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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-04-28 | ![]() |
Hello everybody, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi...
And I'm Clifford Chu.
In today's news:
A boat gets burned to the ground, British people are mad at their Prime
Minister, and an old painting gets a new name.
All that and more, coming up next.
Donggang's King Boat Burning Festival
The years of the Bull, Dragon, Goat, and Dog are auspicious (吉祥) for the
people of Donggang (東港).
These are the years they get to take part in a special ceremony for "Wangye"
(溫王爺), also called the god of plague (瘟疫之神).
The celebration is called the Wangye Worshipping, or the Donggang Boat
Burning Ceremony, and takes place over eight days.
The celebration dates back to the Qing Dynasty, or about three centuries
(世紀) ago, and to the days when Donggang attracted migrants (移民) from the
Fujian province.
Those migrants often prayed to Wen Wangye to make sure he protected them from
getting sick from different plagues.
The biggest part of this eight day celebration is the burning of a
beautifully painted wooden boat.
The wooden boat, which is known as the "King Boat" is not a fake (不是假貨).
In fact, organizers say the boat is seaworthy (可以出海), which means it can
travel across the water, and won't sink (沈船).
It takes between 80 to 90 people to build and decorate (裝飾) this boat.
They spend between four and five months from start to finish (從頭到尾).
The last boat may have cost $10 million NT.
But the boat doesn't sit around for very long.
After it is dragged around on a tour to capture (捉住) evil spirits that
cause disease and disasters, it is filled with paper dolls that represent
It is taken to a beach, where it is then burned to the ground (燒得一乾二凈).
The burning symbolises (象徵) Wang Ye's return to heaven, and the casting out
of plagues.
And remember the paper dolls? Those are burned along with the boat.
And that's supposed to help the people they symbolise get rid of the evil
spirits that might be harming them.
Many British People are Mad at their Prime Minister
A rule is a rule, and no one should be exempted (有豁免權), even if a rule is
difficult to follow.
When the COVID-19 pandemic happened in Britain (英國) in 2020 and 2021, the
British government imposed (強制施行) some very difficult rules.
One of the rules restricted social gatherings (限制社交聚會), like parties.
This meant that two or more people could not get together in an indoor space,
no matter what the reason was.
This meant people couldn't visit family in hospitals.
They couldn't visit healthy relatives.
And they couldn't go to events like funerals (葬禮).
Anyone who broke the law would be fined (罰鍰).
But after the lockdowns ended, British people found out that even if they
were following the law, their Prime Minister Boris Johnson wasn't doing the
same thing.
He, and people in his government, were throwing parties (舉辦派對).
The London Police conducted an investigation (進行調查) to be certain that
the parties really happened.
As a result, several people in Johnson's office resigned (辭職下台).
Johnson himself was also found guilty (有罪) of breaking his own rules.
The police asked him and his wife to pay a fine.
Today, Boris Johnson is the first Prime Minister to have broken the law while
serving in office (在職).
And because of that, many people think Johnson should resign.
An Oil Painting Gets a New Name
An art museum decided to change the name of a painting created by artist
Edgar Degas (竇加).
The painting used to be called "Russian Dancers" (俄羅斯舞者).
But the dancers in the picture were performing a traditional Ukrainian
(烏克蘭) dance.
They even wore ribbons with Ukraine's national colors, yellow and blue.
So the museum said it was time to change the painting's name.
The painting, which is now called "Ukranian Dancers" was painted during the
time Ukraine was under Russian control (遭俄國掌控).
Degas fans are now wondering if similar paintings in New York and Texas will
have the same name change too.
So, in today's News Bites:
The years of the Bull, Dragon, Goat, and Dog are auspicious ones for the
people of Donggang.
These are the years they get to take part in a special ceremony for "Wangye",
or the god of plague.
The celebration takes place over eight days, and dates back to the Qing
Many British people are unhappy with their prime minister, Boris Johnson.
Johnson imposed very strict lockdown rules to keep COVID-19 from spreading.
But he and people in his government broke those rules, by holding parties.
An art museum has changed the name of one classic painting.
Instead of being called "Russian Dancers"... the painting is now called
"Ukrainian Dancers."
The dancers in the picture are wearing the national costume and colors of
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about food.
There's a saying in English "It's raining cats and dogs". It means it's
raining really hard. But that idea of strange things raining down from the
sky really makes you think right?
If the sky could rain food, what food would you like to have rain down?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-05-19 | ![]() |
Hey there, and welcome to News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi.
And Paz Bueno.
