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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-22 | ![]() |
CPR on a Baby Elephant
Hi everyone!
Have you ever measured your pulse?
Your pulse is the number of times your heart beats in one minute.
Try to measure it when sitting down and again after exercise. It should be
faster after exercise. 運動後心跳會比較快。
That's normal, but your heart should never be too fast or too slow.
But what if a heart stopped beating? 心臟停止跳動該怎麼辦呢?
That person would need help.
Someone who knows CPR might be able to save them. 用CPR --心肺復甦術,
Using CPR can help a person with a stopped heart by pushing down on their
chest. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…
It might help their heart start beating again!
And CPR doesn't only save people either! CPR不只可以救人喔。
One day in Thailand, a baby elephant was hit by a motorcycle.
And then a rescue worker used CPR, and it worked! 還好有人用CPR把牠救活!
Isn't that great?
It's a good idea to learn how to do CPR. You could save a person's, or maybe
even an elephant's life one day!
1. Heart 心臟。Oh my God, I can see the frog's heart!
老天哪,我可以看到青蛙的心臟! And it's beating! 並且它在跳! Yes, a beating
heart means it's healthy. 沒錯,跳動的心臟表示它很健康。
2. Fast 快的,faster更快。When you start running, your heart will beat
faster. 你開始跑的時候,心跳會加快。It's already beating fast now.
3. Slow 慢的。This bus is too slow. 這輛公車太慢了。We should take the
MRT.我們應該搭捷運。The MRT is slow too. 捷運也很慢。Let's take a
4. Help 幫忙。Could you help me with dinner? 你可以幫忙做晚飯嗎? Okay, what
do you plan to cook? 可以,你準備煮什麼? Lobster salad and chicken soup.
龍蝦沙拉和雞湯。Oh, I can't help you with that. 這我可幫不上忙了。
heart 心臟 fast 很快 faster 更快 slow 慢的 help 幫忙
1: What is a pulse?
a. A big heart
b. The number of heartbeats in one minute
c. The number of burps in five minutes
2: What might save someone with a stopped heart?
a. ABC
b. CPR
c. DVD
3: What animal did it also save in today's story?
a. A cat
b. An elephant
c. An octopus
1: b 2: b 3: b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-26 | ![]() |
Bubble Concert
Oh, I miss going to concerts. I love seeing bands and singers perform on
stage. And I love hearing live music! 我很喜歡去看演唱會。
But because of the coronavirus many concerts all around the world have been
canceled. 因為疫情,很多表演都被取消了。
That's because there are usually lots of people close together at concerts
and the virus could pass from person to person… and we don't want that!
But what if there was a way we could go to concerts safely?
In the USA one band had a pretty good idea. They said "Hey, let's have a
bubble concert!" 在美國,有一個樂團提議做泡泡演唱會!
Each of the band members and each person in the audience got into bubbles!
Pretty safe, right? 每個人都要在泡泡裡,包括樂團,才開始表演喔!
But there are a few problems, like, would the music still sound good inside a
bubble? What if you need the bathroom? And won't it get hot in that bubble?
Well, they thought of that! Each bubble had a speaker for the music, a bottle
of water, a fan, a towel, and two signs.
One sign said "Hot in here!" and the other sign said "I gotta go pee!" If
anyone held up a sign, a worker came to help them out. 一個牌子寫著
"我好熱!" 另外一個寫 "我要尿尿!" ,只要拿起牌子,就會有人來幫忙喔。
Wow! A bubble concert that sounds like a good idea and a lot of fun too!
1. Live 現場。Turn on the TV now! 打開電視機。They are going live for the
game! 他們在播現場球賽! A live game? Cool! 現場球賽? 真酷!
2. Concert 音樂會。BTS has performed in three worldwide concert tours.
BTS已經舉辦過三次世界巡迴演唱會了。I tried to get tickets to their
concerts,我想買票去看他們演唱,but they were sold out in
3. Bathroom 浴室,廁所。I need to go to the bathroom. 我需要上廁所。Now?
We're on the freeway! 現在嗎?我們在高速公路上耶! Find me a bathroom, and
hurry! 幫我找個廁所,趕快! Okay, okay. 好啦!
