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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-03-18 | ![]() |
Don't Draw on Museum Paintings
You would think mostly everybody knows that you shouldn't touch things at
museums. And you especially should never, ever draw on the paintings!
But somebody did that at a museum in Russia. And it wasn't a visitor to the
museum, or a thief, it was… a guard at the museum who did it! Apparently, a
guard decided to use a pen to draw on a painting that was hanging in the
This painting was painted in the 1930s, which means it is very old, and it is
worth about one-million U.S. dollars!
That is a very, very expensive painting to draw on! According to some
newspapers, they say the guard did it because he was… bored.
I know that museums aren't always that interesting, and sometimes it can even
be really boring… but that is still not a good reason to draw on any of the
Thankfully, the experts at the museum say the pen marks are light enough that
they can probably fix the problem. Fixing the painting will cost them about
three thousand four hundred dollars though.
Ouch, that's a very expensive pen mark to erase!
Remember, no matter how bored you are at a museum, you are not allowed to
draw on any of the artwork!
1. Bored 無聊的。
What do you do when you're bored? 你無聊的時候做什麼?
I go to the gym. And you? 我上健身房。你呢?
I open the refrigerator. 我打開冰箱。
2. Draw 畫圖。
What are you drawing? 你在畫什麼?
The sky. 天空。
But the sky should be blue. 但是天空應該是藍色。
I'm drawing the sky over a forest fire. 我在畫森林大火的天空。
3. Problem 問題。
We have a problem. 我們有問題了。
What? 什麼問題?
We forgot the key. 我們忘了鑰匙。
That is a big problem! 確實是個大問題!
4. Painting 油畫。
This is a beautiful painting! 這幅畫真美!
Indeed. It's worth 200 thousand. 的確是。價值二十萬元。
bored 無聊的
draw 畫圖
problem 問題
painting 油畫
1. Where is the museum in this story?
a. Taiwan
b. South Africa
c. Russia
2. What happened to one of the paintings?
a. Someone drew on it
b. Someone stole it
c. Someone bought it
3. Who drew on the painting?
a. A guard
b. A visitor
c. A thief
1. C
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-04-05 | ![]() |
What is Tomb-Sweeping Day in Taiwan?
Hey there, I'm just cleaning up a little to prepare for Qing Ming Jie... Tomb
Sweeping Day.
Do you know about Tomb Sweeping Day? People in Taiwan mark this festival
every year, usually on April 5th.
"Mark" here means to remember or celebrate a holiday or special day, like a
It is a special day for everyone to honor their ancestors. Ancestors are the
people in a family who have already passed on, and are no longer with the
people who are alive.
"Ancestor" 就是祖先。清明節是一個懷念祖先的日子。
If you don't know how to honor your ancestors, don't worry, I can tell you
all about it!
First of all, it's important to clean around where your ancestors are buried.
It's important for everything to be clean when you are honoring your
Many people also eat green rice dumplings on Tomb Sweeping Day. Doesn't that
sound delicious?
If you want to give your ancestors some money, you can do it by burning joss
paper. By burning joss paper, you are sending money to the afterlife for
your ancestors.
Joss paper 就是紙錢。人們只要燒金紙,就可以把錢送給祖先。
Isn't that nice? On Tomb Sweeping Day people honor their ancestors… oh, that
reminds me, I better make sure I put out the fire from the joss paper before
Well, I'd better get back to cleaning!
1. Tomb 墳墓
All the tombs here are old. 這裡的墳墓都很久了。
No new tombs? 沒有新的嗎?
No, because it's not allowed. 沒有,因為不准許。
2. Bury 埋葬
People don't bury the dead in tombs anymore. 人們不再把死者埋在墳墓中。
There's not enough land? 土地不夠嗎?
Right. 對。
3. Celebrate 慶祝,過節
How will we celebrate Children's Day? 我們如何慶祝兒童節?
How about going to the Zoo? 去動物園怎麼樣?
Wonderful! 太棒了!
4. Burn 燃燒
Something is burning… 有東西在燒...
Oh no, it's my fish! 糟了,是我的魚!
Now it's burnt. 現在它燒焦了。
Let's read today's vocabulary.
tomb 墳墓
bury 埋葬
celebrate 慶祝
burn 燃燒
1. Which festival is this story talking about?
a. Children's Day
b. Mid-autumn Festival
c. Tomb Sweeping Day
2. What is the paper you burn for your ancestors called?
a. Joss paper
b. Gold paper
c. Fake paper
3. What day is Tomb Sweeping Day celebrated in Taiwan this year?
a. April 5th
b. April 25th
c. May 4th
1. C
2. A
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-04-01 | ![]() |
April Fools' Day
In many countries, April 1st is a special day. It's not a holiday… you still
have to go to school… but it's a day people do pranks.
Yep! April first is April Fools' Day!
A 'prank' is like a joke… but you don't 'tell' a prank… you do something!
四月一號是愚人節,通常有人在這一天對別人惡作劇。"Prank" 就是惡作劇。
Some April Fools' Day pranks try to make people believe something silly.
Last year, a candy company in America told everyone that from now on… their
candy would be made out of broccoli! Lots of people said "What? Broccoli
candy? Yuck!" But then they remembered the date! It was April 1st... April
Fools' Day. Haha!
Another company did something funny last year too… the company makes cheese.
So, they told everyone they are making a new skincare cream… out of cheese!
Haha! Can you imagine putting cheese on your face?!
Pranks and tricks on April Fools' Day are fun… but we should never do
anything dangerous. The idea is to have fun… not get hurt.
Maybe you could change the time on your brother's watch… and then say, "Hey!
It's 9:30 PM... why is the sun still shining?"
