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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-09-28 | ![]() |
President Gives Awards to Teachers in India
Hey, guess what?! Today is Teachers' Day! 你知道嗎?今天是教師節!
I know … You love this day! Because you love your teacher sooooo much,
Let's give teachers everywhere a great big clap! 請為世界各地的老師用力鼓掌。
Wow! That was loud! You must love your teacher very much!
In Taiwan, Teachers' Day is on September 28th. Other countries have Teachers'
Days too. But they're on different days.
In India, Teachers' Day is on September 5th. This year, India's president
gave awards to 75 teachers. These teachers worked hard for their students.
They did amazing things!
One teacher made an online drama. It helps kids learn. They have fun watching
it at home! 其中一位老師在線上演戲,幫助小朋友學習,讓他們在家也看得開心。
Another teacher loves his job. He comes to school every day. He hasn't missed
a day of school... for eleven years!
One teacher loves his school so much, he cleans it every day! He cleans the
toilets too! He even uses his own money to help the school!
The 75 teachers in India help their students in many ways. Maybe your teacher
does too. What can you give your teacher an award for?
1. award 獎項
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
They gave me an award! 他們給了我一個獎 !
Congratulations! What is the award for? 恭喜你,是什麼獎呢?
2. job 工作
For being a wonderful teacher! 因為我是很棒的老師。
Oh wow. But you don't even like your job! 哇,可是你甚至不喜歡你的工作。
3. every day 每天
I'm beginning to like it now. 我現在開始喜歡了。
It's a good job, you know. 這是個好工作。
Sure, you get to help children every day. 當然了,每天都可以幫助小朋友。
4. learn 學習
And I'm learning something new every day. 我每天也在學習新東西。
Like how to have fun when working. 比如說怎麼在工作時玩樂。
Let's learn something new every day! 一起來讀單字。
every day每天
1. When is Teachers' Day in Taiwan?
a. September 28th
b. September 5th
c. Every day
2. Who gave teachers in India their awards this year?
a. The President
b. The Prime Minister
c. The kids
3. How many teachers in India were given awards this year?
a. 28
b. 5
c. 75
1. a
2. a
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-10 | ![]() |
A New Logo for Double Ten Day
One … Two … Three … Four …
Oh hi, everyone! Happy Double Ten Day! Today is for Taiwan and Taiwan's
So... we're doing something new! First, let's stand! Yep, everybody stand up!
雙十節快樂! 今天是台灣重要的日子! 我們要做點不一樣的,請大家站起來!
Put your arms out to the left and right. This is "ten" in Chinese!
Now stand next to someone. Work in pairs. Put your arms out to the left and
right again. Look! You made the old Double Ten Day logo!
This year, Double Ten Day has a new logo. So let's change your pose.
Stand on your left foot. Point your right leg out to the right.
Point your left arm out to the left. Raise your right arm! Can you stand?
Yes! You made the new logo! Don't move!
The logo is blue, red, and white. Where are these colors from? They're from
Taiwan's flag!
Hey, you're still standing! You're strong! This logo shows Taiwan's people
are strong!
You are strong when change comes. You don't give up. You try to make things
good again.
Stand strong with your friends and family. Stand strong for Taiwan. Make
today a great Double Ten Day!
1. left and right 左邊和右邊
No, Jane, put your left arm out! 不對,你要伸出左手臂。
Not your right arm. 不是右手臂。
Left and right… How can I get it right? 左邊右邊,我要怎樣才能搞對?
2. stand 站立
Stand still and let me show you. 站著別動,我來教你。
You see, the hand you use for chopsticks is the right hand.
So this is the right arm. 所以這就是右手臂。
3. move 動作
Yes, you got it. 對,你說對了。
Jane, you're moving the wrong arm again! 你又動了錯的那隻手!
Oh no, I thought I finally got this move right.糟糕,我以為我終於做對了。
I give up on this dance, Nancy. 我放棄這支舞,Nancy。
Do you know right and left? Let's read the words.
1. What is Double Ten Day for?
a. Taiwan and Taiwan's people
b. Logos
c. Taiwan's flag
2. What does the new logo show about Taiwan's people?
a. They give up.
b. They are standing.
c. They are strong.
3. What color is not on Taiwan's flag?
a. Blue
b. Brown
c. Red
1. a
2. c
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-12 | ![]() |
Judge Says Artist Can't Take the Money and Run
Hey, news fans! Two years ago we told you about an artist named Haaning.
Do you remember? 大家還記得藝術家 Haaning嗎?
You don't!? That's okay. Two years is a long time! Here, I'll help …
A museum asked Haaning to make art.
It wanted the art to show people's feelings about work.
People work to make money. So Haaning wanted money in his art.
He didn't want to use paint or pencils. He wanted to use real money!
The museum lent Haaning money for his art. He got almost two and a half
million Taiwan dollars!
Haaning為了作品, 向博物館借了將近250萬台幣!
Then Haaning gave the museum his art. It showed... nothing! Where was the
Haaning寄了作品給博物館,但是……是空白的! 錢都到哪裡去了?
Haaning called his art "Take the Money and Run". That's what he did! He took
the money and ran!
The museum put Haaning's art in a show. But it wanted its money back too.
This year, a judge said Haaning has to give the money back.