In today's news:
Taiwan reopens an old highway, scientists find pieces from an amazing object,
and where do hamburgers come from?
Stay tuned for those stories, coming up next.
Taiwan Reopens an Old Highway
Taiwan's Southern Cross Island Highway is famous.
In fact, some people call it "one of Taiwan's most beautiful roads".
The highway is 154 kilometers long, and it's the fastest way to get from
Tainan to Taitung.
It passes Yushan National Park (玉山國家公園), and goes through the Central
Mountain range.
It passes through alpine lakes (高山湖泊), hot springs, and giant forests.
The road even goes to Yakou (埡口), which is more than 2,720 meters above sea
level (海拔2720公尺).
Yakou is where you can see the "sea of clouds" (雲海).
But no matter how beautiful the Southern Cross Island Highway is, it hasn't
been fully seen by the public for 13 years.
Many sections of the road were destroyed, after Typhoon Morakot (莫拉克颱風)
hit Taiwan in 2009.
The Transport Ministry (交通部) says the typhoon damaged (毀損) 140
kilometers of roads.
It also washed away (沖垮) 22 bridges.
Fixing the highway was difficult.
Not only that, parts of the road were so narrow (狹窄), construction
equipment could not be used (無法使用).
So engineers (工程人員) needed to find a special way to fix the road so it
could be used again.
Some construction workers say they had to hang from the sides of a cliff, in
order to do repairs!
But the special road through Yakou won't be open all the time.
It will be open from 7 AM to 2 PM almost every day.
But it will be closed all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Also, only certain types of cars and motorcycles will be allowed to go on the
Some people might not be happy.
But it is a small price to pay (小小的犧牲), for the chance to drive through
Yakou again!
Scientists Find Pieces from an Amazing Object
Many of us are dinosaur (恐龍) fans.
We like drawing pictures of dinosaurs, and watching movies about dinosaurs.
But we don't really know what dinosaurs looked like!
That's because dinosaurs disappeared 66 million years ago.
Even so, dinosaurs left many things for us to find, so we knew they were
really alive.
They left their bones, which we call fossils (化石), and their footprints.
Because of these fossils, we know that there were dinosaurs that could fly,
and dinosaurs that could swim.
Scientists say they disappeared because a huge object (大型物體) hit earth.
But some think the object was an asteroid (小行星).
And others think it was a comet (彗星).
Whatever it was left a hole in the earth called a crater (隕石坑) that was
161 kilometers wide, and 32 kilometers deep.
But they couldn't find proof of this object… until now.
Some scientists say they think they found amber (琥珀) mixed with pieces of
rock from that object.
They say that the rock had minerals (礦物質) that looked like they were from
an asteroid (小行星).
The scientists also said they found other fossils (化石) in the area,
including the leg of a dinosaur.
Scientists may not have all the answers yet.
But the things they found might help them get the answers they need.
Where Do Hamburgers Come From?
Most of us love our hamburgers (漢堡).
But we probably don't know where hamburgers really come from.
Some of us think hamburgers originally (最一開始) come from the United States.
Some of us think hamburgers came from the German city of Hamburg, which they
are named after.
But hamburgers actually come from Asia.
Genghis Khan (成吉思汗) and his soldiers (士兵) needed food that could be
cooked fast and was easy to carry.
So they used ground meat which could be formed into patties (肉餅).
The patties were then cooked.
The ground meat patties were introduced to Russia, and then to the city of
Hamburg, and then to the rest of the world.
So, in today's News Bites:
Taiwan's Southern Cross Island Highway hasn't been fully seen by the public
for 13 years.
Many sections of the road were destroyed, after Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan in
But engineers have worked hard to fix it, so it can be used again.
Scientists say the dinosaurs disappeared because a huge object hit earth.
Some thought the object was an asteroid, while others thought it was a comet.
Now, scientists say the rock had minerals that show it was an asteroid.
Researchers say hamburgers actually come from Asia.
They say Genghis Khan and his soldiers used ground meat which could be formed
into patties.
The ground meat patties were introduced to Russia, and then to Hamburg, and
then to the rest of the world.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about characters.
There are so many great stories out there! Stories can be told through
movies, shows, video games, books, and more. And great stories are even
better when they have really interesting characters!
So, out of every story you've seen or heard, which character is your favorite?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-05-24 | ![]() |
Hi there, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Nancy Sun...
And I'm Paz Bueno.
In today's news:
Taiwan has a packaging problem, a boy finds a very old tooth, and Patron gets
a medal.
All that and more, coming up next.
