o Print印刷。Okay, we're done! 好,我們做完了。We can now print out the
picture. 我們現在可以把圖片印出來了。Sorry, my printer is broken.
抱歉,我的印表機壞了。I can go to 7-11 to print it out.
o Not at all完全不。I ran into a friend on the street.
我在街上碰到一個朋友。But I didn't remember her name at
all.但是我完全不記得她的名字。Now that's embarrassing. 那有點尷尬。It is! So
I just smiled and said nothing. 是很尷尬。所以我就微笑,沒有講話。Did she try
to talk to you? 她有想要跟你講話嗎? No, not at all. 沒有耶,完全沒有。
今天的單字和片語比較簡單。 Let's read them together. Finger手指 print印刷
not at all完全不
1. What is special about fingerprints?
A: Each person has their own special fingerprint
B: They look pretty and cool
C: They are yummy and good for you
2. How do police sometimes catch bad people?
A: They sing really loudly
B: They look under the bed
C: They match the person's fingerprints
3. What country are the men in the story from?
A: India
B: Pakistan
C: Bangladesh
1: A 2: C 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-31 | ![]() |
Lonely Elephant Finds New Home
Today's story is a little sad… but don't worry… it has a happy ending.
Kaavan the elephant lived in a zoo in Pakistan.
Kaavan是一隻大象,住在巴基斯坦的動物園。 But the zoo was a bad zoo.
Kaavan had very little space and was all alone.
The poor elephant lived in this bad zoo for 17 years!
Well, when people heard about the zoo, they said "Hey! Be nice to Kaavan!
He's lonely and bored!"
The zoo wouldn't listen. "It's just an animal. What's the big deal?"
人們要求動物園要善待牠,但動物園根本不理。But people in Pakistan and all
around the world didn't give up.
They kept pushing the zoo to be nice to the elephant.
Finally, the zoo said, "yes." They gave Kaavan more space and things to play
with. 大家都沒有放棄,終於讓Kaavan搬到大一點的空間。
Then...the top court in Pakistan found out about the zoo. "This zoo is a bad
zoo. Close this zoo, and find new homes for the animals."
Ok... now for the happy ending: People helped Kaavan move from Pakistan all
the way to Cambodia.
Now Kaavan lives with lots of other elephants in a big elephant park!
Animals have feelings, right?
Zoos should be nice to animals.
And if it's a bad should close! I'm so glad Kaavan has a happy new
Elephants are very smart and they have good memories.
1. Elephant 大象。Can you imagine having an elephant as pet?
你能想像養一頭大象當寵物嗎? Oh, that would be fun! 那會很好玩!
2. Lonely 寂寞的。Animals sometimes feel lonely, right?
動物有時候會覺得寂寞,對嗎? I think so. 我想是吧。
3. Give up 放棄。You should give up the idea. 你應該放棄那個主意。Why? I like
the idea of a tree house. 為什麼? 我喜歡蓋樹屋的主意。Where would you find
the tree? 你要去哪裡找一棵樹? In the park across the street.
就在街對面的公園裡。Give it up, Ryan! 放棄那個主意,萊恩!
4. Live 居住。Think about living in a tree house. 你想想看住在樹屋裡。I don't
want to live in a house among trees! 我可不想住在樹的中間。But you get to see
many birds! 但是你可以看到很多鳥啊!
elephant 大象 lonely 寂寞的 give up 放棄 live 居住
1. What is the name of the elephant in the story?
A: Dumbo
B: Kaavan
C: MaoMao
2. Where was the bad zoo?
A: In Japan
B: In America
C: In Pakistan
3. What did the top Pakistan court say?
A: This is a bad movie theater! Bring me new movies!
B: This is a bad zoo! Find new homes for the animals!
C: This is a nice restaurant! Let's have more food!
1: B 2: C 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-06 | ![]() |
Mini Giraffes
Animals slowly change… it's called "evolution." 中文就是演化。
When the earth changes, animals change, too!
It takes a long time. Very, very slowly, animals change... if the place
where they live changes. 地球環境的改變,讓動物也慢慢的、很長時間的跟著改變。
If the animals don't change slowly… they will go extinct!
A long time ago, there used to be tiny elephants! On an island called Cyprus,
there were elephants that were only about 140 centimeters tall! 地中海
Maybe they changed because there wasn't enough food or enough space to be
big. 可能因為島很小,食物不多,所以大象長不大。
We call these kinds of smaller animals "dwarfs"… that word means "small".
