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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-27 | ![]() |
Hi everybody! What do you like to drink? Water? Juice? Tea? A sports drink?
What do you usually use to drink your tea? A plastic straw, right? ….…
straws are really convenient! 吸管真是方便好用 可是 now, many places in
Taiwan don't give plastic straws. WHY? 為甚麼現在台灣很多地方都禁止使用
Straws are made out of plastic.
There are more than 23 million people in Taiwan. If everybody uses one or two
straws every day … that's a lot of straws … and a lot of plastic garbage!
Most plastic things don't rot and become part of the earth when you throw
them away. 塑膠製品沒有辦法腐爛
Food rots and becomes part of the earth when you throw it way. Paper and
clothes and lots of things rot and become part of the earth after you throw
them away … but not plastic. 食物、紙、衣服都會腐爛,就是塑膠不行
Taiwan's government is hoping people will stop using plastic straws …
because that will stop tons of plastic garbage! Sounds like a good idea,
right? 這是一個好主意對不對?
But…what can we use to drink our juice or sports drink? Well, one idea is
bamboo straws … or straws made out of metal. You can use a metal straw again
and again … and bamboo is good for the earth … it rots and goes away ...
like food.
We use too much plastic in Taiwan. Some of the plastic garbage goes into the
ocean, and some plastic garbage stays in the earth for years and years! ---
We can all help Taiwan by not using so many plastic things.
We can use a metal straw or a bamboo straw, and we can use our plastic bags
again and again, right?
We have more than 23 million people in Taiwan! If everyone uses less plastic
every day … it could make a big difference!
Plastic things are everywhere, but they can be bad for our environment.
1) Plastic塑膠。Plastic bag塑膠袋,plastic toy塑膠玩具,plastic
2) Garbage垃圾。Don't throw garbage into rivers 不要把垃圾扔進河裡。It's a
piece of garbage那東西根本是個廢物! Garbage can垃圾桶
3) Paper紙。報紙就是newspaper, paper cup 紙杯,paper box紙盒子。The T-shirt
is made of paper這件T-shirt是紙做的!
4) Be made of用什麼東西做的。Pots and pans are made of metal鍋子是金屬做的。
5) 金屬 metal. Heavy metal music 重金屬音樂。
Okay, let's say the five vocabulary words and phrases together once again.
garbage垃圾 paper紙類 be made of用什麼東西做的 metal金屬
1. What are most straws made out of?
A: Wood B: Plastic C: Food
2. About how many people live in Taiwan?
A: 23 million B: 2 million C: 500 million
3. Why did Taiwan ban plastic straws?
A: To make life difficult
B: To save the earth!
C: To get people to drink more coffee
1, B 2, A 3, B
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-09-30 | ![]() |
How's it going, everyone? Ready for another storytime? Let's get right into
Ahhh! The ocean….. Home to some amazing creatures.
Like tuna fish..... whales ... dolphins… and......trash cans? .........
Huh? In the ocean?
Yep. 沒錯. 現在海裡有垃圾桶! There are now trash cans in the ocean!
But these aren't just any trash cans. These are very special trash cans.
這些垃圾桶很特別! They can swim and have really biiiig mouths!
But what do you call a swimming trash can with a big mouth that hunts garbage?
It's called WasteShark! Waste就是 汙染... and shark 就是鯊魚! …….Uh nope...
That's not right. …..Yeah, that's more like it!
WasteShark acts kind of like a garbage truck... but in the water! Collecting
the trash floating on top in harbors and rivers.
Doesn't it make you sad to see trash on the ground or floating around in
water? 看到地上或水上有垃圾, 不會難過嗎?
Well, the WasteShark's big mouth is perfect for catching trash and other
waste we don't want on the water's surface.
WasteShark的大嘴巴剛好可以塞很多垃圾. WasteShark can also tell the water's
temperature and check that it is safe and clean. WasteShark 還會測溫度跟汙染!
The idea for WasteShark comes from a…. whale shark! The biggest fish in the
world! WasteShark 的靈感來自於鯨鯊, 世界上最大的魚. Whale sharks and
Wastesharks both swim around with their huge mouths open
Ahhhhh! 一直開嘴巴吃東西.
But don't worry, WasteShark doesn't bite, okay? And it also won't hurt any
little fish or other wildlife. 不用擔心, WasteShark 不會吃小魚或動物.
WasteShark only eats trash!
Errrr... yummy?? 我...還是吃我的便當好了...
