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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-12 |
Owls don't have eyeballs
Do you hear that? That's an owl. Owls are really cool birds. They fly very
far every night to hunt and find food. 每天晚上,會飛到很遠的地方找食物。
Most owls only hunt at night.大部分的貓頭鷹在夜間打獵。
They can see in the dark very well.
And their eyes are huge! 牠們在黑夜裡看得很清楚,而且眼睛也很大,
They need big eyes to see in the dark.
They can see far, far away.
But did you know? -- Owls can't move their eyeballs. Why not? Because they
don't have eyeballs! 你知道嗎?貓頭鷹的眼睛不會動,因為裡面沒有眼球!
Most animals have eyeballs that can move around...just like people.
We can move our eyeballs and see left and right. 人的眼球可以往左看或往右看。
But an owl's eyes don't move, because they are tubes, not balls.
That's why owls need to move their whole head...they have amazing necks that
can move almost in a circle!
Oh, one more thing!
Owls have three eyelids to protect their important eyes! 還有很重要.就是,
So, owls don't have eyeballs, they have three eyelids, and they can see super
far away in the dark with their super big eyes!
Now that's a cool bird!
1. Neck脖子。That owl is turning its head backward. 那隻貓頭鷹把頭轉到背面了!
Yeah, that's amazing! 真驚人! I can't make my neck move that way.
2. Head頭。Kevin got hit on the head by a ball.凱文被球打到頭。Oh no, is he
hurt? 糟糕,他有沒有受傷? Of course not! He's got a hard head. 當然沒有!
3. In the dark在黑暗中。I couldn't see anything in the
dark,我在黑暗中什麼都看不見,so I felt around for my
4. Far away很遠。Come and have tea with me. 來跟我喝杯茶。Sure, but is your
house far away? 好啊,可是你家很遠嗎? No, it's not far. Just five minutes
away. 不遠,只要五分鐘。
跟我一起讀讀單字吧! Neck脖子 head頭 in the dark在黑暗中 far away很遠
1. Why can't an owl move its eyes?
A: Because it doesn't have eyeballs!
B: Because it doesn't want to
C: Because it doesn't have eyes
2. What do owls do to see things around them?
A: Turn their heads
B: Fly at night
C: Wear glasses
3. How many eyelids do owls have?
A: 16
B: 3
C: 2
1: a 2: a 3: b
News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-15 |
Robot Animals
Do you like animals? And how about robots? 你喜歡動物嗎? 那機器人呢?They're
pretty cool too, right?
Then I think you're going to love robot animals! 那你應該也會愛機器動物吧?!
Yeah! There are robots that look like animals! Some of them even act like
animals! And some even do very important jobs!
Like the robot dolphin at one zoo. They can swim like real dolphins and
people can swim with them too.
People can have fun with dolphins without keeping them in a tank!
There are robot dogs and cats too! And in one care home, they are friends to
the people who live there! 還有機器狗跟機器貓,會陪住養老院的人。
In one park they have a robot sloth! The sloth has a camera to watch the
animals and the plants, and to check what's going on in the park.
But what about in the sea? Well, there's also a robot squid.
而在大海裡面有機器烏賊喔!It takes photos of the animals and coral in the
sea. It's soft so it can't hurt anything and it even swims like a squid!
Isn't that cool? There are so many different robot animals doing interesting
things and even helping us!
What robot animal would you like to see next?
1. Animal 動物。Taipei Zoo has lots of interesting animals.
台北動物園有好多有趣的動物。I find the Zoo boring. 我覺得動物園滿無聊的。No,
it's not. You can see giraffes, anteaters and penguins.
2. Act 動作。The monkey wants to shake hands with you! 猴子想要跟你握手! Wow!
He's acting just like a human. 哇,他的動作跟人一樣! Maybe it's us acting
like him. 也許是我們的動作跟他一樣。
3. Camera 照相機。It's so much easier to take photos now.
現在要照相容易多了。Cameras are too heavy. 照相機太重了。
4. In the sea 在海裡。 I heard a sunken ship is in the sea off Keelung.
我聽說基隆外海有一艘沈船。I hope there's treasure on that ship.
animal 動物 act 動作 camera 照相機 in the sea 在海裡
1. What kind of animals does the story talk about?
a. Flying animals
b. Small animals
c. Robot animals
2. Which of these robots is in the story?
a. Robot dragon
b. Robot spider
c. Robot dolphin
3. What does the robot squid do?
a. Take photos of the animals and coral
b. Pick up trash
c. Feed the fish
1: c 2: c 3: a
News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-02-25 |
Super Strong Beetle
People have bones.
Dogs have bones, cats have bones… lots of animals have bones.
Our bones are inside our body.
But, some animals don't have bones.
Can you think of any? 很多動物都有骨頭,但你知道有那些動物沒有骨頭嗎?
Yeah! Insects! 沒錯,就是昆蟲!
Many bugs, like beetles, have a hard shell… the shell keeps them safe.
But most beetle shells are not super hard.
A bird can crunch it… and if a car runs over it… Well… sorry… um...
bye-bye beetle.
But scientists have found a beetle with a super hard shell.
This beetle's shell does not crack… even if a car runs over it!
The shell is so hard, if the beetle was the size of an adult person,
thousands of elephants could stand on top of it and it still wouldn't be
Scientists are learning about the beetle's hard shell.
Maybe they can copy it and make super-strong things for people to use!
Maybe we could learn to make super-strong cars, or super-strong houses!
Wow! That would be amazing! What a cool beetle!
1. Shell 殼。Many bugs have hard shells. 很多昆蟲有硬殼。Right, like
ladybugs. 是的,就像瓢蟲。Oh, I love ladybugs ! 我好喜歡瓢蟲! Their shells
are beautiful! 牠們的殼好漂亮!
