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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-08 | ![]() |
Burning Mountain of Coal
People use coal for many things. Old trains burn coal to make steam… that's
how a choo-choo-train works!
Coal is found deep in the earth. It looks like black rocks.
Today we try not to burn coal because it's not clean. When you burn coal, it
makes the air dirty, and if we breathe the dirty air... it hurts our lungs.
But sometimes people don't burn coal … nature burns coal. Deep under the
ground, coal sometimes catches fire and burns. And, sometimes it burns for a
really long time. 大自然有時候也會自己燃燒煤炭,而且可以燒很久唷。
There is a mountain in Australia... where one natural coal fire has burned
for a crazy long time! This coal fire is inside the mountain, and scientists
say it has burned for more than 6,000 years! The mountain is called…
"Burning Mountain"! 在澳洲有一座火焰山,已經燒了6000年了! 6,000 years is a
really long time!
Nobody knows when it will stop burning...沒人知道什麼時候會停止燃燒。But
don't worry. This coal fire is far away and the smoke doesn't hurt people.
Burning Mountain is just another amazing thing about our amazing world! A
6,000-year-old fire! 真的很難以想像!
1. Burn 燃燒。Do you burn paper money on special days?
你們在特別的日子會燒紙錢嗎? No, not any more. 現在不燒了。
2. Fire 火。Look, that house is on fire! 你看,那棟房屋起火了! You're right!
It looks bad.你說得對,看起來很糟糕。 Let me call the fire department.
3. Mountain 山。Why is this mountain called Seven Stars Mountain?
為什麼這座山叫做七星山? I think it's because the mountain has 7
4. Old 老的, older 更老。I moved into my house when I was eight.
我八歲的時候搬進我的房子。It's a really old house now.
它現在真的是老房子了。My house back in London is older.
我在倫敦的家更老。It's more than 100 years old.它有一百多年了。
burn 燃燒 fire 火 mountain 山 old 老的 older 更老
1. Where is Burning Mountain?
A: America
B: Argentina
C: Australia
2. What is burning in Burning Mountain?
A: Wood
B: Toilet paper
C: Coal
3. How long has the mountain been burning?
A: 60 years
B: 6 million years
C: 6,000 years
1: C 2: C 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-09 | ![]() |
Lion Poop For Sale
Hi, students!
Today's story is about poop. 今天的故事是有關大便。 But not just any poop,
this is special poop.
This poop is lion poop.
And it's for sale! 是獅子的大便 還可以買!
Would you like to buy some? No? Well, that's okay.
But actually, some people really do want to buy it! Isn't that crazy?
This is happening at a zoo in Germany! They are selling jars of lion poop.
It costs about 150 Taiwan dollars. Is that cheap or expensive for lion poop?
價錢差不多150塊. 算貴嗎? I don't know!
But some people are really buying it!
They want to put it in their garden. 有的人想把獅子大便放在花園。
They say the smell of the lion poop scares away small animals or pests they
don't want in their gardens! 聽說獅子便便的氣味可以把小動跟海寵嚇跑!
I guess the other animals can smell the lion poop and think "uh-oh!"
I don't want to be here when this lion comes back!" And they run away.
Lions are scary, especially for small animals and pests.
So using their poop is pretty smart, right? Probably smelly, but smart!
1. Crazy 瘋狂的。That's a crazy idea! 真是瘋狂的想法! No, it's a smart idea!
不會,是很聰明的主意。I don't think the zookeeper is crazy.
2. Cheap 便宜的,expensive昂貴的。A 50-NT hamburger is very
cheap.五十塊錢的漢堡很便宜。But a 50-NT coke is
3. Garden 花園。Wow, you have a lovely garden! 哇,你有個漂亮花園! Thank you.
It's nice to have a garden on the rooftop. 謝謝你,有個花園在屋頂上很好。
4. Run away 跑掉。What's happening? 發生了什麼事? Why are people running away
from the station? 為什麼大家從車站跑出來? Maybe there's a lion in the
station. 也許車站裡有獅子。 That's crazy, Ryan! 太扯了,萊恩!
Please read the words with me.
crazy 瘋狂的 cheap 便宜的 expensive 昂貴的 garden 花園 run away 跑掉
1. What strange item is for sale in the story?
a. Tiger hugs
b. Lion poop
c. Chicken eggs
2. Where is it for sale?
a. A zoo in Germany
b. A supermarket in Italy
c. A toy store in Japan
3. Why do people want to buy it?
a. It smells great
b. It scares away animals and pests
c. It's cheap
1: b 2: a 3: b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-12 | ![]() |
Monkeys Invade Taiwan School!
Sometimes you need to watch out for monkeys… even at school!
A school in Taiwan had a very interesting problem recently. It was attacked
by a bunch of monkeys! 最近有個問題,台灣有學校被一堆猴子攻擊了!
This school, which is in Yunlin County, sometimes gets visits from monkeys.
Usually, it's only a few monkeys. A few monkeys don't really cause a problem.
But when a lot of monkeys show up, that is a huge problem!
Especially if the monkeys are mean to people! 尤其對人很凶的時候。
One day, teachers and students at the school found thirty monkeys at the
school! 有三十隻猴子進到校園!
And they were creating all sorts of trouble.
The monkeys were bothering students and trying to steal their breakfast.
They were also breaking things.
They broke things like some of the school's windows and security cameras.
Nobody knew what to do! Those monkeys were not afraid of people!
Finally, people had to light firecrackers.
The firecrackers made a lot of noise, and scared the monkeys away.
For now, the school will keep lighting firecrackers to keep the monkeys away.
But they really hope they will find a better way to solve their monkey
problem soon!
1) Mean 很兇的。My English teacher asked me many questions today.
