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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-12-14 | ![]() |
Shoes Made Out of Coffee Grounds
I love a good cup of coffee.
It smells delicious, tastes delicious, and it helps me wake up in the
But every time I make a pot of coffee, I have a bunch of coffee grounds that
I have to throw away afterward.
Well, guess what? There is a Taiwanese company that has come up with a great
way to reuse coffee grounds, so they don't go to waste.
This company turns coffee grounds into shoes!
Experts at this company studied for many, many years to come up with a way to
reuse the waste that comes from making coffee.
And they realized coffee waste is a good material to put into different kinds
of shoes!
Five cups of coffee grounds can be put into a pair of sneakers.
Two cups of coffee grounds can be used to make slippers.
And waste from fifteen cups of coffee can make a pair of rain boots!
That's so cool. It would be so great if all the grounds that come from the
coffee I drink could be turned into something useful.
I wonder if these shoes smell like coffee, too.
Would you like a pair?
1. Come up with 想出來。
I've got to come up with a plan. 我一定要想出辦法。
For what? 要做甚麼呢?
For winning the race. 贏得賽跑勝利。
Just get up and practice every day. 你就每天早起練習啊。
2. Useful 有用的。
Old newspapers can be useful. 舊報紙可以很有用。
Yeah, I often use them to clean my oven. 對啊,我經常用它們來清理烤箱。
3. Shoes 鞋子。
Would you wear shoes that are made of waste? 你會穿用廢物做的鞋子嗎?
Probably not. Would you? 大概不會。你會嗎?
I'm already wearing eco-friendly shoes. 我已經在穿環保鞋。
4. Reuse 再利用。
I think it's great to reuse things. 我覺得把東西重複利用很棒。
I agree. 我同意。
I'm using your water bottle as my vase. 我正在用你的水瓶當花瓶。
Please read the words with me.
come up with 想出來
useful 有用的
shoes 鞋子
reuse 再利用
1. What kind of waste is mentioned in this story?
a. Coffee grounds
b. Disposable cups
c. Plastic straws
2. What is made out of the waste in this story?
a. Shoes
b. Shirts
c. Pants
3. Where is the company mentioned in this story based?
a. Taiwan
b. Japan
c. South Korea
1. A
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-12-16 | ![]() |
New Playgrounds in Kaohsiung
Playgrounds are fun!
Everyone loves slides, swings, and monkey bars.
But in Kaohsiung, some of the playgrounds are very old… The swings are
broken… the slides are broken… and the monkey bars are broken.
But... good news! Kaohsiung will soon open new parks… with new playgrounds!
All the swings, slides, tunnels and monkey bars are new… and they look like
One big new playground park is now open in the Auzidi Park.
The Auozidi Playground looks really cool!
There are some small slides and one really big slide!
You have to climb up a tower of ropes to get to the big, tall slide!
And there are swings... 還有鞦韆... and tunnels for children to play in.
And of course, lots of monkey bars and other things for exercise and play!
Kids in Kaohsiung will soon have many new places to play! And all the
playground equipment is new!
I'm so happy for Kaohsiung! Maybe I'll go visit!
It's wet and cold in Taipei in the winter, but it's usually warm and sunny in
Perfect weather for going to the park!
1. Park 公園。
What's your favorite park in Taipei, Ryan? 台北你最喜歡哪個公園?
It would be the Riverside Park. 是河濱公園。
I can go biking there, 我可以去那裡騎車, and the view is wonderful.
2. Broken 損壞的。
What's going on? 這是怎麼回事?
All the slides and swings are broken! 所有的溜滑梯跟鞦韆都壞了!
Yeah, why didn't they fix these broken things?
3. Sunny 有太陽的。
It'll be a sunny day tomorrow. 明天是晴天。
Let's go out and have some fun! 我們出去玩兒吧!
4. Open 打開,開幕。
Great idea. 好主意。
A new water park has opened in Nantou. 南投有一家水上樂園新開幕。
Then what are we waiting for? 那我們還在等什麼?
Shall we read the words?
park 公園
broken 壞的
sunny 有太陽的
open 打開
1. What is a 'playground'?
A: A videogame
B: A place to park your car
C: A place to play on swings, slides, and monkey bars!
2. Why are they opening new playgrounds in Kaohsiung?
A: Things in the old parks are broken
B: It's wet and cold in Kaohsiung
C: The city wants children to stay home
3. What was one park in the story?
A: Auozidi Park
B: Monkey Park
C: Lala Park
1. C
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-02-28 | ![]() |
Airplane Uses Plants to Fly
When people take trips, they often go on airplanes. Planes are very fast and
But there is a big problem with them. They make a lot of pollution. This is
because of jet fuel. Jet fuel creates a lot of pollution.
But there is some good news! Companies are making a special jet fuel from
Last December, a plane used this special type of jet fuel. This jet fuel is
made from corn. Yes, corn... the yellow vegetable a lot of people like to
The plane flew from one city to another in America using this special jet
fuel. It was the first time a plane used jet fuel made from a plant.
So, the plane made history. If something "makes history," it is the first
time it is ever done.
Jet fuel made from plants is very clean. This means it doesn't hurt the
Let's hope that more planes can use this special jet fuel. If more planes can
fly with this type of jet fuel, the world will be a cleaner place. That would
be great!
