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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-03-10 | ![]() |
The 101-Year-Old Dancer
Today I'd like to tell you all about someone very special. She's called
Dinkie Flowers.
Dinkie lives in a sleepy town in the south of England. All her life, Dinkie
has loved to dance. She started dancing when she was just 3 years old, and
hasn't stopped!
Dinkie Flowers
When she grew up, she became a professional dancer. As long as Dinkie was
dancing, she was happy.
She even opened her own school. She teaches people all her best dance moves!
She calls it "The Dinkie Flowers Stage School".
她甚至創辦了自己的學校來教跳舞,叫做 Dinkie Flowers 表演學校。
A few years ago, Dinkie was on TV! She was in a competition called "The
Greatest Dancer".
幾年前,Dinkie 參加了一個叫做「最偉大的舞者」的電視比賽。
Incredibly, Dinkie is 101 years old! She's one of the oldest people in the
UK! When she was on TV, she was 98!
不可思議地,Dinkie 上電視的時候,她是 98
Her friends and family all say she still looks super young! What's her
secret?! She says it's because she loves dancing so much!
Her favorite dance is ballet. She practices every day. She believes that as
long as you keep on moving, you can live forever! Keep on dancing, Dinkie!
1. best 最好的
A dance teacher came to our school today. 今天有一位跳舞老師來我們學校。
What did she do? 她做了什麼呢?
It's he. 他是男生。
He's one of the best hip hop dancers in Taiwan. 他是台灣最棒的嘻哈舞者。
2. move 動作
Wow ! So he showed you his dance moves? 所以他表演舞步給你們看?
Yeah, and the kids loved him so much! 對啊,孩子們超喜歡他!
3. keep on 持續
They kept on dancing and moving. 他們一直蹦蹦跳跳。
I wish he could come back and teach us more. 我希望他能再回來教我們更多。
4. become 變成
And you'll all become cool hip hop dancers! 這樣你們都會變成很酷的嘻哈舞群!
We may stage a show someday! 我們有一天還會登台演出呢!
So what words have you learned today?
best 最好的
move 動作
keep on 持續
become 變成
1. Where in the south of England does Dinkie Flowers live?
A: A sleepy town
B: A spooky town
C: A silly town
2. What is Dinkie Flowers' school called?
A: The Dinkie Flowers Music School
B: The Dinkie Flowers Dance School
C: The Dinkie Flowers Stage School
3. How old was Dinkie Flowers when she was on TV?
A: 96
B: 97
C: 98
1. A
2. C
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-03-15 | ![]() |
Government Pays Families to Leave Tokyo
Do you live in a big city? If you do, you know it is crowded.
More families are moving, and leaving the country for the city all the time.
They come from the countryside and from small towns.
越來越多家庭移動前往城市, 他們來自鄉下跟小鎮。
These families are looking for good jobs and good schools. They hope to find
these opportunities in big cities.
What's the biggest city in the world? It's Tokyo, Japan.
Tokyo, in Japan, has almost 40 million people.
東京擁有近 4000 萬人口。
This is a problem for Japan. Nobody wants to live in the countryside. But
Tokyo is too crowded.
Now the Japanese government is paying families to leave Tokyo. Each family
will be given one million yen for every child when they move to the
Families take that money and move to the countryside. The money is nice, but
families understand the countryside has good things too.
There is more space to live. Plus, children can be closer to their families
who never left the countryside.
Now, more and more families take the money and leave Tokyo. Would you?
1. leave for 前往
I'm leaving for Japan next week. 我下星期去日本。
Where in Japan? 日本哪裡?
Gifu, a little place in the countryside. 岐阜,在鄉下的一個小地方。
2. crowded 擁擠的
Taipei is too crowded for you? 台北對你來說太擠了?
Yes, I need space and Gifu has some cute small towns.
3. town 鎮
We have many cute small towns here. 這裡也有可愛小鎮啊。
There's no such thing here. 這裡沒有那種東西。
Yes, there is! 有啊!
4. understand 了解
I understand you're trying to keep me here. 我明白你想讓我留在這裡。
But I won't stay. Not for a million NT. 但是就算給我一百萬我也不會留在這裡。
leave for 前往
crowded 擁擠的
town 鎮
understand 了解
1. Where is the biggest city in the world?
A: Russia
B: America
C: Japan
2. How many people live in Tokyo?
A: 40 thousand
B: 40 million
C: 40 billion
3. Where is there more space to live?
A: The city
B: The countryside
C: The schools
1. C
2. B
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-04-27 | ![]() |
Man Gets Degree 52 Years After Beginning
Yay! I'm finished studying! I went to college. I studied for two years. I got
a degree in cooking! My degree shows I can cook well.
Some people go to college or university. They want a degree. A degree shows
they studied something. Some degrees take two years. Some take four or five
years. But guess what? One man's degree took fifty-two years! That's a very
long time!
Nick wanted a Ph.D. A Ph.D is one of the highest degrees. Ph.D. students
think of new ideas. They study their new ideas. Nick studied his math idea.
It was 1970. He was 23 years old.
Nick 想要讀博士,是最高的學位。博士生需要構思新點子,並且做研究。Nick 在1970
年,也就是他 23 歲的時候,開始攻讀數學博士學位。
He studied for five years. But… he did not finish his degree! Nick did not
study for a long time. His idea was big. He wanted to think about it. He did
other things. He worked. He had a family.
Then he went to university again. He was 69 years old! Some people stop
studying. They do not study again. But Nick did. Nick finished studying his
math idea. He got his Ph.D. He was 75 years old!