Haaning doesn't want to. He says taking the money was the art!
Is the judge right? What do you think? Whose money is it? Haaning's or the
1. art 藝術。
I went to this art show last night… 我昨晚去看了藝術展。
Did you buy any artwork? 有沒有買藝術作品?
No, but I did talk with some artists. 不過我有跟一些藝術家聊天。
2. make money 賺錢。
That's nice. 真不錯。
Yeah, and some of them told me they were making good money.
3. dollar 元。
I thought most artists were poor. 我以為大部分藝術家都很窮。
I know, right? 我知道。But some could sell a painting at 500-thousand NT
dollars. 但是他們有人一幅畫可以賣到五十萬台幣。
4. tell 告訴。
One artist told me she got one million NT. 一位藝術家告訴我她賺了一百萬。
Oh, why did I stop my drawing lessons? 我怎麼會停止我的畫畫課?
一起來讀單字。art藝術 make money賺錢 dollar元 tell告訴
1. What did Haaning want to make his art with?
A: Paint
B: Pencils
C: Money
2. What did Haaning call his art?
A: "Lots of Money"
B: "Real Money"
C: "Take the Money and Run"
3. Who said Haaning had to give the money back?
A: News fans
B: A judge
C: An artist
1. C
2. C
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-11-24 | ![]() |
A Hospital for Seals
What animal do you hear? Is it a dog? No, it's not a dog. It's a seal.
Seals are cool animals. They swim very well. Some can make human sounds!
But some seals get hurt. Sometimes boat motors cut them... Sometimes fishing
nets catch them. Poor seals!
Lizzi lives in the UK. She loves seals. She helps seals that are hurt. She
made a hospital for seals... in her house! Two seals were in a room and four
seals were in her garage!
住在英國的Lizzi 很喜歡海豹。 她甚至把自己家改成海豹醫院,幫助受傷的海豹。
But many seals get hurt. She needed a bigger hospital to help more seals. So
she, her husband, and others built a seal hospital! When these seals are
better, people take them back to the ocean.
Baby seals are called pups. Sometimes pups can't find their mothers. They
can't get food. They get weak. Lizzi helps them for a while.
Then she takes them to a bigger place that takes care of pups. When these
seals are older, people take them back to the ocean too.
Lizzi got an award for helping seals. Thank you, Lizzi!
1. catch 捕捉
I wonder if I can raise a pet seal.我在想能不能養海豹當寵物。
In your bathtub like in some movies? 養在你的浴缸裡,像有些電影那樣嗎? Where
would you catch one in the first place? 你首先要怎麼抓一隻海豹呢?
2. take care of 照顧
Yeah, that would be a problem.對,那確實是個問題。
And how do you plan to take care of a baby seal? 而且你要怎麼照顧海豹寶寶?
I have no answer to any of your questions.你的問題我都答不出來。
3. better 比較好的
Maybe I should just call Taipei Zoo and ask them.
I have a better idea. 我有更好的主意。
Let's go to the zoo tomorrow. 我們明天就去動物園。
To see the seals? Wonderful! 去看海豹嗎? 太好了!
take care of照顧
1. What did Lizzi use her home for?
a. A seal playground
b. A seal school
c. A seal hospital
2. What are baby seals called?
a. Cubs
b. Dogs
c. Pups
3. What did Lizzi get for helping seals?
a. An award
b. Lots of money
c. A free boat
1. c
2. c
3. a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-12-11 | ![]() |
Museum to Give Back Important Headdress
Indigenous people are the first to live in a place. Taiwan has many
Indigenous groups: Amis people, Paiwan people, Atayal people, and others.
Indigenous groups live all over the world. They have sacred traditions and
beliefs. These are very, very important things the groups do and think.
They have sacred things. Some are headdresses. These are beautiful head
coverings. They have important meanings.
The Siksika Nation is an Indigenous group in Canada. About one hundred thirty
years ago, a man from the UK took a sacred headdress from them. Then he took
it back to the UK. It was in a museum there for more than one hundred years.
The Siksika headdress has eagle and hawk feathers. It has buffalo horns and
porcupine quills. Long ago, an important woman wore it to important religious
Now the Siksika Nation wants it back!
The museum is sorry they had the headdress. They know it's very important.
They're giving it back to the Siksika Nation next year.
Museums everywhere have sacred things. Let's hope these sacred things go home
to their people!
1. tradition 傳統
Do Taiwanese women wear a white gown…台灣女子穿不穿白色禮服...
when they get married? 結婚時嗎?
Yeah, they do. It's a tradition.穿啊,那是傳統。
2. wear 穿著
People here love the color red, too. 這兒的人也喜歡紅色。
They do.是沒錯。
Brides often wear red dresses at the wedding
3. long ago 很久以前。
Long ago my grandma told me red meant celebration.
That's right. 對。
4. hope 希望
Everybody hopes to get red envelopes on New Year's Day.
I certainly hope so! 我當然這麼希望。
long ago很久以前
1. Where is the Siksika Nation?
a. The UK
b. Canada
c. Taiwan
2. What things are on the Siksika Nation's headdress?
a. Buffalo horns
b. Eagle quills
c. Porcupine feathers
3. When is the museum giving back the headdress?
a. This year
b. Next year
c. In one hundred years
1. b
2. a
3. b
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