4. Sign 招牌。There's a sign over there.那裏有個招牌。It says "Restroom,
Women and Men." 上面寫著男女廁所。Hurray! I'm saved! 真好,我得救了!
Please repeat the words after me.
live 現場 concert 音樂會 bathroom 浴室,廁所 sign 招牌
1. Why have many concerts been canceled?
a. Because of coronavirus
b. Because they are too loud
c. Because all the singers are tired
2. What idea did one band have for a safe concert?
a. A soap concert
b. A face mask concert
c. A bubble concert
3. What happened if someone needed to use the toilet at the concert?
a. The concert would stop
b. They had to wait until after the concert
c. They had to hold up a sign
1: a 2: c 3: c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-27 | ![]() |
Teen Saves Family Because Only She Could Smell Fire
Do you smell something? 你有聞到什麼味道嗎?
I think something is on fire! 好像失火了! Hurry up, let's get out of here!
Is everyone okay? Everyone got out of the building? That's good. Thank
goodness everyone is safe! Good thing we smelled the smoke from the fire and
got out just in time! 還好有聞到煙味,大家都安全的跑出來了!
Being able to smell is actually a very important sense to have!
A teenager named Bianca in the U.S. found out in a very scary way that she is
very lucky to have her sense of smell.
The rest of her family got sick with COVID-19. They were okay, but the virus
made them lose their sense of smell!
One night, while they were all sleeping, there was a fire at their house.
有一天晚上,大家都在睡覺,但是房子起火了!But nobody knew because they were
asleep, and they couldn't smell it!
Only Bianca could smell the smoke from the fire. 只有Bianca聞到煙味。She woke
up and quickly woke everybody else up too. And they all ran out of the house.
Because Bianca could smell things, she saved the day and helped make sure her
family was safe. 她趕快叫醒大家,逃到屋外,全家人都沒事。
Most people don't think of the sense of smell as a very important sense to
have. But just ask Bianca!
1. Smell 聞,氣味。What's that smell? 那是什麼氣味? I don't smell anything.
我什麼都沒聞到。I think it's the smell of French fries.我覺得是薯條的味道。
2. Sense 感覺。Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗狗的嗅覺很靈敏。They have a
good sense of taste too.牠們的味覺也很行。My dog only eats fresh
3. Smoke 煙 This is why I don't like barbeque. 這是為什麼我不喜歡烤肉。
There's too much smoke ! 太多煙了! I agree. And smoke is not good for your
4. Make sure 確定。Make sure you wear school clothes tomorrow.
明天一定要穿制服。But mine is dirty. 可是我的制服很髒。Then make sure you
wash it first.那你一定要先洗。
Okay, I can smell my lunch now. Let's read the words.
smell 聞,氣味 sense 感覺 smoke 煙 make sure 確定
1. What is the sense talked about in this story?
a. Sense of smell
b. Sense of sight
c. Sense of touch
2. How did Bianca's family lose their sense of smell?
a. They got COVID-19
b. They lost their noses
c. They overused their sense of smell
3. How did Bianca know there was a fire in the house?
a. She smelled the smoke
b. She saw the fire
c. She felt the fire
1. A 2. A 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-05 | ![]() |
No Need to Wash Your Socks?
Do you change your socks every day? Of course, right?! We need to wash them!
If you don't wash your socks … phew… they get really stinky!
But the bad smell is only part of the problem.
Stinky socks mean they are covered in bacteria … if you don't wash away bad
bacteria, you can get sick!
That's why your mom and dad are always telling you: "Brush your teeth!!
…Take a shower!! ….Pick up your dirty clothes!!" We need to wash away bad
bacteria. scientist is making socks that you don't need to wash! You can wear
them for a few days, then just hang them up in some fresh air. Then you can
wear them again!