Imagine a shark swimming around in the ocean eating trash. Isn't that
1) Ocean海洋。Pacific Ocean太平洋,Atlantic Ocean大西洋。
2) Garbage 垃圾,trash也是垃圾。這兩個字意思很接近,垃圾桶可以說garbage can,
or trash can. A trash can is for something you don't want
垃圾桶用來裝你不要的東西。Garbage trucks collect trash垃圾車收集垃圾.
3) Collect收集。Does your sister collect Pokemon cards你妹妹收集寶可夢卡片嗎?
Yeah, she does會ㄟ,她會。
4) Clean乾淨。You have to keep your room clean你要保持房間乾淨。The water is
so clean水好清澈!
5) World世界。I like to travel around the world我想去環遊世界。
Now let's review the words: ocean海洋 garbage垃圾 trash垃圾 collect收集
clean乾淨 world世界
1. Which of these animals live in the ocean?
A: Dolphins B: Cats Or C: Spiders
2. What is the name of the swimming trash can?
A: TrashFish B: GarbageWhale Or C: WasteShark
3. WasteShark is based on what animal?
A: An octopus B: A whale shark Or C: A turtle
Answers 1:A 2:C 3:B
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-01 | ![]() |
Walking Backward to Save the Forests
Hi Everybody!
A forest is a place with lots of trees! The trees are good homes for
Lots of animals need the forest! They live there!
But people also need forests and trees!
(Laughs) No, people don't live in the trees … but the trees give us fresh
air! 人類也是需要森林,因為森林製造很多氧氣。
That's right! Trees help make the air we breathe! (Huge gasp of intake of
fresh air sound)
--Thank you, trees!
But, what if we cut down too many trees in the forest? No … trees … no ..
air … we need trees … and we need air …
Cut down too many trees, but we won't have good air to breathe!
That's not good, right? What can we do to help?
Well, there's a man in Indonesia -- and he wants people to stop cutting down
so many trees! 有一個印尼人叫大家停止砍森林。
..So... he's taking a very long walk. I mean, really, long!
The man is walking 700 kilometers … that's like walking from Taipei to
Kaohsiung ... and then from Kaohsiung back to Taipei!
Whoa! That's a long walk!
And …… He's walking …… Backwards! … Yeah, walking the whole way …
Backwards! 他用倒退走路的方式來吸引大家注意。
Walking backwards is not easy! You can try it … But be careful!
It's easy to fall down walking backwards.
But why is the man in Indonesia walking backwards? 但是他為什麼要倒退走呢?
The man says he wants people in Indonesia to think back … think back and
remember all the old trees and old forests.
So, he's walking backwards … understand? Walking backward to save the
(Sighs) I hope we can save the forests ...I love forests in Taiwan and
forests all over the world!
Let's all try to save the forests … save the trees!!!! (said with loud
Trees are beautiful to see and we also need trees for fresh air.
1) Fresh新鮮的。Fresh air新鮮空氣,fresh fruit新鮮水果。This apple is not
fresh any more這顆蘋果不新鮮了。
2) Need需要。People need air, water and food人類需要空氣,水和食物。Do you
need any help需要幫忙嗎? No, I'm fine不用,我可以。
3) Walk走路。Take a long walk很長的散步。Do we walk there or take a
4) Backwards往後的。這個字來自back返回. He will walk to Taipei and come
back他會走路去台北,然後再回來. Backwards 是往後的,He's walking
5) Careful小心。Please be careful 請小心!
So please be careful if you want to walk backwards. Let's read today's words:
Fresh新鮮的 need需要 walk走路 backwards往後的 careful小心
1. What is this man doing?
A: Walking a long way.
B: Eating ice-cream.
C: Swimming to America.
2. How is the man walking?
A: In a circle.
B: Forward.
C: Backward.
3. Why is he walking backwards?
A: For fun!
B: To save the forests.
C: To see a friend.
1. A 2. C 3. B
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-02 | ![]() |
Animals and global warming
Person 1: Oh my gosh it's sooo ... HOT! I can't stand it anymore!
Person 1: Even the dog can't stand it anymore. 好熱,連狗狗都受不了!
Person 1: Ah … that's better.
Narrator: Do you feel like the summers are getting
hotter? 應該是全球暖化的原因吧? According to scientists, the weather is
becoming hotter and hotter because of global warming.
Many scientists think global warming is making the earth's temperature become
They think the world is becoming hotter because of many different reasons.
Cars on the street create pollution. This makes the air dirty.
