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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-04 | ![]() |
Eco-friendly Legos
Do you think about whether your toys are bad for the environment?
When you don't want your toys anymore, do you give them to other people?
Or do you throw them in the garbage? 不要的舊玩具,你會送給別人? 還是丟掉?
Do you think about what happens to them when you throw them away?
If your toys are made of plastic, they might stay in the environment for a
very long time.
This is because plastic takes a very long time to break down.
And that is bad for the environment. 塑膠玩具很難分解,對環境很不好。
Do you have Legos at home? 你家有樂高積木嗎?
Legos are made out of plastic. But guess what?
The company that makes Legos is trying to make the toys safer for the
environment. 樂高就是塑膠做的,現在他們想要用一些對環境好的材料
The Lego company says they are going to try to make Lego bricks that are made
out of natural things, like sugarcane.
Sugarcane doesn't hurt the environment if you throw it away.
The company also wants people to give their old Legos to other people to play
with. 舊的樂高不玩了可以送別人
So if you have Legos that you don't want anymore, don't throw them away.
Protect the environment, give them to other people instead!
1) Sugarcane 甘蔗。I like sugarcane juice.我喜歡喝甘蔗汁。Yeah, it's sweet
but not too sweet. 對,它是甜的,卻不會太甜。
2) Plastic 塑膠。All these toys are made of plastic! 這些玩具都是塑膠做的。I
know. Plastic is everywhere now. 我知道。現在到處都是塑膠。
3) Made of 用某種原料做的。I miss the time when blocks were actually made of
wood. 我想念以前積木真的是木頭做的。Right, and lanterns were made of paper.
4) Give 給予。Would you give away your favorite toy?
你會不會把最喜歡的玩具送別人? Give away my computer? No way! 送走我的電腦嗎?
咱們一起來讀單字。Sugarcane 甘蔗 plastic 塑膠 made of 用某種原料做的
give 給予
1. What kind of toy is this story talking about?
a. Jenga
b. Lego
c. Monopoly
2. How is this toy company trying to help the environment?
a. By making toys out of natural things
b. Buy cleaning up the ocean
c. Buy closing the company down
3. What does this toy company want people to do with old toys?
a. Give them to other people
b. Throw them in the garbage
c. Plant them in the ground
1. B 2. A 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-06 | ![]() |
Giant Diamond Found
Hi everyone. Have you ever found anything interesting just lying on the
ground before?
What would you do if you found something really valuable like a big diamond
on the ground? 如果你找到一顆鑽石你會做甚麼呢?
What is the most expensive thing you ever found? 你找到最值錢的東西是甚麼?
I once found 5 NT on the ground. 我有在地上找到5塊錢過. It isn't a lot of
money, but I was very excited to find it!
That's not as exciting as finding a big diamond though!
That's what happened to someone in the United States. Where a man went to a
park, and when he was there he found a really big diamond.
The diamond was about the size of a marble. And a diamond that big is very
rare and hard to find. 像彈珠一樣大的鑽石應該不常看到。
The man didn't even know it was a diamond when he found it! He thought it was
just a piece of glass! 他原本不知道是鑽石還以為只是玻璃!
But someone told him that it was actually a diamond. And it was the
second-biggest diamond ever found in that park. It might be worth a lot of
Isn't that incredible? 很不可思議吧。I should pay attention to what's on the
ground, maybe one day I'll find something cool like a pretty diamond too!
1. Glass玻璃。We drink wine with wine glasses.我們用葡萄酒杯喝葡萄酒。For
coffee, we use coffee cups. 喝咖啡則用咖啡杯。
2. Park公園。Would you take a walk with me in the park?
要不要跟我去公園裡散步? Sure! This is the best season to see the park.
3. Size尺寸。What's your shoe size? 你的鞋子尺寸是多少? I believe I'm size
11. 我想是十一號。 Why are you asking? 為什麼你要問? Because I'm buying Nike
shoes for you online. 因為我正在上網幫你買Nike鞋。Hurray! 好耶!
4. Pay attention to注意。Did you pay attention to your teacher?
你有注意聽老師講話嗎? I did! 我有。She said today is a holiday.
她說今天放假。But it's not! 但是今天不是假日!
Do I have your attention? Good! Now let's read the words together. Glass玻璃
park公園 size尺寸 pay attention to注意
1. What did the man in this story find?
a. A big diamond
b. A big marble
c. A big coin
2. How big was it?
a. About the size of a golf ball
b. About the size of a marble
c. About the size of a basketball
3. What country did he find it in?
a. The U.S.
b. Taiwan
c. Australia
1. A 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-08 | ![]() |
3-D Printer Makes a House
Oh, hi. Excuse me. I'm printing something from my computer. It's just a
regular printer. It's not a 3-D printer.
Do you know about 3-D printers? 你知道3D印表機嗎?
3-D printers can make great things. They can make plastic cups, bowls, toys,
and lots more. 3-D printers can also make houses!
That's right. You can print a 3-D house.
A really big 3-D printer made a house in Belgium. That's in Europe.
The 3-D house has two floors and people can live in it.
The printer didn't use plastic to make the house. It used concrete, so it is
really strong! 不是塑膠,是用混凝土做的,很堅固喔。
It took three weeks to make the big house. 花了三個禮拜才完成。
But some 3-D houses can be made in less than three weeks.
I wish I had a 3-D printer. I only have a regular printer. What would you
make with a 3-D printer? 如果你有3D印表機,你會做什麼呢?
Would you make a house? Maybe you could make a car or a boat, too. Maybe
everything you need could be printed out of a 3-D printer. Wouldn't that be
1) Print 印刷,printer印表機。Can you print it out for me?