我的英文老師今天問我好多問題。Why is she so mean to me? 她為什麼對我那麼兇?
She's not mean. 她不是兇。She just wants your attention. 她只是要你多注意。
2) Noise 噪音。(鳥鳴) Listen to the birds! Isn't it nice?
你聽那些鳥叫,是不是很好聽? No, that's noise to me. 對我來說是噪音。
3) Problem 問題。Is there any way we can solve this problem?
我們有什麼辦法可以解決這個問題? The problem of too many monkeys?
太多猴子的問題嗎? Right! It's a big problem! 對啊,是個大問題。
4) Afraid of 害怕。Are you afraid of dogs, Jane? 你怕狗嗎? Yes, I am. Very
much so.怕,我很怕。How about you? 你呢? No, I'm more afraid of monkeys.
mean 很兇的 noise 噪音 problem 問題 afraid of 害怕
1. What kind of animal attacked the school?
a. Horses
b. Bears
c. Monkeys
2. How many of the animals were there?
a. 3
b. 30
c. 300
3. How did the school get rid of the animals?
a. By lighting firecrackers
b. By shouting loudly
c. By clapping their hands
1. C 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-15 | ![]() |
An Overpass for Animals
Why did the bear cross the road? To get to the other side, of course!
Have you ever wondered how wild animals cross the road?
你有想過野生動物都怎麼過馬路嗎?Especially if the road is very busy with lots
of cars driving past?
Crossing the street for animals to get to the other side is very dangerous!
They could get hit by passing cars.
野生動物過馬路時很危險,可能會被車撞到。This means it is very dangerous for
drivers as well.
This is why smart people in the U.S. decided to make a special bridge just
for animals.
The bridge goes over a big road.
This way, animals can cross the road without going through busy traffic.
People put plants and rocks on the bridge so animals feel comfortable.
And after a while, it worked! 還真的有用!
Animals started using the bridge to get from one side of the road to the
other. And by using the bridge, they wouldn't get hit by
cars. 動物過馬路走橋上,就不會被車撞到。
Lots of animals use the bridge, like moose, porcupines, deer and bears.
Building that bridge was a very smart thing to do for the animals. Now they
can cross the road peacefully and safely.
1. Bridge 橋梁。English is a bridge to the world. 英語是通往世界的橋樑。I
think a plane ticket is the bridge to the world.
2. Animal 動物。I like national parks because I can see a lot of
animals.我喜歡國家公園,可以看到很多動物。What kind of animals? 什麼樣的動物?
Butterflies and birds.蝴蝶和鳥類。
3. Cross 越過。(河水聲音) We can't cross the river
here.我們不能在這裡渡河。But the bridge is too far away.但是橋太遠了。Maybe
we can cross it on a boat.也許我們可以坐船來渡河。
4. Smart 聰明的。That's a smart idea! 真是個聰明的主意! It's smart only if we
can find a boat.我們只有找到一艘船才算聰明。Look, there IS a boat!
Okay, are you ready to read the words with me?
bridge 橋梁 animal 動物 cross 越過 smart 聰明的
1. What were trying to cross the road in this story?
a. People
b. Aliens
c. Animals
2. What did people decide to do to help?
a. Build a tunnel
b. Build a bridge
c. Build an animals only train
3. Where does this story take place?
a. The U.S.
b. Japan
c. Taiwan
1. C 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-17 | ![]() |
Robot Wolf Scares Bears in Japan
Do you know what a scarecrow is? 中文是稻草人。
It looks like a person, but it's not real. Farmers sometimes put scarecrows
in their fields to scare away crows... that's why they are called
"scare-crows"! 農夫會放在田裡來嚇走烏鴉。
When crows see the fake person in the field… they get scared and fly away.
But in Hokkaido, Japan, they didn't have a crow problem, they had a big brown
bear problem! 日本北海道,沒有烏鴉的問題,但是有棕熊的大麻煩。
How can you scare away big brown bears? They're not scared of a scarecrow!
Sometimes, when they get hungry, the bears come into town... looking for
things to eat. 有時候棕熊肚子餓了,會跑到鎮上找東西吃。
Recently, some bears have hurt people... and some bears got hurt, too.
So, a Japanese company had an idea! They made robot wolves!
有一間日本公司,他們做了機器野狼!Maybe you could call them "scare-wolves".
The robot wolves have scary faces with red eyes and their heads move back and
forth. 機器狼有紅色的眼睛、牠的頭可以來回轉動。The bears see the wolves and
stay away!
The robot wolves also make sounds... when the bears get too close.
Great idea, yeah? Robot wolves are helping both people and bears stay safe.
1. Robot 機器人。I need a robot to cook dinner every day.
我需要機器人每天做晚飯。I want one that drives me to work every
2. Scare away 嚇走,scared害怕。Fire usually scares away animals, right?
火通常會把動物嚇走,對吧? Yes, animals are scared of fire. 對,動物害怕火。
3. Hungry 飢餓的。Are you hungry? 你餓了嗎? Let's buy some hamburgers.
我們買幾個漢堡吧。Good idea! I'm indeed hungry. 好主意! 我確實餓了。
4. Back and forth 來來回回。 Why is the boy running back and forth?
那個男孩為什麼來回跑? I think he's training. 我想他在鍛鍊。
robot 機器人 scare away 嚇走 scared 害怕 hungry 飢餓的 back and forth
1. Where do big brown bears live in Japan?
A: Tokyo
B: Okinawa
C: Hokkaido
2. What is a "scarecrow"?
A: A fake person in a field to scare birds
B: A flying robot monkey
C: A wolf that looks like a crow
3. Why do some bears in Hokkaido come into town?
A: They are looking for friends!
B: They are looking for food!
C: They want to go to the movies!
1. C 2. A 3. B
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