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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-06-01 | ![]() |
Old Oil Wells Can Get Heat from the Earth
We use energy every day. We use energy for cars and scooters and for machines.
We get most of our energy from coal and oil. But coal and oil make a lot of
pollution. Yuck!
You guys know about solar energy and wind energy. But do you know about
geothermal energy?
Geothermal energy comes from the earth. The earth is really hot inside. When
you go to a hot spring, you feel the earth's heat.
People have to drill deep into the earth to get geothermal energy, which is
But now a university in America is saving money by using old oil wells, which
already go deep into the earth. There is no more oil in them, so Scientists
can use them to bring up the heat from the earth.
Wow! That's a great idea! That will make geothermal energy much cheaper.
This is exciting! Why? Well, because geothermal energy is like solar and wind
energy. It's clean. Plus, you can get geothermal energy even when the sun
isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing.
That's because the earth is always hot inside!
1) coal 煤
We use coal to produce power. 我們用煤發電。
But that's not a good idea, right? 那不是個好主意,對吧?
Coal brings pollution. 煤會帶來汙染。
2) hot spring 溫泉
Hey, there are fish in the hot spring! 溫泉裡有魚!
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
Yeah, how can they live in a hot spring? 對啊,牠們怎麼有辦法住在溫泉裡?
3) inside 在裡面
Scientists say it's always hot inside the earth. 科學家說地球裡面一直很熱。
That's why we have volcanoes? 這是為什麼我們有火山嗎?
4) oil well 油井
Think about that. An oil well in the backyard! 想想看,後院裡有一口油井!
You have an oil well in your backyard? 你家後院有油井?
No, I don't even have a backyard. 沒有,我連後院都沒有。
Let's read today's vocabulary.
coal 煤
hot spring 溫泉
inside 在裡面
oil well 油井
1. Where does most of our energy come from?
A: Sun and wind energy
B: Geothermal energy
C: Coal and oil
2. Which is an example of geothermal energy?
A: Heat from the earth
B: Heat from the sun
C: Energy from the wind
3. What is true about the dry oil wells?
A: They are not deep in the earth
B: They don't have oil in them
C: They are still making oil
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-06-13 | ![]() |
Scientists Take Pictures of Cow Burps
I have a funny question for you: Have you ever heard a cow burp?
Yes, cows burp. They burp a lot! A cow burp probably sounds like this...
Oh, wait. That's a moo. Here's a burp...
Maybe you've heard a cow burp. But have you ever seen a picture of a burp?
Yes, you can take a picture of a burp. But, you need a special camera.
Scientists in America used a special camera to take pictures of cow burps.
The camera was in space!
Why did the scientists take pictures of cow burps from space?
When cows burp, they make a gas. This gas is called methane.
Too much methane makes the world hotter. So, too much methane is not good for
the world.
The scientists want to find out where the methane is. They can see where the
methane is in the pictures from the satellite. This can help them understand
how much methane there is in the world.
What does a picture of cow burps look like? In the pictures from space, they
look blue. That's right! A cow burp looks blue in a photo!
What about farts? I wonder what a fart looks like? 我很好奇放屁會是什麼樣子?
1. burp 打嗝
Cows burp, and we burp too. 牛打嗝,我們也打嗝。
So we also make methane. 所以我們也製造甲烷。
We make more CO2. 我們製造比較多的二氧化碳。
It's another kind of gas. 它是另外一種氣體。
2. take picture 拍照
Would you take a picture of me? 幫我拍一張照片好嗎?
Of you eating watermelon? 拍你吃西瓜喔?
Yeah, I want to post the picture on my Facebook. 對,我要把照片po在臉書上。
3. photo 照片
What's so special about the photo? 這張照片有什麼特別?
It can cool people down. 可以讓人覺得涼快一點。
4. camera 照相機
My camera takes 4 photos in one second. 我的相機每秒拍四張照片。
That's an amazing camera! 真驚人的相機!
你經常拍照嗎? 來讀讀單字。
burp 打嗝
take picture 照相
photo 照片
camera 相機
1. Where were the special cameras?
A: On farms
B: In space
C: In America
2. Why are cow burps bad for the world?
A: They make a bad smell.
B: They hurt other animals.
C: They make the world hotter.
3. What color is a cow burp?
A: Blue
B: Brown
C: Purple
1. B
2. C
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-06-16 | ![]() |
'Stingless Bees' Make Medicinal Honey
Uh oh, there's a bee!
No need to be afraid though, if you don't bother a bee, they will not usually
sting you.
I like bees, they help the environment. They do this by helping more flowers
and plants grow.
This helps people because we need more flowers and plants to grow, so we have
more vegetables to eat.
Some people are afraid of bees, because they are afraid the bee will sting
There is a kind of bee that does not sting. They are called "stingless bees."
These bees live in Peru. Peru is a country in South America. Some people in
Peru use these bees for food. They also use these bees to make money, by
selling their honey.
And they can do all of this without worrying about getting stung!
Scientists are learning a lot about these bees in Peru… like how the honey
these bees make is different from honey made by other bees around the world.
They are also learning that the people in Peru use honey as medicine to treat
many different problems. They use it to treat things like colds, cuts, burns,
and other illnesses.
I can't believe honey can do all of those things! Bees really are amazing.
1. honey 蜂蜜
Would you like some honey in your juice? 你的果汁要不要加一點蜂蜜?
