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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-14 | ![]() |
Bat Nail Painting
Hey there, everyone!
Did you all hear the interesting news story about a really rare bat?
Batman: The Dark Knight!
No, not Batman! A bat!
This type of bat is very special, 剩下幾百隻而已. And that's sad, right?
These bats are so rare, that many people thought they were already gone
But then, a few years ago, the bats were found again!
Now the bats only live in one place, in one cave! 牠只住在一個洞穴裡!
Batman: The Batcave!
No! Not the Batcave!
This cave is in a country called Cuba. And the cave is nice, and comfortable,
and warm, just how the bats like it.
But because there are so few of the bats left, scientists want to keep an eye
on them, they want to check how many there are and track them.
"How do you track hundreds of bats? 追蹤蝙蝠很難吧!"
Batman: The Batsignal!
Batman: The Batmobile!
It's none of those things! The scientists are tracking the bats by painting
their nails! 塗指甲油!
Batman: In black?
They're painting the nails lots of different colors! 這樣才分的情趣阿。
And the best part, is that the paint doesn't hurt the bats!
這種指甲油並不影響蝙蝠的生活. They just look cool!
Hopefully, one day, there will be lots more of these bats!
希望以後會有更多這種蝙蝠. And they can move to other caves, and have little
bat babies, and...
Batman: And fight crime!
(sighs) Ugh.. Sure. 也許可以幫你抓壞人.
Bats live in warm and comfortable caves.
1) Comfortable舒服的。It's a comfortable day today, not cold or
2) Rare稀有的。Pandas are rare animals熊貓是稀有動物。They are so rare that
you can only see them in the zoo牠們如此稀少,只有在動物園才看得到.
3) Forever永遠。Do you want to be forever young你想要永遠年輕嗎? Oh, yes, I
certainly do當然想啦!
4) Track追蹤。Can police track my cell phone警察能追蹤我的手機嗎? I think
they can我想可以。
5) Check查看。How big is Taiwan台灣有多大? I don't know; let me
Okay, boys and girls, let's read the words one more time. Comfortable舒服的
rare稀有的 forever永遠 track追蹤 check檢查,查看
1 .What kind of animal is in the story?
A: Birds B: Bats C: Spiders
2. Where do they live?
A: In a cave B: At the beach C: In a castle
3. What do scientists do to track them?
A: Paint their nails B: Give them hats C: Use the Batsignal
1:B 2:A 3:A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2020-12-29 | ![]() |
Tiger Bought by Accident
Have you ever bought anything by mistake? 你曾經買錯東西嗎? Like the wrong
flavor of ice cream or a weird toothpaste?
I have! I've bought the wrong thing before, but even if it wasn't what I
wanted, it was never dangerous or against the law!
Unlike a couple in France who wanted a new pet. They were looking for a
special kind of cat called a Savannah
They found what they thought was a Savannah cat online and paid a lot of
money for it.他們在網路上找到了,並且花很多錢買下來。
They got the cat but after a few days, they thought something wasn't quite
The cat... wasn't actually the cat they thought it was… It was… a tiger!
Okay, it was only a little tiger cub but still… it was a tiger!
Tigers are endangered. Which means there are not a lot of them left in the
world. 世界上的老虎已經不多了。
So this is serious. The people that sold the tiger to the couple in France,
are in big trouble with the police. 賣老虎給這對夫妻的人,後來被警察抓了!
Don't worry about the tiger, it's now safe and healthy.
But, from now on, remember, always check before you buy!
1. Mistake 錯誤。
Oh no, I made a big mistake! 糟了,我犯了大錯。What did you do? 你做了什麼? I
typed the wrong bank account number. 我打錯了銀行帳戶號碼。Now that's a BIG
mistake. 那真的是大錯。
2. Wrong 錯的。
It's wrong to kill endangered animals.獵殺瀕臨絕種的動物是不對的。
3. Safe 安全的。
Is it safe to go fishing at night? 晚上釣魚安全嗎? Yeah, it should be safe.
應該安全。We will all wear life jackets. 我們都會穿救生衣。
4. Think 以為。
I thought she likes mango ice cream。我以為她喜歡芒果冰淇淋。And I thought
she prefers chocolate. 我以為她比較喜歡巧克力。We were both wrong!
mistake 錯誤 wrong 錯的 safe 安全的 think 以為
1. Where are the couple in the story from?
a. Taiwan
b. Germany
c. France
2. What animal did the couple want to buy?
a. A Savannah cat
b. A sausage dog
c. A goldfish
3. What animal did the couple actually get?
a. A tiger
b. A lion
c. An elephant
1: c 2: a 3: a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2020-12-30 | ![]() |
Taipei Rainbow Record
I don't really like rain...but I love rainbows! 我不這麼喜歡下雨
但我很喜歡彩虹。But … you need rain to make a rainbow. 可是下雨才有彩虹。
Rainbows happen when light shines through water… and rain is water!
Sometimes we can see a rainbow just after a big rain… that's because there
is still some water in the sky.
There are seven colors in a rainbow -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo and violet. 彩虹有七個顏色,紅橙黃綠藍靛紫。
Every rainbow is different … some rainbows go away really fast … but
sometimes we get lucky and see the rainbows stay in the sky for a long time.
Can you imagine seeing a rainbow for 2 hours? Or maybe 4 hours? That's
impossible, right? Actually...there was a rainbow in Taipei that lasted for
almost 9 hours! That is a world record!
全世界最久的彩虹,在台北,出現了9個小時!Nine hours of color in the sky!
It happened three years ago … at Yangmingshan! 3年前在陽明山發生的。
It's very special to have a rainbow for such a long time! That almost never
happens! One time in England there was a rainbow for 6 hours, but the Taipei
rainbow set a new record! 上一個世界紀錄是在英國,
To make a rainbow you need water in the sky and bright sunshine… So, the
next time it rains, keep your eyes open… maybe you'll see a new
record-breaking rainbow!