1. Plane 飛機。
I'm going to Taitung by plane tonight. 我今天晚上搭飛機去台東。
By plane? Most people are taking trains now. 搭飛機?大部分人現在都坐火車了。
2. Fuel 燃料。
Is natural gas a clean fuel? 天然瓦斯是乾淨的燃料嗎?
Well, it's cleaner than gasoline. 這個嘛,它比汽油乾淨。
3. Plant 植物。
Fuels made from plants are even better. 用植物做的燃料更好。
What kind of plants? 哪種植物呢?
Like corn, sunflower and soybean. 例如玉米,向日葵和大豆。
4. Clean 乾淨的。
Clean fuels produce less greenhouse gases. 乾淨燃料產生的溫室氣體比較少。
Electricity is also a clean fuel, right? 電力也是乾淨燃料,對嗎?
Right! 對的。
plane 飛機
fuel 燃料
plant 植物
clean 乾淨的
1. What was the special jet fuel made from?
A: A drink
B: A meat
C: A vegetable
2. What country did the plane fly in?
A: The United States
B: Canada
C: Mexico
3. What does "make history" mean?
A: Study the past
B: Do something for the first time
C: Help the environment
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-03-01 | ![]() |
Drone Helps Find Missing Dog
Some dogs help us find lost people. Dogs can smell very well… and they use
their noses to smell and find lost people. We call these dogs "search and
rescue" dogs.
But in the U.K., one search and rescue dog got lost…
The dog's name is Juno. Juno was out for a walk one day, and she ran into
some tall grass. Why? We don't know. Maybe she was playing.
The grass was near a river… and Juno got lost. People called her name "Juno!
Juno!" but nothing! They couldn't find her for 5 days!
大家一直叫 Juno 的名字,但是花了五天還是找不到牠。
Finally, someone had a good idea. They used a drone. Drones can fly high in
the sky and this drone has a camera.
After five days of searching… they saw her! She was near one side of the
river, so people got into a boat and rescued her.
Everyone was so happy! Usually, a search-and-rescue dog finds people, but
this time a drone found a search and rescue dog!
Juno was hungry and tired, but she was okay. They brought her home and gave
her some food and she took a nice long nap.
Drones are cool. They can even help find and rescue people… and dogs!
1. River 河流。
Children often play in this river in the summer.
Rivers can be dangerous, you know. 河流可能很危險。
2. Search 搜索,尋找。
Police searched for a missing boy here last week.
Did they use a search-and-rescue dog? 他們有用搜救犬嗎?
No, they didn't. 沒有。
3. Find 找到。
Did the police find him? 警察有找到他嗎?
Yeah, the boy was lucky. 有找到,那個男孩很幸運。
They found him after just one hour. 他們只找了一小時就找到他了。
4. Boat 船。
Police got into a boat and rescued him. 警察搭船去救了他。
He must be a very good swimmer. 他一定很會游泳。
river 河流
search 搜索,尋找
find 找到
boat 船
1. What does 'rescue' mean?
A: To help and save
B: To eat
C: To fly high in the sky
2. How do some dogs help find lost people?
A: They use drones
B: They use their noses to smell
C: They can see underwater
3. How did the drone help find Juno?
A: People saw Juno with the drone's camera
B: The drone got a boat to rescue Juno
C: The drone knows how to talk to dogs
1. A
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-05-05 | ![]() |
Living near a Park Is Healthy
Hey, kids! Do you think it's healthier to live in a loud, busy city. Or is it
healthier to live near a nice, quiet park?
If you guessed a park, you are right!
Scientists in Spain say that people who live close to parks are healthier.
They found that people are 16 percent less likely to have a stroke if they
live close to a park.
What is a stroke? It is a very serious thing that happens to someone when
they don't get enough oxygen in their brain.
Oxygen is in the air, so if you live somewhere where the air is clean you
will have more oxygen.
How close to a park do you need to live? Yes, the scientists know that, too!
The number is 300 meters.
So, people who live 300 meters or less from a park are healthier. They are
less likely to have a stroke!
It's healthier because the air is cleaner around a park. There are no cars in
a park, and there are lots of trees around to help clean the air.
I wish I could live in a park. Thinking about parks makes me feel so relaxed.
Well, you don't have to live in a park to be healthy. But living near a park
sure helps!
1. near 靠近
I run in the park every day. 我每天都在公園裡跑步。
You live near a park? Lucky you! 你住在公園附近? 真幸運!
2. clean 乾淨的
Yeah, I love the clean air and beautiful trees.
Everybody loves that but we don't have enough parks.
That's true. 這是真的。
3. tree 樹木
So what beautiful trees does your park have? 所以你的公園有哪些美麗的樹?
My favorite one is the cherry tree. 我最喜歡的樹是櫻花樹。
4. healthy 健康的
Come run with me! 來跟我一起跑吧。
Running in the park will keep you healthy. 在公園裡跑步會讓你維持健康。
You sound like my dad. 你聽起來像我老爸。
near 靠近
clean 乾淨的
tree 樹木
healthy 健康的
1. Where did the scientists do their research?
A: England
B: Spain
C: Canada
2. How close must people live to a park to be healthier?
A: 3 meters
B: 30 meters
C: 300 meters
3. Why is living near a park probably healthier?
A: It is quieter
B: It is cleaner
C: It is prettier
1. B
2. C
3. B
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