This scientist made socks with a very special material. It can fight and kill
bad bacteria and stays clean when you wear it. It can even take away bad
Hey! I think it's a good idea for astronauts! They can't wash their socks
every day like we can….But for you and me …. ?
Hmm...what do you think? Would you like to try these special socks?
1. Wash洗。Your shirt is dirty. 你的襯衫髒了。You need to wash
it.需要洗一洗。But this is made of silk. I can't wash it.
2. Material材料。Silk is a very special material.蠶絲是很特別的材料。It
really is.真的是。It's soft but strong.它很軟,卻很堅韌。
3. Wear穿。What should I wear for the party? 我應該穿什麼衣服參加派對?
Anything that you find comfortable. 任何你覺得舒服的衣服都可以。Then I'm
going to wear a T-shirt and shorts. 那我穿一件T恤和短褲。
4. Stinky臭的。There's something stinky here.這裡有一股臭味。I hope it's not
my socks.我希望不是我的襪子。I've found it! It's your leftover cheesecake.
我找到了,是你吃剩的起司蛋糕。 I didn't know it became stinky so fast!
We've learned some useful words. Wash清洗 material材料 wear穿著 stinky臭的
1. Why do clothes get stinky?
A: The smell comes from bad bacteria
B: The smell comes from stinky tofu
C: The smell comes from scientists
2. What did the person in the story make?
A: Socks you don't need to wash!
B: Shoes for astronauts
C: A special shirt that you never have to wear!
3. What can bad bacteria do to us?
A: It can make us sick
B: It can wash your socks
C: It can make you take a shower
1: A 2: A 3: A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-06 | ![]() |
Why We Snore
Oh excuse me! I must have dozed off. 我不小心睡著了。
Was I snoring? 我有打呼嗎? I hope I wasn't snoring too loudly.
I always snore when I sleep. I'm not the only one either!
A lot of people snore when they sleep. 很多人睡覺都會打呼。
Even people who don't snore, they breathe a lot more deeply when they sleep.
Why does this happen?
Well, the sound you make when you breathe is caused by air moving through the
breathing tube in your body.那是 空氣在呼吸道裡面流動的聲音。
That's right, everyone has a breathing tube in their body, and this makes
noise no matter if you're awake or asleep.
It's just a lot louder for some people than others!
Some people have narrower - or smaller - breathing tubes.
This means they might breathe a lot louder than other people.
But no matter what, when people are sleeping, they breathe more deeply.
This is because they are more relaxed. And sometimes this makes the sound of
breathing a lot louder because your muscles are looser.
And for some people, being that relaxed can cause a lot of loud snoring!
Speaking of relaxing. I'm still quite tired, so I think I'll get back to my
nap now.
o Breathe呼吸。Guess how many times we breathe every
day.猜猜看我們一天呼吸幾次。Two hundred times? 兩百次嗎? No. We breathe in
and out about 22,000 times a day. 不對。我們每天吸氣吐氣兩萬兩千次。
o Awake清醒的。(電話鈴...) Hi, Ryan, are you awake? 嗨,萊恩,你是清醒的嗎?
Yeah, I'm wide awake.我很清醒。What's up? 有什麼事? I need to talk to you
about something.我需要跟你討論一些事。
o Asleep睡著的。Did you watch my TV show? 你有看我的電視秀嗎? Not really. I
was sleep。我沒看,我睡著了。You were asleep at 7? 你七點就睡了嗎? Yeah, I
had a hard day.對啊,我累了一天。
o Loud大聲的,louder更大聲。Could you speak a little louder?
你可以大聲一點嗎? I thought I was loud enough.我以為我已經夠大聲了。
Let's read the words. Breathe呼吸 awake清醒的 asleep睡著的 loud大聲的
1. What is this story about?
a. Snoring
b. Sneezing
c. Skipping
2. What happens when people sleep?
a. They are more relaxed
b. They are more active
c. They never snore
3. What might cause louder breathing sounds?
a. Narrow breathing tubes
b. Missing breathing tubes
c. Staying awake
1. A 2. A 3. A
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