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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-03-31 | ![]() |
25 Years of Beach Legos
In 1997... 25 years ago... way, way, way before some of you were born… a
container ship got hit by a huge wave!
The ship was sailing near the UK when the wave hit. The ship was lucky. It
didn't sink… but more than 60 containers fell off the ship and into the
One of the containers was full of Legos! Lots of Legos. There were about 5
million Lego pieces in that container.
Legos are made out of plastic... so they float. Every year since the Legos
fell in the water in 1997, Lego pieces have been washing up on beaches in the
Every year, some people in the UK like to go hunting for Legos… yup! They go
to the beaches and try to find Legos. The hunters like to show each other
what Legos they found… and hunting for Legos is kind of fun.
But, of course, it's not so fun for the ocean. There is a lot of plastic in
the ocean… and the problem is that plastic doesn't go away.
So… make sure you don't throw any plastic into the ocean!
1. Hit 打
Our ship was hit by waves after waves. 我們的船被一波一波的海浪打到。
What happened then? 然後怎麼樣?
Then I fell into the sea! 然後我掉到了海裡!
2. Beach 海灘
Wow! Were you washed up onto a beach? 你被沖到了沙灘上嗎?
Like in the movies? 像在電影裡那樣?
No, I wasn't! 我沒有!
I swam to the beach. 我游到了海灘。
3. Float 漂浮
Ice floats on water. 冰塊浮在水上。
Plastic floats too. 塑膠也會漂浮。
That's right. 對的。
4. Sink 下沉
Ice and plastic don't sink. 冰塊和塑膠不會下沉。
But coins always sink in the water. 但是硬幣總是沉在水裡。
Yeah, they are heavy. 對,硬幣很重。
hit 打
beach 海灘
float 漂浮
sink 下沉
1. Why did the Legos fall into the ocean?
A: A kid threw them in
B: A wave pushed containers off a ship
C: An airplane full of Legos crashed into it
2. What do some people in the UK like to do?
A: They like to hunt for Legos on the beach
B: They like to play with Legos under the ocean
C: They like to find huge waves of Legos
3. How long can plastic stay in the ocean?
A: Not long. Maybe for one year
B: Super long. Maybe for 1000 years!
C: A little long. Maybe 25 years
1. B
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-05-11 | ![]() |
New Glass Frog Discovered
There are lots of rainforests in South America - not only the famous Amazon
rainforest in Brazil.
And scientists keep finding new animals in these rainforests!
Usually, they don't find new big animals… usually they find amazing small
animals that live in these rainforests.
And recently, they found a new frog.
It's called a 'glass frog.'
Can you guess why? -Yep! You can see through parts of its body… just like
You can see its red heart beating!
There are many kinds of glass frogs, and this new one is tiny… but it can
jump more than 3 meters!
And, these newly-found glass frogs do something very different.
Unlike most frogs … for these kinds of glass frogs… it's the daddy glass
frog who watches the eggs and waits for them to hatch into tadpoles, not the
We call a group of one kind of animals a 'species'.
So far, scientists have found more than 150 different species of glass frogs
in the South American rainforest!
"Species" 就是物種。科學家已經在南美洲雨林發現超過150種的玻璃蛙。
Nature is so cool! And it keeps giving us new surprises!
1) animal 動物。The glass frog is an amazing animal! 玻璃蛙是很驚人的動物。It
really is. 真的是。It's the only land animal with see-through skin.
2) forest 森林, rainforest 雨林。Why does it live in rainforests?
為什麼牠住在雨林? I think all frogs love rain. 我想所有青蛙都喜歡下雨。And it
lives in trees. 而且牠住在樹裡面。
3) frog 青蛙。I'm afraid of frogs. 我害怕青蛙。Because of how they look?
因為牠們的長相嗎? Yeah, they are ugly. 對啊,牠們好難看。
4) jump 跳。But frogs can jump very high. 不過青蛙可以跳好高。And some people
think they're cute. 有的人覺得牠們可愛。
I guess you're right. 我想你是對的。
今天的單字很有趣喔。 Animal動物 rainforest雨林 frog青蛙 jump跳
1. Why is this new frog called a 'glass frog'?
A: Because it will break if you drop it
B: Because it wears glasses
C: Because you can see through parts of its body
2. Can this glass frog jump far?
A: Yes! It can jump over 3 meters!
B: Yes! It can jump from North to South America
C: No. It can only walk slowly
3. What's something special about this glass frog?
A: It's black and hides under the mud
B: The daddy frog watches the eggs - not the mommy
C: The daddy frog reads stories to the eggs every night
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-06-07 | ![]() |
Lottery Winnings to Help the Planet
I want to ask you a fun question. What would you do if you won the lottery? I
mean a really big, big lottery. No, more money than that. Yes, lots and lots
and lots of money.
Would you buy a really cool sports car? Or maybe an airplane? Or a big house
with a big swimming pool?
Or would you use the money to help save our planet. That's what one man from
France did.
He won nearly $220 million U.S. dollars in a lottery. Wow, 220 million?! Then
he decided to give almost all of that money away! He wants to use the money
to help protect forests and plant trees, especially in France.
The French guy is worried about the Earth. He knows the world has a lot of
environmental problems, like pollution and climate change. He thinks planting
trees and protecting forests can really help the world.
So, I guess he's not going to buy an airplane. Or a cool sports car. What a
great guy!