2. Bone 骨頭。My brother fell and had two broken bones.
我弟弟跌倒了,斷了兩根骨頭。That sounds terrible! 聽起來真慘! Well, he's
happy he can stay at home. 他倒是高興可以留在家裡。
3. Crack 龜裂,打破。How do I make egg soup? 怎麼做蛋花湯? Easy. Just boil
some water, crack an egg into it and add salt.
4. Strong 堅固的。This old house is not strong enough. 這棟舊房子不夠堅固。I
think it's strong enough for typhoons. 對颱風來說它夠堅固。
今天的單字嗎你記住了? Let's read together.
Shell 殼 bone 骨頭 crack 龜裂,打破 strong 堅固的
1. What is one animal that doesn't have bones?
A: A pig
B: A lion
C: A beetle
2. What does one special beetle have?
A: A cell phone
B: A super hard shell
C: A super long nose
3. How strong is this beetle's shell?
A: Super strong! A car can run over it!
B: Not very strong. A dog could easily eat it.
C: The shell cracks like an egg if you touch it.
1. C 2. B 3. A
News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-02-26 |
Don't Let Moose Lick Your Car
If you drive a car in Canada, you need to be careful of icy roads, snowy
weather, and… a moose licking your car!
在加拿大開車,你要注意路有沒有結冰、有沒有下雪 ... 有沒有駝鹿舔你的車子!
Did you know that in some parts of Canada, there are signs warning people to
not let moose lick their cars?
That's right, people need to be careful of moose in Canada, because they're
very large and very strong animals. 因為加拿大駝鹿非常大而且很強壯。
But they also need to be careful not to let moose lick their cars!
This is because if moose get used to licking cars, they might get too close
sometimes. And then they could hurt themselves or other people.
But why do moose lick cars? Experts say it's because they really like salt.
為什麼要舔車呢? 專家說因為駝鹿很喜歡鹽巴。
Salt is used on icy roads so they aren't so slippery. And sometimes that
salty road water is splashed onto cars… making the cars salty too!
So if you're ever in Canada, remember! It might be funny to let a moose lick
your car, but it's very dangerous for you and the moose! So make sure you
stay far away.
1. Salt 鹽。Did you forget to put salt in this soup?
你是不是忘記在湯裡面放鹽? I thought I did. (Drink) You're right, I forgot!
我以為我有放。你說得對,我忘了。You can still add salt if you
2. Ice 冰,icy 結冰的。Snow turns into ice when it's very
cold.天氣很冷的時候雪會變成冰。Right, and icy roads are dangerous.
3. Warning 警告。There's a warning for icy roads.現在有道路結冰警報。Uh oh,
that's not good. 這有點不妙。No, we need to cancel the trip.
4. Because 因為。Why are you late? 你為什麼遲到了? Because I fell on my way
here. 因為我來這裡的路上跌倒了。
These are words that you can use every day.
salt 鹽巴 ice 冰 icy 結冰的 warning 警告 because 因為
1. What kind of animal is talked about in this story?
A. Deer
B. Moose
C. Polar bears
2. What do moose like to do?
A. Lick cars
B. Lick people
C. Lick themselves
3. Where does this story take place?
A. The U.S.
B. Canada
C. Taiwan
1. B 2. A 3. B
News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-03-01 |
Why Do Cats Meow?
Hello, kitty. Do you want some food? Here you go, here's some food. Good
Every day when I come home, my cat says hello to me.
She says "meow"… that's how she talks to me.
Cats in the wild don't really say "meow."
If they are angry they will growl or hiss… but they don't really 'meow'.
Scientists say cats meow...for people! 科學家說貓咪只會對人喵喵叫。
A long time ago, cats helped us chase away rats...and we gave cats food and a
place to live. 以前,貓咪幫我們抓老鼠,人提供食物跟住的地方。
Pretty good deal, yeah?
Cats have been living with humans for about 10,000 years.
And during that time, they learned something: humans can't smell very well.
In the wild, cats "talk" by leaving smells.
They rub up on trees or - um… make things wet by… um… going to the
bathroom. 在野外,貓咪會在樹上磨蹭或尿尿,留下氣味來溝通。
But humans really can't smell very well… so cats learned to "meow" to
people. 因為人類嗅覺不靈敏,所以貓咪學會用喵喵叫,來溝通。
Cats meow to say, "Hey, give me some food or … give me some love!"
Cool, yeah? Cats are pretty smart!
Do you want a cuddle? Yeah. Good kitty.
1) Talk 談話。Are you talking to me? 你在跟我講話嗎? No, I'm talking to my
computer. 不是,我在跟電腦講話。Is there someone in the computer?
有人在電腦裡面喔? Yeah. You've never used Skype, have you?
2) Chase 追逐。(警笛嗚嗚聲) What's that all about? 那是怎麼回事? I think it's
the police chasing someone. 我想是警察在追什麼人。Maybe they are chasing a
bad guy.也許他們在追壞人。
3) Chase away 趕走。Why do you like cats? 你為什麼喜歡貓? They don't walk
with you or protect you.牠們不會跟你同行,也不會保護你。But they can chase
away rats.但是牠們可以趕走老鼠!
4) Learn 學習。When did you learn how to bike? 你什麼時候學會騎車的? I didn't
learn it. I just do it. 我沒有學。我就是會。
talk 談話 chase 追逐 chase away 趕走 learn 學習
1. Why do cats say "meow"?
A: try to talk to humans
B: To scare away dogs
C: They meow when they see rats
2. How long have cats been living with humans?
A: About one million years
B: About 1,000 years
C: About 10,000 years
3. Why did cats start living with humans?
A: We gave them food for catching rats
B: Because cats and people love dogs
C: Because we like the same TV shows
1: A 2: C 3: A
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