There are no more dwarf elephants... they went extinct a long time ago.
But guess what? Scientists have now found dwarf giraffes in Africa!
Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. But these dwarf giraffes are
only about half as tall as a normal giraffe. 侏儒長頸鹿只有一般長頸鹿一半高。
Maybe they are slowly changing. Evolution is pretty amazing… super, super
slow changes that help animals survive. Maybe someday all giraffes will be
dwarf giraffes. 為了生存,也許有一天,所有長頸鹿就會變成侏儒長頸鹿。
1. Grow 生長。My tomatoes are growing tall. 我的番茄長高了! They are
certainly growing fast. 它們確實長很快。
2. Half 一半。Still, they are only half as tall as my
cucumbers.不過它們仍然只有小黃瓜一半高。 Half is not bad. 有一半不錯了。
3. Africa 非洲。I've never been to Africa. Have you?
我從沒有去過非洲。你去過嗎? Yes, I've been to South Africa.有,我去過南非。
4. Small 小的,smaller 更小。Are they smaller than their cousins in the zoo?
牠們比動物園裡面的表哥表姊小嗎? No, they are bigger. 不會。牠們比較大。
Please read the words with me.
grow 生長 half 一半 Africa 非洲 small 小的 smaller 更小
1. What is the tallest land animal in the world today?
A: The mouse
B: The giraffe
C: The African elephant
2. Why do animals change?
A: When the world changes, they have to change, too
B: They change because it's fun!
C: They change to fit in smaller clothes
3. What kind of dwarf animal did they find in Africa?
A: Dwarf cats
B: Dwarf elephants
C: Dwarf giraffes
1: B 2: A 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-05 | ![]() |
Plane in Nepal Lands in Wrong City
Ugh! Traffic. I hate traffic. 我最討厭塞車。Right now, I am stuck in a car,
and stuck in traffic. What a horrible travel experience.
This isn't the worst thing that has ever happened to me while I was
traveling, though. My worst experience was being delayed on a plane for over
four hours! 我最糟糕的旅遊經驗是,班機延誤4個小時!
That is probably nothing compared to the bad traveling experience some people
in Nepal had though. In Nepal an airplane accidentally landed in the wrong
place! 班機延誤應該沒有比飛錯城市慘!
Yep, an airplane in Nepal was trying to get to one city. But it accidentally
traveled to another city that was 250 miles away!
尼泊爾有一架飛機,飛到離原本目的地250哩的另一個城市。That is a very, very
long way to go to get to the wrong place!
The plane went to the wrong place because some people had a miscommunication.
飛錯城市的原因是溝通不良, That means someone probably said the wrong thing,
or the pilot understood the wrong thing, and that led to them going to the
wrong place. 可能有人說錯了,或機長理解錯誤。
There were 69 people on the plane, which means 69 people had a really bad day
that day, because they all ended up in the wrong place!
At least they were all safe, but what a bad traveling experience!
What is your worst traveling experience?
1. Wrong 錯誤的。Oh no, I'm on the wrong train! 糟糕,我坐錯車了! Where do
you want to go? 你要去哪裡? Taipei! I have to be in Taipei!
台北,我得去台北。Well, you are indeed going the wrong way.
你確實坐錯方向了。I know! 我知道!
2. Plane 飛機。How many people are taking this plane? 有多少人搭這班飛機?
More than 400.超過四百人。That's a lot of people! 好多人呢! Yeah, and this is
a big plane.是啊,而這是一架大飛機。
3. Place 地方。I'd like to go to a beautiful place for my vacation.
我想去個美美的地方渡假。Kenting Park is a nice place.墾丁公園是個好地方。
4. Travel 旅行。It takes four hours to travel from here to
Singapore.從這裡到新加坡需要四小時。That's okay. I enjoy traveling.
讀單字可以幫助你記憶。Please repeat after me.
wrong 錯誤的 plane 飛機 place 地方 travel 旅行
1. Where did this story take place?
A. Nepal
B. Japan
C. Taiwan
2. What happened to the plane?
A. It went to the wrong city
B. It couldn't take-off
C. It was delayed for a very long time
3. Why did this happen?
A. There was a miscommunication
B. The pilot felt like going somewhere else
C. The passengers got on the wrong plane
1. A 2. A 3. A
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