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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-09-28 | ![]() |
President Gives Awards to Teachers in India
Hey, guess what?! Today is Teachers' Day! 你知道嗎?今天是教師節!
I know … You love this day! Because you love your teacher sooooo much,
Let's give teachers everywhere a great big clap! 請為世界各地的老師用力鼓掌。
Wow! That was loud! You must love your teacher very much!
In Taiwan, Teachers' Day is on September 28th. Other countries have Teachers'
Days too. But they're on different days.
In India, Teachers' Day is on September 5th. This year, India's president
gave awards to 75 teachers. These teachers worked hard for their students.
They did amazing things!
One teacher made an online drama. It helps kids learn. They have fun watching
it at home! 其中一位老師在線上演戲,幫助小朋友學習,讓他們在家也看得開心。
Another teacher loves his job. He comes to school every day. He hasn't missed
a day of school... for eleven years!
One teacher loves his school so much, he cleans it every day! He cleans the
toilets too! He even uses his own money to help the school!
The 75 teachers in India help their students in many ways. Maybe your teacher
does too. What can you give your teacher an award for?
1. award 獎項
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
They gave me an award! 他們給了我一個獎 !
Congratulations! What is the award for? 恭喜你,是什麼獎呢?
2. job 工作
For being a wonderful teacher! 因為我是很棒的老師。
Oh wow. But you don't even like your job! 哇,可是你甚至不喜歡你的工作。
3. every day 每天
I'm beginning to like it now. 我現在開始喜歡了。
It's a good job, you know. 這是個好工作。
Sure, you get to help children every day. 當然了,每天都可以幫助小朋友。
4. learn 學習
And I'm learning something new every day. 我每天也在學習新東西。
Like how to have fun when working. 比如說怎麼在工作時玩樂。
Let's learn something new every day! 一起來讀單字。
every day每天
1. When is Teachers' Day in Taiwan?
a. September 28th
b. September 5th
c. Every day
2. Who gave teachers in India their awards this year?
a. The President
b. The Prime Minister
c. The kids
3. How many teachers in India were given awards this year?
a. 28
b. 5
c. 75
1. a
2. a
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-09 | ![]() |
What One USA School Is Like for Kids from Taiwan
Lots of families from Taiwan go to live in the USA. The father or mother
works there. And their kids go to school there.
Arizona is a state in the USA. A Taiwanese company is building a big factory
Many people from Taiwan work at the factory. Their children go to local
One school has one hundred new students from Taiwan. How is the school?
One student says the kids in her class are very friendly. She says her
teachers are nice.
有一間學校來了一百位台灣學生,新學校怎麼樣呢? 有一位學生說同學跟老師都很友善。
All the new students' classes are in English. It's not easy for them. But the
school has two English teachers.
They help the new students learn English. They help the students understand
what to do.
The new students learn a lot. But the other students learn too. They learn
about Taiwan's culture.
They saw lion dancers at school for the Lunar New Year!
The students from Taiwan are making new friends. Nice teachers help them. The
new students are part of the school now. They love their new school in
Arizona! And their school loves them!
1. children 兒童
Do children like going to school in Taiwan? 台灣的小孩喜歡上學嗎?
I don't know. You'd have to ask them. 我不知道,你得問他們。
I myself loved it when I was young. 我自己小時候很喜歡上學。
2. friendly 友善的
Was your teacher friendly? 你的老師友善嗎?
Not at all. She was mean. 一點也不,她很壞。
We were afraid of her. 我們都怕她。
3. friend 朋友
But I enjoyed being with my friends. 但我喜歡跟朋友一起。
We played so much that we forgot about class. 我們玩到忘記要上課。
4. student 學生
Were you a good student? 你是不是好學生?
I guess I was okay. 我覺得還好。
We can use these words every day.
1. Why do kids' parents go to the USA?
a. To work
b. To see friends
c. To build a school
2. What state did the kids move to?
a. California
b. Arizona
c. New York
3. How are the kids in the new student's class?
a. Boring
b. Angry
c. Friendly
1. a
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-10-23 | ![]() |
The School With Two Students
How big is your school? Some schools are small. They are far from cities.
They have two or three hundred students.
你的學校有多大呢? 有一些離城市遠的學校,有大概兩、三百位的學生。
And some schools are very small. They are on a mountain, in a forest, or on
an island. They have twenty or thirty students.
But there are smaller schools! Do you know about the school with two
students? That's right! It has two students.
但你知道還有更小的學校嗎? 只有兩位學生。
Where is it? It's on Hujing Island in Penghu. Few families live on this small
The two students are in sixth grade. They will finish elementary school next
year. What happens when there are no students? The school closes.
The principal is sad about this. He knows the five teachers work hard. He
wants to get new students.
So the school will give free breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the
school year to new students. It will also give them five plane tickets!
Now there are no new students. But how about you? Do you want to go to school
on a small island? Yes? How about the elementary school on Hujing Island?
1. breakfast 早餐
This school offers students breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Every day? 每天嗎?
Every day. 每天。
That's so generous! 真慷慨!