Good idea! I love honey. 好主意!我很喜歡蜂蜜。
2. a kind of 一種
What kind of food is honey? 蜂蜜是一種什麼食物?
It's a healthy food. 它是一種健康食品。
But it's still a kind of sugar. 但它仍然是一種糖。
Right. 對。
3. bother 打擾
This mosquito keeps bothering me! 這隻蚊子一直煩我!
Kill it and it will bother you no more. 把牠打死,就再也不會吵你了。
There, I got it. 打到了!
4. plant 植物
We could grow some plants in the living room. 我們可以在客廳裡種一些植物。
Yeah, plants like tomatoes? 可以啊,像蕃茄一類的植物?
No, no vegetables. 不行,不要蔬菜。
Have you ever been stung by bees? It hurts!
honey 蜂蜜
a kind of 一種
bother 打擾
plant 植物
1. What kind of animal is mentioned in this story?
A: Ants
B: Flies
C: Bees
2. What is special about this animal in Peru?
A: They don't sting
B: They don't sing
C: They don't fly
3. What do people in Peru use honey for?
A: Food and medicine
B: To power their cars
C: To wash their hair
1. C
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-06-21 | ![]() |
60-Year-Old Fast Food Found in Bathroom Wall
Ew! What is that smell?
There is something rotten in my refrigerator. I must have left some food in
there for too long. Now the food has gone bad. Gross.
Have you ever left food out for too long? It's pretty disgusting, isn't it?
Well, have you ever left food out for years?
Something like that happened to a couple named Rob and Grace in the United
States. They were redecorating their home when they found something
interesting in the wall.
Worker: "What is that?!"
It was a few bags of fast food!
It was probably left there by construction workers when the house was built.
Which means the food was about sixty years old! Ewwwww!
However, Rob said there were fries in the meal, and the fries were "still
perfectly crispy". He also said that it didn't smell at all.
There weren't any mice or other animals that tried to eat it either.
Isn't that crazy? Greasy fast food lasts a really long time. I wonder what
they put in it?!
1. wall 牆壁
Someone left food inside a wall. 有人把食物留在牆壁裡面。
That's not good. 這可不妙。
And the food didn't go bad after years! 好多年之後它都沒有變壞!
I guess there's no air in the wall. 我猜是牆壁裡沒有空氣。
2. fast 快速的
Are you a fast walker, Paz? 你走得很快嗎,派絲?
I am. Why? 我是啊,為什麼呢?
Because we need to move fast! The bus is coming.
3. smell 聞,氣味
There's a strong smell of garbage here. 這裡有好重的垃圾味。
I don't smell anything. 我什麼都沒聞到。
4. year 年歲
Our teacher is 22 years old. 我們的老師22歲。
That's very young! 好年輕!
Almost 30 years younger than me. 比我幾乎小30歲。
Would you read these words with me?
wall 牆壁
fast 快速的
smell 聞,氣味
year 年歲
1. What did the couple find in their wall?
A: Fast food
B: Buried treasure
C: A frog
2. How long was the food there?
A: About 6 years
B: About 60 years
C: About 66 years
3. What did Rob say about the food?
A: The burger was still juicy
B: The Coke was still fresh
C: The fries were still crispy
1. A
2. B
3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-09-15 | ![]() |
Greenpeace Finds Plastics in Animal Poop
Nature is so beautiful. I love hiking through the mountains of Taiwan.
Ew! But it is not nice when I see garbage in nature.
According to Greenpeace, who are a very large environmental organization, all
this plastic is ending up inside animals' bodies!
Greenpeace knows this because they are finding microplastics in animal poop!
Microplastics are very, very, very tiny pieces of plastic. When experts from
Greenpeace studied some wild animals in Taiwan, they found a lot of
microplastics in their poop!
This means animals are eating the plastic, or they are eating other animals
that ate the plastic.
This is not healthy for the animals. Plastic in their bodies can cause all
sorts of health problems. It can even kill them!
So we really need to stop throwing plastic garbage into the environment. And
everyone can help cut down on plastic.
Just remember to use as little plastic as possible, reuse as much as you can,
and of course, recycle!
1. eat 吃
Don't eat so much ice cream, Jane. 別吃那麼多冰淇淋。
But I only eat two ice creams a day! 但是我一天只吃兩個!
2. body 身體
Look, when ice cream goes into your body… 聽著,當冰淇淋進入體內之後…
It becomes sugar and fat, I know. 它就變成了糖分跟脂肪,我知道。
Too much sugar is not good for your body. 太多糖對妳身體不好。
3. find 發現,找到
Did you find your glasses? 你找到眼鏡了嗎?
Yeah, I did. 找到了。
Where did you find them? 哪裡找到的?
On my head. 在我頭上。
4. very 非常。
Hang the glasses on your neck.把眼鏡掛在脖子上。
They'll be very easy to find. 要找到它就容易了。
That's very smart of you. 你真聰明!
eat 吃
body 身體
find 發現,找到
very 非常
1. What is Greenpeace?
A: A very large environmental organization
B: A very large park
C: A very green piece of space
2. What are microplastics?
A: Very large pieces of plastic
B: Very tiny pieces of plastic
C: Brand new pieces of plastic
3. Where did Greenpeace find microplastics?
A: Inside trees
B: Inside birds' nests
C: In animal poop
1. A
2. B
3. C
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