1. win 贏得
I can't imagine winning 2 million NT. 我不能想像贏兩百萬。
I once won 200 NT. 我有一次贏了兩百塊。
I just put it in my pocket. 我就只把它放進口袋裡。
2. million 百萬
If I win 20 million, maybe I'll buy something.
Yeah, like what? 是嗎,比如說什麼?
Like a burger store. 比如買一家漢堡店。
3. give away 送出去
You like hamburgers that much? 你那麼喜歡漢堡喔?
I do. But I want to give away some burgers too. 對,但是我也要送一些漢堡給人。
4. buy 購買
What else will you buy? 你還會買什麼?
A trip to Iceland. 去冰島旅行。
I'd like to see the volcanoes there. 我想看看那兒的火山。
What will you buy if you have lots of money? 來讀一讀單字。
win 贏得
million 百萬
give away 送出去
buy 購買
1. How much money did the man win?
A: Almost $2 million dollars
B: Almost $20 million dollars
C: Almost $220 million dollars
2. What did the man do with the money?
A: He bought an airplane
B: He bought a sports car
C: He gave it away
3. Where does the man live?
A: In the United States
B: In France
C: In Spain
1. C
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-08-30 | ![]() |
Free App Helps Cut Plastic Waste
Woof! It is so hot today! I need some water… Ahh! That's better…
You know, the world is getting hotter and hotter every year. And it's
important for all of us to stay healthy and drink lots of water.
It's getting hotter because of something called "climate change".
"Climate" means weather. The weather is changing because of all the pollution
people have been making for many, many years.
Climate 就是氣候,人類製造太多汙染造成氣候變遷。
There are lots of kinds of pollution, and all of them are very bad. One kind
is "plastic waste".
If someone buys a bottle of water, drinks it, and throws it in the trash,
that plastic is now waste. BUT, if someone uses that bottle again, it is no
longer waste! And the plastic won't pollute our planet.
And, guess what?! Taiwan has a free mobile app, to help you find over 8000
spots to refill your water bottles!
Folks in Taiwan used to leave tea pots filled with water outside for thirsty
passers-by to drink, so that everyone could be safe in the heat.
Which is why the app is called 【奉茶行動】.
In English this means "Tea Service". The app has already saved more than
450,000 plastic bottles!
With everyone working together, we can all help to stop climate change.
1. water 水
It's so hot! I need water. 好熱喔,我需要喝水。
But I didn't bring any. 可是我沒帶水。
Here, you can eat this. 來,你吃這個吧。
Watermelon? 吃西瓜喔?
Yeah, it should work. 沒錯,這應該有用。
2. drink 喝
I can drink a whole bottle of this. 這我可以喝一整瓶。
Drink as much as you like. 你要喝多少都可以。
We have more. 我們還有。
3. bottle 瓶子
You can save 5 NT if you bring your own bottle.
Good! I always have a bottle in my bag. 真好,我的袋子裡永遠有個瓶子。
4. pollute 汙染
We really need to stop polluting the ocean. 我們真的需要停止汙染海洋。
So I shouldn't throw my bad sandwich into the sea?
water 水
drink 喝
bottle 瓶子
pollute 汙染
1. What should you do to stay healthy in the heat?
A: Run up a big mountain
B: Drink lots of water
C: Fall asleep in the sunshine
2. What is it called when pollution changes the weather?
A: Tea service
B: Climate change
C: Dave
3. How many plastic bottles has this app saved so far?
A: More than 450,000
B: Less than 450,000
C: Exactly 450,000
1. B
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-15 | ![]() |
Greenpeace Finds Plastics in Animal Poop
Nature is so beautiful. I love hiking through the mountains of Taiwan.
Ew! But it is not nice when I see garbage in nature.
According to Greenpeace, who are a very large environmental organization, all
this plastic is ending up inside animals' bodies!
Greenpeace knows this because they are finding microplastics in animal poop!
Microplastics are very, very, very tiny pieces of plastic. When experts from
Greenpeace studied some wild animals in Taiwan, they found a lot of
microplastics in their poop!
This means animals are eating the plastic, or they are eating other animals
that ate the plastic.
This is not healthy for the animals. Plastic in their bodies can cause all
sorts of health problems. It can even kill them!
So we really need to stop throwing plastic garbage into the environment. And
everyone can help cut down on plastic.
Just remember to use as little plastic as possible, reuse as much as you can,
and of course, recycle!
1. eat 吃
Don't eat so much ice cream, Jane. 別吃那麼多冰淇淋。
But I only eat two ice creams a day! 但是我一天只吃兩個!
2. body 身體
Look, when ice cream goes into your body… 聽著,當冰淇淋進入體內之後…
It becomes sugar and fat, I know. 它就變成了糖分跟脂肪,我知道。
Too much sugar is not good for your body. 太多糖對妳身體不好。
3. find 發現,找到
Did you find your glasses? 你找到眼鏡了嗎?
Yeah, I did. 找到了。
Where did you find them? 哪裡找到的?
On my head. 在我頭上。
4. very 非常。
Hang the glasses on your neck.把眼鏡掛在脖子上。
They'll be very easy to find. 要找到它就容易了。
That's very smart of you. 你真聰明!
eat 吃
body 身體
find 發現,找到
very 非常
1. What is Greenpeace?
A: A very large environmental organization
B: A very large park
C: A very green piece of space
2. What are microplastics?
A: Very large pieces of plastic
B: Very tiny pieces of plastic
C: Brand new pieces of plastic
3. Where did Greenpeace find microplastics?
A: Inside trees
B: Inside birds' nests
C: In animal poop
1. A
2. B
3. C
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