等到他重回大學,已經 69 歲了! 他繼續鑽研數學, 75
Nick shows us we can study and learn at any time in our lives!
1. study 讀書
Join our party Friday night, Paz. 來參加我們星期五晚上的派對吧。
There will be barbecue and music.會有烤肉,還有音樂。
Oh, I wish I could! 我真希望我能去!
But I need to study. 但是我要讀書。
2. year 年
You've already studied for two years! 你已經讀了兩年了。
I know, and I still have two more years to go. 我知道,還要再讀兩年呢。
3. get 獲得
Before getting your doctorate degree? 之後就拿到博士學位嗎?
Yeah. It feels like a long time. 對,感覺還要好久。
4. finish 完成
But after you finish, you can get a good job. 但是完成之後,就可以找到好工作。
If I am lucky. 要是我運氣好的話。
study 讀書
year 年
get 獲得
finish 完成
1. What did Nick study?
A: English
B: Math
C: Chinese
2. How long did it take Nick to get a degree?
A: 5 years
B: 50 years
C: 52 years
3. How old was Nick when he got his degree?
A: 23 years old
B: 69 years old
C: 75 years old
1. B
2. C
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-04 | ![]() |
Nuts About Planes
What's an allergy? It's when your body touches something and your body
doesn't like it.
Your body tries to fight it. People can have allergies to many things -
plants, animals, and more.
什麼是過敏? 當你的身體接觸到不喜歡的東西時,它會反抗,產生過敏反應。
Some allergies are not bad. They make you itch. They make you sneeze.
But they won't kill you! Some allergies can be very dangerous! People with
bad allergies need to be very careful!
Many people have nut allergies. That's why many foods have a special stamp.
It says "May Contain Nuts". It's very easy for nuts to get into food. People
with nut allergies need to be very, very careful!
A woman was on a plane. She had a very bad nut allergy.
The crew was selling snacks. Then she saw WHAT the snacks were … peanuts!!!
The woman was scared. Her allergy was very bad. She didn't want people on the
plane to have peanuts.
So she bought all of them! She bought every peanut on the plane!
The woman spent 6,000 Taiwan dollars on peanuts! But she was safe. If you
have allergies, be careful!
1. sneeze 打噴嚏
Oh, my, this is really bad! 這真是糟糕!
I just can't stop sneezing. 我打噴嚏打個不停。
Is it because of the cold air? 是因為冷空氣嗎?
2. itch 癢
My nose itches and I've got red eyes. 我鼻子癢,還有紅眼睛。
You need to take some medicine. 你需要吃一點藥。
3. spend 花費。
I did. I just spent 600 NT on allergy medicines.
That should take care of it. 那應該可以對付了。
4. fight 對抗。
I wish I could fight it without medicine. 我希望不吃藥就可以對抗。
Get more sleep. That usually helps. 多睡一點,通常很有幫助。
These are useful words.
1. What does the special stamp on food say?
a. "May Contain Nuts"
b. "Every Peanut"
c. "Be Very Careful"
2. What was the crew selling?
a. Plants.
b. Animals
c. Snacks
3. How much did the woman spend on peanuts?
a. 6,000 dollars
b. 66,000 dollars
c. 666,000 dollars
1. a
2. c
3. a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-11-20 | ![]() |
Stuck on Eiffel Tower, Man Says Marry Me
Do you know what the Eiffel Tower is? It's a very tall tower in Paris,
France. Millions of people visit it every year. Many visitors take the glass
elevators to the top floor. It is 276 meters up! Visitors can see beautiful
views of Paris.
One day, a man named Amir and a woman named Kat were on the top floor.
On the outside of the tower, another man started climbing up! That's very
dangerous! Climbers can fall!
This climber did not fall. But people were very worried. So the Eiffel Tower
closed until the climber was safe. The elevators stopped.
Amir and Kat and the other visitors were stuck on the top floor! They waited
for the elevators to start. Then Amir had an idea.
Amir跟 Kat
He asked Kat to marry him. And she said yes! That's so romantic!
Amir向 Kat 求婚,Kat也答應了! 真是太浪漫了!
And what happened to the climber? Firefighters came. They made him stop
climbing. The police took him away.
那攀爬的人後來怎麼樣呢? 消防員阻止他繼續攀爬,而警察把他帶走。
It's a bad idea to climb the outside of the Eiffel Tower. But being stuck at
the top gave Amir a good idea!
1. elevator 電梯。
Oh, no, what's happening? 糟了,出了什麼事? Why isn't the elevator moving?
Let me press some buttons. 我來按一些按鈕。No, that didn't work. 沒有用。
2. fall 掉落。
What should we do? 我們怎麼辦?
Just wait, I think.我想就等等吧。
What if nobody comes to rescue us? 要是沒人來救我們呢? What if we fall?
3. people 人們。
Don't panic. People will come. 別慌張,會有人來的。
But we're stuck here now. 但是我們現在被困在這裡了。
4. idea 主意。
I have an idea. Let's call 119. 我有個主意,我們來打119。
Right! Why didn't I think of that earlier? 對啊,我怎麼剛剛沒有想到?
這些單字很好記。elevator電梯 fall掉落 people人們 idea主意
1. What is true about the Eiffel Tower?
A: It's short.
B: It has many visitors.
C: It's in China.
2. What did Amir do at the tower?
A: Asked Kat to marry him
B: Climbed the tower
C: Said yes to Kat
3. What made the tower close?
A: Elevators
B: Too many people
C: A climber
1. B
2. A
3. C
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