Some factories also create smoke. This also pollutes the air and makes it
Scientists say these things make the world slowly become hotter.
Scientists say some animals might be able change the way they live.
They need to change so they can live in hotter temperatures.
HOWEVER, scientists are worried some animals might not be able to change
quickly enough.
That means they might all die.
So how can we help?
我們需要保護我們的環境。We also need to protect animals' homes.
We need to pollute less, and we can do this by trying to create less garbage.
We also need to try to recycle more. 要記得回收喔!
And that is how we can help protect the earth.
Hi, boys and girls, do you agree that our weather is getting hotter and
1. Hot很熱, hotter更熱, hottest最熱,hotter and hotter越來越熱。August is
the hottest month of the year八月是一年中最熱的月份。The movie theater is
becoming hotter and hotter電影院裡面越來越熱。
2. Reason理由。What is the reason for yawning人為什麼會打呵欠? Because it
helps wake you up因為打呵欠讓人清醒。Give me a reason for your being
3. Change改變。You've changed你變了。Yes, I have我確實變了。 As climate
changes, animals need to change too氣候改變,動物也需要有所改變。
4. Pollution汙染,動詞是pollute。Air pollution空氣汙染,water
pollution水汙染。The garbage has polluted the river垃圾汙染了河流。
You've learned some useful words today. Let's read them together: hot很熱
hotter更熱 hottest最熱 reason理由 change改變 pollution汙染
1. What do scientists say some animals can do?
a. Change the way they live.
b. Dance.
c. Move to another place.
2. What is a good way to protect animals?
a. Create more garbage.
b. Protect animals' homes.
c. Ignore them.
3. What is air pollution?
a. Breathing really hard.
b. Making the air dirty.
c. When the wind blows really hard.
1. A 2. B 3.B.
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News for Kids 國小 | Posted on 2019-10-03 | ![]() |
Great Barrier Reef has very poor outlook
Narrator: Scuba diving is so peaceful. I love it.
你會潛水嗎? My favorite place to go scuba diving is at the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef is in Australia. 你去過澳洲嗎?
There are so many different and beautiful kinds of fish there.
那裡也有好多不一樣顏色的珊瑚喔! When I went scuba diving at the Great Barrier
Reef, I saw coral that was blue, yellow, green,red and purple.
I didn't know coral could be so many different colors!
However, the Great Barrier Reef is in danger. 大堡礁現在有危機。
Let me tell you why.
Here we are, at the Great Barrier Reef. But what happened to the coral? And
where are all the fish?
The coral isn't colorful anymore. It has all turned an ugly white color.
What's that over there?
There is also a lot of construction happening on the land near the Great
Barrier Reef. This is hurting all the beautiful and colorful coral.
And look over there.
There are a lot of fishermen fishing in the ocean around the Great Barrier
This is probably why all the fish disappeared.
But it isn't too late to save the Great Barrier Reef.
We can still protect it.
We can protect the Great Barrier Reef by fishing less, and leaving the land
around it alone. 如果我們減少捕魚我們就可以保護大堡礁。
If we leave the land alone, the Great Barrier Reef can grow naturally and the
fish can live there peacefully.
If we work together to protect the Great Barrier Reef, the coral could slowly
become healthy again.
Then all of its wonderful colors might come back.
Also fish might come back and live there again.
Wouldn't that be nice? Then everyone could scuba dive there and see how
beautiful it is.
Corals are beautiful and colorful.
1. Colorful顏色繽紛的。A rainbow is colorful. It has red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and purple彩虹色彩繽紛,紅橙黃綠藍靛紫。
2. Peaceful和平的,安寧的。I feel peaceful on Sunday
3. Slow慢慢的。I took a slow bus, so I'm
late我搭到慢吞吞的公車,所以遲到了。Your watch is 10 minutes
4. Disappear消失。All dinosaurs have disappeared所有的恐龍都消失了。
5. Protect保護。We need to protect Taiwan's black
bears我們需要保護台灣黑熊。The hat will protect you from getting
Let's read today's words. Colorful顏色繽紛的 peaceful和平安詳的 slow慢慢的
disappear消失 protect保護
1. Where is the Great Barrier Reef?
A. Australia
B. The United States
C. Taiwan
2. What can you see at the Great Barrier Reef?
A. Cows
B. Mermaids
C. Coral
3. How can we protect the Great Barrier Reef?
A. By fishing less.
B. By asking the fish to come back.
C. By visiting the beach more often.
1. A 2.C 3.A
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