Taiwan has a Packaging Problem
The next time your parents go to the supermarket, you might want to go with
When you're there, take a look at the produce (農產品) section.
There should be lots of fruits and vegetables there.
But there's also lots of something else.
Greenpeace Taiwan (綠色和平組織) says most stores that sell fruits and
vegetables use too much plastic.
They say more than 90 percent of produce sold in Taiwan are wrapped (包裝)
with plastic.
And all this is plastic we cannot use again.
It's called single-use plastic (一次性塑膠包裝)
And that's not all.
One university says Taiwan produces (製造) about 15,000,000 kilograms of
plastic waste (塑膠垃圾) in total (總共) every year.
This is from all the packaging (包裝) used not just for fruits and
vegetables, but for eggs, bottled drinks (瓶裝飲料), shampoo (洗髮精), and
detergent (清潔劑) too.
Taiwan has tried to do many things to make less trash.
We now separate our waste, so that there is regular waste, food waste, and
recyclable waste.
But Greenpeace says we can cut our waste even more.
It says stores can help do this if they stops using so many plastic wrappers
and plastic boxes to start with (從這裡做起).
And we can do our part too!
We can bring our own bags to stores.
We can bring our own cups when we buy drinks like bubble tea.
And we can try to stop buying bottled water when we are outside.
A Boy Finds a Very Old Tooth
Do you like dinosaurs (恐龍)?
If you do, then you probably know about the megalodon (巨齒鯊).
The megalodon is a giant shark which lived about 20 million years ago.
It could grow to between 16 to 18 meters long.
And it weighed around 60,000 kilograms.
Scientists say it probably enjoyed eating whales and seals.
They also say it was the biggest shark ever.
Scientists believe the megalodon was the king of all the oceans around the
world, except the seas near Antarctica (南極洲).
The megalodon became extinct (滅絕) about three million years ago.
It is very hard to find fossils (化石) of the megalodon.
So scientists don't know what they look like.
But one boy got very lucky.
He found a megalodon tooth on a beach in England.
Six-year-old Sammy was on vacation with his family.
He said he found the 10-centimeter tooth on the beach (海邊、沙灘).
Sammy's mother said he had found other pieces of shark teeth on the beach.
But he had never seen anything as big, and as heavy as this one.
Sammy's parents sent pictures of the tooth to an expert (專家).
He examined (檢查) the tooth, and said the tooth belonged to a megalodon.
Sammy's treasure (寶藏) is even more important because shark teeth are not
usually found on beaches in Britain.
Sammy was very, very excited when he found out how important his discovery
(發現) really was.
He says he is now sleeping with it near his bed.
Patron Gets a Medal
Patron is a small, very cute brown-and-white-colored terrier (梗犬).
Before the war in Ukraine (俄烏戰爭), he was probably just like any other dog.
But now Patron and his owner are both heroes.
Patron, whose name means "ammo" (彈藥), has found more than 200 hidden bombs
since the beginning of the war.
When he's not busy working, his owner says Patron loves to play with other
And even though he is a very active dog, he also likes to sleep.
Because of his work, Patron was awarded a special medal from Ukraine's
president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy (澤倫斯基) for helping his country.
So, in today's News Bites:
Greenpeace Taiwan says most stores that sell fruits and vegetables use too
much plastic.
They say more than 90 percent of produce sold in Taiwan are wrapped with
We can all do more to make less plastic garbage.
Six-year-old Sammy found a megalodon tooth on a beach in England.
An expert confirms the tooth is from a megalodon.
Sammy says he is now sleeping with it near his bed.
Patron is a small, very cute brown-and-white colored terrier.
Patron has found more than 200 hidden bombs since the beginning of the war.
Because of his work, Patron was awarded a special medal from Ukraine's
president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy for helping his country.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about your favorite game.
There are so many different ways to play games. There are video games, of
course, but there are also table games, word games, and games you play
outside. Most games can be played with friends, but some games are fun to
play alone, too.
Which is your favorite game to play, and what do you love about it?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-05-25 | ![]() |
Hello everybody, and welcome to a new episode of News Bites!
I'm Paz Bueno…
And I'm Nancy Sun.
In today's news:
A Ukrainian folk tradition day in Taipei, a rhino wears a fitness tracker,
and a Paralympian wants more people to walk to school in the UK.
All that and more, coming up next.
Vyshyvanka Day in Taipei increases Ukraine awareness
Vyshyvanka Day is an international day for Ukrainian folk traditions
People make and wear embroidered clothes (刺繡衣服) called vyshyvankas.