Then, if he looks surprised… you say… "Haha, April Fools'!"
Have fun! And Happy April Fools' Day!
1. April 四月
I love April! 我喜歡四月!
Because of April Fools' Day? 是因為愚人節嗎?
That, too. But mainly because I was born in April.
2. fun 好玩的事
So do you plan to have lots of fun? 所以你準備痛快的玩嗎?
Of course! I'm going camping in Yilan... 當然,我要去宜蘭露營...
And also biking in Hualien. 還要去花蓮騎車。
3. candy 糖果
I'm so tired. I need candy. 我好累,我需要糖果。
Here, have some chocolate. 來吃一點巧克力。
4. face 臉
Did I get chocolate on my face? 我臉上是不是有巧克力?
Yeah, you look like a squirrel. 對,你看起來像松鼠。
Hey, that's not nice! 你很壞喔!
Okay, let's read the words.
April 四月
fun 好玩的事
candy 糖果
face 臉
1. What day is April Fools' Day on?
A: April 32nd
B: April 13th
C: April 2nd
(Haha! April Fools! The answer is April 1st!)
2. What's another English word for a kind of joke?
A: A frank
B: A crank
C: A prank
3. What pranks does the story talk about?
A: A company telling people they would make broccoli candy
B: A monkey throwing bananas at a pig
C: A new kind of dog that can fly
1. None of the above! The answer is April 1st
2. C
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-04-15 | ![]() |
Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs
Hey, there! You students probably know a lot about Christmas. There are
presents, Christmas trees, lots of songs, and Santa Claus.
But how much do you know about Easter? It's another big holiday in the West.
It happens in March or April. This year, it is on April 17th.
Let me tell you a few things about Easter. First, you need to know about the
Easter Bunny.
Some kids eat Easter bunnies on Easter.
Oh, don't worry! These aren't real rabbits. They are made of chocolate. They
are chocolate Easter Bunnies. Yummy!
A fun thing people do around Easter time is paint Easter eggs. These are real
eggs that are hard-boiled. After the eggs cool down, people paint them.
They can be really, really pretty. You can find pictures online of beautiful
Easter eggs from all over the world.
Easter is a religious holiday. The holiday is about Jesus Christ.
But you don't have to be religious to love Easter. You just need to love
chocolate bunnies and pretty eggs!
1. Holiday 假日,節日
Is the Dragon Boat Festival a big holiday? 端午節是大節日嗎?
It is for me because I love zongzi. 對我來說是,因為我很喜歡粽子。
2. March 三月
March has some cool holidays. 三月有一些很酷的節日。
Yeah, like what? 比如說什麼?
Like Women's Day. 比如說婦女節。
3. April 四月
I prefer April. 我比較喜歡四月。
Because of Easter? 是因為復活節嗎?
No, because it has days off like Children's Day.
4. Boil 煮
I'm boiling eggs for my salad. 我正在煮蛋準備做沙拉。
Would you like one? 你要吃一個嗎?
Sure. I love boiled eggs. 當然,我很喜歡煮蛋。
holiday 假日,節日
March 三月
April 四月
boil 煮
1. When does Easter happen?
A: March
B: April
C: March or April
2. What do some parents buy for their kids for Easter?
A: Chocolate bunnies
B: Real rabbits
C: Colorful baskets
3. What special thing do people do with Easter eggs?
A: Throw the eggs at each other
B: Paint the eggs
C: Step on the eggs
1. C
2. A
3. B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2022-04-27 | ![]() |
Super Skinny Skyscraper
There's a new 'super skyscraper' in New York City!
A 'super skyscraper' is a building that's between 300 and 600 meters tall.
Taipei 101 is about 508 meters tall… so Taipei 101 is a 'super skyscraper.'
Many cities around the world are building super skyscrapers because there
isn't any more room! The only place to build is up!
There are about 8 million people in New York City, but New York City is quite
small. So, what to do? Yeah! Build super skyscrapers!
紐約市不大,但是有八百萬居民,怎麼辦呢? 答案是超級摩天大樓。
And, they just finished building a new super skyscraper in New York… it's
about 435 meters tall… so it's not as tall as Taipei 101.
But, this new building in New York City is the skinniest super skyscraper in
the world! Skinny is another way to say 'thin.' And yeah! This new super
skyscraper is super skinny! When you look at it, you think, "Wow… is that
going to fall over?"
The reason it's so skinny is there just isn't any more land in downtown New
York City.
Wow! This new super skyscraper is really super!
1) sky 天空
Look, Taipei 101 is really touching the sky! 你看,台北101真的碰到天空了!
That's because of the thick clouds, Jane. 那是因為雲層很厚。
To me it's the sky. 在我看就是天空。
2) building 建築物
I don't like super tall buildings. 我不喜歡超高建築。
Me either. They're blocking the sun. 我也不喜歡。它們擋住陽光了。
3) land 土地
I'm buying this land. 我要買這塊地。
What do you want it for? 你買它做什麼?
To build a windmill. 來建一個風車。
For your children? 給你的小孩?
For all children. 給所有小孩。
4) skinny 纖瘦的
That's one skinny puppy! 真是一隻瘦巴巴的小狗!
I think it's going to fall down. 我想牠會倒地。
No, it's walking well. 不會呀,牠走得很好。
Let's read these words.
sky 天空
building 建築物
land 土地
skinny 纖瘦的
1. How tall is the Taipei 101 building?
A: About 1000 meters tall
B: About 508 meters tall
C: About 20 meters tall
2. What does 'skinny' mean?
A: Tired
B: Hungry
C: Thin
3. Where is the world's skinniest new super skyscraper?
A: Tokyo
B: London
C: New York
1. B
2. C
3. C
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