你可以幫我把它印出來嗎? Sorry, the printer is broken.抱歉,印表機壞了。You
can go to the store to have it printed. 你可以去便利商店把它印出來。
2) Floor 樓層。Do you live on the third floor? 你住在三樓嗎? No, my house is
on the fifth floor. 不,我家在五樓。That's a lot of stairs to climb.
要爬好多樓梯。Yes, but the air is better. 沒錯,不過空氣比較好。
3) Live 居住。Most people like to live in cities.大部分人喜歡住在城市裡。
4) Use 使用。How should I open this can? 我要怎麼打開這個罐頭? Just use the
can opener. 就用開罐器。I don't know how to use it. 我不知道怎麼用。Here, let
me show you. 我來做給你看。
print 印刷 printer 印表機 floor 樓層 live 居住 use 使用
1: How many floors does the 3-D house have?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
2: What is the 3-D house made of?
A: Concrete
B: Plastic
C: Wood
3: Which is true about the 3-D house?
A: It is not very strong
B: It took three weeks to make it.
C: It is too small for people to live in.
1: B 2: A 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-11 | ![]() |
Foul-mouthed Parrots at Zoo
Did you know that animals can say bad words too? 你知道動物也會說髒話嗎?
Do you know what bad words are? 你知道什麼是髒話?
Have you ever watched a television show or movie and you suddenly hear
beeping sounds when people are talking? Well, those are sounds of bad words
being covered up! 那是把髒話蓋起來的音效。
What are bad words? Usually bad words are words that are very rude.
You shouldn't say bad words, because they can hurt people's feelings. If you
say them at school or in public, sometimes you can get in trouble.
I guess some parrots at a wildlife park in England didn't know this, because
they got in trouble for saying a bunch of bad words!
That's right, some parrots can talk! And there are five parrots in England
that got in trouble for saying too many bad words!
People who work at the park had to separate the parrots because they would
not stop saying bad words to visitors.
Funny story, huh? So humans aren't the only ones who get in trouble for
saying bad words! 不是只有人才會因為說髒話惹上麻煩喔!Birds get in trouble
1. Word 字,詞。I can't read this book. 我沒辦法看這本書。There are too many
difficult words! 太多很難的單字。What? You mean "The Very Hungry
Caterpillar?" 什麼? 你是說[好餓的毛毛蟲]這本書嗎? Those words are easy!
2. Rude 沒有禮貌的。It's rude to talk loudly on a bus.
在公車裡大聲講話很沒禮貌。I think it's rude to talk with food in one's
3. Trouble 麻煩。I can give you a ride home. 我可以送妳回家。No, that's too
much trouble for you. 不用了,那太麻煩你了。 Don't worry, it's no trouble at
4. Human 人類。Humans have to brush their teeth. Animals don't.
Let's read the words together.
word 字 rude 沒禮貌的 trouble 麻煩 human 人類
1. What kind of animal got in trouble for saying bad words in this story?
a. Parrots
b. Dogs
c. Monkeys
2. How many parrots got in trouble in this story?
a. Four
b. Five
c. Six
3. What did the workers at the park do to stop the birds from saying bad
a. Separate them
b. Set them free
c. Give them away
1. A 2. B 3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-01-12 | ![]() |
Owls don't have eyeballs
Do you hear that? That's an owl. Owls are really cool birds. They fly very
far every night to hunt and find food. 每天晚上,會飛到很遠的地方找食物。
Most owls only hunt at night.大部分的貓頭鷹在夜間打獵。
They can see in the dark very well.
And their eyes are huge! 牠們在黑夜裡看得很清楚,而且眼睛也很大,
They need big eyes to see in the dark.
They can see far, far away.
But did you know? -- Owls can't move their eyeballs. Why not? Because they
don't have eyeballs! 你知道嗎?貓頭鷹的眼睛不會動,因為裡面沒有眼球!
Most animals have eyeballs that can move around...just like people.
We can move our eyeballs and see left and right. 人的眼球可以往左看或往右看。
But an owl's eyes don't move, because they are tubes, not balls.
That's why owls need to move their whole head...they have amazing necks that
can move almost in a circle!
Oh, one more thing!
Owls have three eyelids to protect their important eyes! 還有很重要.就是,
So, owls don't have eyeballs, they have three eyelids, and they can see super
far away in the dark with their super big eyes!
Now that's a cool bird!
1. Neck脖子。That owl is turning its head backward. 那隻貓頭鷹把頭轉到背面了!
Yeah, that's amazing! 真驚人! I can't make my neck move that way.
2. Head頭。Kevin got hit on the head by a ball.凱文被球打到頭。Oh no, is he
hurt? 糟糕,他有沒有受傷? Of course not! He's got a hard head. 當然沒有!
3. In the dark在黑暗中。I couldn't see anything in the
dark,我在黑暗中什麼都看不見,so I felt around for my
4. Far away很遠。Come and have tea with me. 來跟我喝杯茶。Sure, but is your
house far away? 好啊,可是你家很遠嗎? No, it's not far. Just five minutes
away. 不遠,只要五分鐘。
跟我一起讀讀單字吧! Neck脖子 head頭 in the dark在黑暗中 far away很遠
1. Why can't an owl move its eyes?
A: Because it doesn't have eyeballs!
B: Because it doesn't want to
C: Because it doesn't have eyes
2. What do owls do to see things around them?
A: Turn their heads
B: Fly at night
C: Wear glasses
3. How many eyelids do owls have?
A: 16
B: 3
C: 2
1: a 2: a 3: b
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