These types of clothes are one of the best known symbols (象徵) of Ukrainian
People in Taipei celebrated (慶祝) Vyshyvanka Day this year.
The celebration was held by a volunteer organization (志願者組織) called
Taiwan Stands with Ukraine.
Organizers say they hope to raise awareness of Russia's war in Ukraine.
They set up an outdoor picnic and market selling Ukrainian food, drinks, and
souvenirs (紀念品)。
Vyshyvanka Day is usually celebrated on the third Sunday in May with picnics,
markets, and parades(遊行)。
But this year, people in Ukraine could not celebrate it because of the
The organizers in Taipei said this does not stop people around the world from
celebrating the day.
They said the picnic is a great opportunity to show people that Ukrainian
culture matters and that it is a beautiful culture.
The group hopes that the event can raise awareness and bring in more
donations(捐款) for Ukrainian refugees(難民)。
Visitors to the event could buy special stickers (貼紙) and make their own
motanka dolls(莫坦卡娃娃)。
Motanka dolls are a symbol for healing, protection, and family.
A Disney rhino gets a fitness tracker
Fitness trackers are a special device (設備) that people wear to see how many
steps they take in one day.
Many people wear them to keep track (追蹤) of their steps, heart rate(心率),
and exercise.
Well, someone new is joining that group of people…
Only she isn't human: she's a 30-year-old white rhino(白犀牛)!
Her name is Helen, and she is one of the animals who lives in the savanna
(稀樹草原) at Disney World.
She wears the fitness tracker around her ankle (腳踝) so that her caretakers
can know when she is walking, running, or napping (午睡)。
They can also see which part of the man-made (人造) savanna she likes the
The information will be shared with other researchers who are studying the
best way to take care of rhinos.
They can learn more about rhinos' physical fitness (身體素質) and make sure
they are healthy and happy.
There are around 27-thousand rhinos that live in the wild.
(大約有 2.7 萬頭犀牛生活在野外。)
Most of them live in national parks and reserves(國家公園和保護區.)
Some species of rhinos are critically endangered.
That's why it's important to learn more about these animals, so we can
protect (保護) them.
A Paralympian wants people to walk to school
How do you travel to school?
Some people walk, while others take the bus or MRT, ride a scooter, or cycle.
Driving is also common in the UK, and it's something British Paralympian
(殘奧會運動員) Dame Sarah Storey wants to change.
She became the new Cycling and Walking Commissioner (自行車和步行專員) for
the Greater Manchester area, and she hopes parents can look for different
ways to take their children to school.
She recently visited two schools in her country to support their launch
(啟動) of the 'School Streets' project.
The project aims to reduce air pollution, limit road danger, and help
children live a healthier lifestyle by encouraging them to walk more.
Roads are closed during school drop-off and pick-up times, limiting the
number of cars in the area.
She feels that having more cars near schools can make it more dangerous for
children to walk there.
Dame Sarah says making sure there are no vehicles (車輛) at the school gates
means parents will feel more safe and the children will feel more confident
(有自信 ) 。
So, in today's News Bites:
People in Taipei celebrated Vyshyvanka Day this year.
Vyshyvanka Day is an international day for Ukrainian folk traditions.
People hope that the event can raise awareness and bring in more donations
for Ukrainian refugees.
Helen the rhino is wearing a fitness tracker.
She wears the fitness tracker around her ankle so that her caretakers can
know when she is walking, running, or napping.
The information will be shared with other researchers who are studying the
best way to take care of rhinos.
British Paralympian Dame Sarah Storey wants to change how people go to school.
She feels that having more cars near schools can make it more dangerous for
children to walk there.
She wants to make sure there are no vehicles at school gates so parents will
feel safer and the children will feel more confident.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about your favorite game.
There are so many different ways to play games. There are video games, of
course, but there are also table games, word games, and games you play
outside. Most games can be played with friends, but some games are fun to
play alone, too.
Which is your favorite game to play, and what do you love about it?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
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News Bites 文字檔 (國中) | Posted on 2022-06-15 | ![]() |
Hey there, and welcome to News Bites!
I'm Trevor Tortomasi...
And I'm Nancy Sun.
In today's news:
Taipei gets a new performing arts center, saving Indonesia's mynah birds, and
what is a "sharkano"?
Stay tuned for those stories, coming up next.
Taipei Gets a New Performing Arts Center
How long does it take to finish building a performing arts center
In the case (在這個案例) of the Taipei Performing Arts Center, the answer
would be a decade (十年), or about ten years.
That's from the time it was imagined (被想像) until the time it became a
reality (成為現實).
The building is made out of three different shapes (形狀).