2. finish 完成
I know. Think about how much time it can save you.
But my youngest kid is about to finish school! 但是我最小的孩子就快畢業了。
3. how 如何
How could he grow so fast? 他怎麼長那麼快?
I thought he's still 10 years old. 我以為他還是十歲。
Yeah, kids grow much faster than you think.是啊,小孩遠比你想的長得快。
4. happen 發生
So what will happen next? 所以接下來會怎樣?
I'll be free. 我就自由了。
1. Where is Hujing Island?
a. Matsu
b. Kinmen
c. Penghu
2. How many students go to the elementary school on Hujing Island now?
a. 2
b. 12
c. 20
3. What does the principal want?
a. More teachers
b. New students
c. Plane tickets
1. c
2. a
3. b
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-11-06 | ![]() |
Artist Fights to Save Art on Old Chewing Gum
Do you like chewing gum? Some sugar-free chewing gums can be healthy! They
make your teeth whiter, calm you, and stop bad breath.
When you finish chewing your gum, do you eat it? Don't do that! It's CHEWING
gum! It isn't EATING gum! It goes in the trash, not in you!
嚼完口香糖,你會吞下去嗎? 不可以喔! 你是嚼口香糖,不是吃它!
Some people spit their chewing gum onto the ground. It becomes litter. Old
chewing gum is sticky, ugly, and bad for the environment.
Ben Wilson is an artist from the UK. He paints old chewing gum! He uses
bright colors. His pictures are very small. Some have fun messages. Many
people ask for special chewing gum pictures.
英國藝術家Ben Wilson 用鮮艷的顏色在口香糖上作畫!
The Millennium Bridge is in London. Thousands of people use this bridge every
day. Hundreds of Wilson's bright chewing gum pictures are on the bridge! Kids
like to jump from picture to picture!
But the bridge needs cleaning. Many of Wilson's chewing gum pictures will go
in the trash! He's fighting to keep them safe.
Wilson takes ugly litter and makes pictures people love. Let's hope he can
save them!
1. picture 圖畫
You have so many pictures at home! 你家裡有好多畫!
Believe it or not, I painted all of them. 信不信由你,它們都是我畫的。
That IS hard to believe! 真難以置信。
2. artist 藝術家
I never knew you were an artist. 我從不知道你是藝術家。
No, I only tried to be one. 沒有啦,我試著做個藝術家而已。
3. color 顏色
So you like bright colors, don't you? 所以你喜歡鮮豔的顏色,對吧?
Yeah, yellow and orange are my favorite colors. 對,黃色跟橘色是我最喜歡的。
4. every day 每天
Do you paint every day? 你每天都畫畫嗎?
No, I paint when I feel bad. 不,心情不好的時候才畫。
Do you like painting? Let's read the words.
every day每天
1. Where should old chewing gum go?
a. In you
b. In the trash
c. On the ground
2. What is the chewing gum painter's name?
a. Bright Wilson
b. Art Wilson
c. Ben Wilson
3. What needs cleaning in this story?
a. London Bridge
b. The Litter Bridge
c. The Millennium Bridge
1. b
2. c
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2023-12-26 | ![]() |
Club Reads One Book for 28 Years
(Reading) "… The end. …. Whoa… What a great book!
Books are adventures! When you read one, you can visit new places, meet cool
people, and do amazing things!
In a book club, everyone reads the same book. Friends talk about the places,
people, things, and more in the book.
Some book clubs read one book every week. Many read one book every month. One
book club read one book... for 28 years!
The book is "Finnegan's Wake." People around the world love it! But it's very
The writer used about 80 languages. He wrote many strange sentences. And he
made new words! That's why this book is very difficult!
How difficult is "Finnegan's Wake"? Well, the people in the book club read
two pages every month! But that was too fast! So they read one page every
month! "Finnegan's Wake" has more than 600 pages...
這本書有多難呢? 這個讀書會每個月只看一頁,這本書超過600頁。
The people finished "Finnegan's Wake." Then they went back to... page one!
A book club read one book for 28 years. And they're reading it again! They're
on a great adventure!
1. amazing 讓人讚嘆的
What are you reading? 你在讀什麼?
Lord of the Rings. 魔戒。
That's an amazing book! 那是一本很棒的書!
I know. It really is.我知道,真的很棒。
2. place 地方
The writer created different languages for different places.
Yeah, and the actors in the movie talked in those languages!
3. year 年
But didn't you read the book last year? 但你不是去年就看過那本書了?
I did. And I'm re-reading it. 對,我現在再看一遍。
4. same 同樣的
Why read the same book? 為什麼要讀同一本書?
Why watch the same movie? 為什麼要看同一部電影?
Because you love it! 因為你就是喜歡它啊!
Do you enjoy reading? Let's read today's vocabulary.
1. What are book clubs for?
a. Running with friends
b. Writing with friends
c. Reading with friends
2. Which book took one book club 28 years to finish?
a. Finnegan's Cake
b. Finnegan's Wake
c. Finnegan's Snake
3. How many books do many book clubs read every month?
a. 1
b. 28
c. 52
1. c
2. b
3. a
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