1. Sky 天空。
There's a rainbow in the sky! 天上有彩虹。 So beautiful! I hope it stays
there. 真漂亮! 我希望它就留在那裏。
2. Stay 停留。
Would you stay with me for a while? 你可以跟我待久一點嗎? No problem. I'll
stay until your bus comes. 沒問題,我會待到你的巴士來。
3. Water 水。
I think I have a fever. 我覺得我在發燒。Drink lots of water.多喝水。 You will
feel better. 你會覺得好些。
4. Impossible 不可能。
It's impossible to travel to Japan now. 現在不可能去日本旅行了。It's not
impossible. 不是不可能。Just wait until 2022.你只是要等到2022年。
5. Next time 下一次。
I won't make the same mistake next time.我下次不會犯同樣的錯了。
Please repeat after me.
sky 天空 stay 停留 water 水 impossible 不可能 next time 下一次
1. How do you make a rainbow?
A: Mix light and water!
B: Mix water and music!
C: Mix jelly beans and pizza!
2. How many colors are in a rainbow?
A: 16
B: 5
C: 7
3. How long was the record-breaking rainbow in Taipei?
A: Close to 4 weeks
B: Close to 9 hours
C: Close to five minutes
1: A 2: C 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-04 | ![]() |
Eco-friendly Legos
Do you think about whether your toys are bad for the environment?
When you don't want your toys anymore, do you give them to other people?
Or do you throw them in the garbage? 不要的舊玩具,你會送給別人? 還是丟掉?
Do you think about what happens to them when you throw them away?
If your toys are made of plastic, they might stay in the environment for a
very long time.
This is because plastic takes a very long time to break down.
And that is bad for the environment. 塑膠玩具很難分解,對環境很不好。
Do you have Legos at home? 你家有樂高積木嗎?
Legos are made out of plastic. But guess what?
The company that makes Legos is trying to make the toys safer for the
environment. 樂高就是塑膠做的,現在他們想要用一些對環境好的材料
The Lego company says they are going to try to make Lego bricks that are made
out of natural things, like sugarcane.
Sugarcane doesn't hurt the environment if you throw it away.
The company also wants people to give their old Legos to other people to play
with. 舊的樂高不玩了可以送別人
So if you have Legos that you don't want anymore, don't throw them away.
Protect the environment, give them to other people instead!
1) Sugarcane 甘蔗。I like sugarcane juice.我喜歡喝甘蔗汁。Yeah, it's sweet
but not too sweet. 對,它是甜的,卻不會太甜。
2) Plastic 塑膠。All these toys are made of plastic! 這些玩具都是塑膠做的。I
know. Plastic is everywhere now. 我知道。現在到處都是塑膠。
3) Made of 用某種原料做的。I miss the time when blocks were actually made of
wood. 我想念以前積木真的是木頭做的。Right, and lanterns were made of paper.
4) Give 給予。Would you give away your favorite toy?
你會不會把最喜歡的玩具送別人? Give away my computer? No way! 送走我的電腦嗎?
咱們一起來讀單字。Sugarcane 甘蔗 plastic 塑膠 made of 用某種原料做的
give 給予
1. What kind of toy is this story talking about?
a. Jenga
b. Lego
c. Monopoly
2. How is this toy company trying to help the environment?
a. By making toys out of natural things
b. Buy cleaning up the ocean
c. Buy closing the company down
3. What does this toy company want people to do with old toys?
a. Give them to other people
b. Throw them in the garbage
c. Plant them in the ground
1. B 2. A 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-11 | ![]() |
Foul-mouthed Parrots at Zoo
Did you know that animals can say bad words too? 你知道動物也會說髒話嗎?
Do you know what bad words are? 你知道什麼是髒話?
Have you ever watched a television show or movie and you suddenly hear
beeping sounds when people are talking? Well, those are sounds of bad words
being covered up! 那是把髒話蓋起來的音效。
What are bad words? Usually bad words are words that are very rude.
You shouldn't say bad words, because they can hurt people's feelings. If you
say them at school or in public, sometimes you can get in trouble.
I guess some parrots at a wildlife park in England didn't know this, because
they got in trouble for saying a bunch of bad words!
That's right, some parrots can talk! And there are five parrots in England
that got in trouble for saying too many bad words!
People who work at the park had to separate the parrots because they would
not stop saying bad words to visitors.
Funny story, huh? So humans aren't the only ones who get in trouble for
saying bad words! 不是只有人才會因為說髒話惹上麻煩喔!Birds get in trouble
1. Word 字,詞。I can't read this book. 我沒辦法看這本書。There are too many
difficult words! 太多很難的單字。What? You mean "The Very Hungry
Caterpillar?" 什麼? 你是說[好餓的毛毛蟲]這本書嗎? Those words are easy!
2. Rude 沒有禮貌的。It's rude to talk loudly on a bus.
在公車裡大聲講話很沒禮貌。I think it's rude to talk with food in one's
3. Trouble 麻煩。I can give you a ride home. 我可以送妳回家。No, that's too
much trouble for you. 不用了,那太麻煩你了。 Don't worry, it's no trouble at
4. Human 人類。Humans have to brush their teeth. Animals don't.
Let's read the words together.
word 字 rude 沒禮貌的 trouble 麻煩 human 人類
1. What kind of animal got in trouble for saying bad words in this story?
a. Parrots
b. Dogs
c. Monkeys
2. How many parrots got in trouble in this story?
a. Four
b. Five
c. Six
3. What did the workers at the park do to stop the birds from saying bad
a. Separate them
b. Set them free
c. Give them away
1. A 2. B 3. A
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