There is a sphere (球體) which is a theatre with 800 seats.
There is a building that looks like a rectangle (長方形) which has 1500 seats.
Then there is a cube (正方體) which has 840 seats.
The performing arts center might look strange (奇怪) to some of us.
It might even look like a planetarium (天文館).
But it was actually inspired (靈感來自) by a wood-block puzzle (木塊拼圖).
The center has features (亮點) that make it look cool not just outside, but
inside too.
There is an escalator that has fun colors from the 1970s.
To celebrate the opening (開幕) of the performing arts center, which is
supposed to happen on August 7th, the center plans a nightly light show
You should be able to see the show, if you are on the metro, or if you are
nearby (在附近).
The architects (建築師) who designed the Taipei Performing Arts Center wanted
it to look different from other performing arts centers (表演藝術中心) in
different cities around the world.
But some people may not be impressed (不太有好印象).
They've compared the building with many shapes, to a combination (組合) of a
blood cake (豬血糕), a pork ball (貢丸), and a piece of tofu.
Saving Indonesia's Mynah
There is something special about mynah birds, which are found on the
Indonesian island of Bali (峇里島).
While common mynahs (普通的八哥) are brown, the Indonesian mynah is white,
and its wings have black tips (末端是黑色的).
They are very beautiful birds, and because their songs are full of different
whistles (啼聲) and chirps (吱喳聲), people like collecting them, and showing
them off (炫耀) during competitions (比賽).
But because so many people want to have these mynah birds for pets, they are
now endangered (瀕臨絕種).
There are now thousands of mynahs living in cages around the world, but bird
experts think they have found a way to save the Indonesian mynah.
And they are working with the same breeders (飼養者) which made the mynah
endangered in the first place.
These experts have started a "captive breeding program" (圈養繁殖計畫), where
the government issues breeders a license (證照).
If they have a license, the breeders are allowed to raise mynah chicks.
The breeders can keep 90 percent of the chicks, but they need to give the
remaining birds back to the government.
The birds will then be rehabilitated (野放) and sent to West Bali National
Park, where authorities (當局) can keep an eye on them (關注牠們).
The program might sound good, but there were problems in the beginning.
Some people, called poachers (盜獵者), continued to steal birds from the
park, and some of the chicks died because they got sick.
But the scientists say there are signs that the plan is working.
And they are hoping that locals will realize the birds are important, because
if there are birds, then the tourists (遊客) will come visit them too.
What is a "Sharkano" and Where Is It?
Scientists who study the earth, called geologists (地質學家), say there could
be as much as 1,350 active volcanoes (活火山) under the water.
They might be underwater (在海底), but these volcanoes are still active
That means they can erupt any time, and can cause earthquakes (地震) and send
out lava (岩漿).
Because volcanoes are very, very hot places, scientists always thought that
sea animals wouldn't go near them, but it looks like they might have been
They dropped a camera into the crater of the Kavachi Volcano, which is
underwater, and found two types of sharks, and many different kinds of fish.
Because of the sharks living inside, Kavachi Volcano also became known as the
But the volcano has erupted (爆發) again after the scientists looked at it,
and they don't know if the sharks and other fish escaped (逃跑).
So someday, we'll have to see if the sharkano is still around!
So, in today's News Bites:
Workers have finally finished the Taipei Performing Arts Center.
The center will celebrate by holding a light show every night.
It will formally open in August.
Indonesia's government has a new way to save the endangered mynah bird.
It will give breeders a special license, which allows them to raise the birds.
But they need to give chicks back to a natural park, so they can be released
into the wild.
The Kavachi Volcano is a super hot place.
But scientists say it became a home for different types of sharks and fish.
And that's today's episode of News Bites!
Have Your Say
This week, we want you to have your say about what you've learned this school
This past school year has gone from September of 2021 to June of 2022. That's
more than nine months of school! There may have been a lot of school work to
do, but you've already made it this far, and we're sure you've learned a lot.
So, out of all the things you learned in school this year, which new thing is
your favorite?
Record your message and send it to with your name and
age, and if you like, the name of your school.
Make sure to send us your recording by Thursday at noon, and you might hear
your message on our show on Friday!
News Bites Special-Have Your Say!聽聽你怎麼說!
同學們!最近你有聽到任何趣聞(fun fact)、笑話或者有趣的新聞嗎?
趕快用英語錄下你的 30 秒回答,Email 到, 詳細投稿方式請參考:,你的回答內容就有可能在週五節目中 Live 播出,還有機會獲得 ICRT 精選禮品哦!