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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-04-26 | ![]() |
Bubble Concert
Oh, I miss going to concerts. I love seeing bands and singers perform on
stage. And I love hearing live music! 我很喜歡去看演唱會。
But because of the coronavirus many concerts all around the world have been
canceled. 因為疫情,很多表演都被取消了。
That's because there are usually lots of people close together at concerts
and the virus could pass from person to person… and we don't want that!
But what if there was a way we could go to concerts safely?
In the USA one band had a pretty good idea. They said "Hey, let's have a
bubble concert!" 在美國,有一個樂團提議做泡泡演唱會!
Each of the band members and each person in the audience got into bubbles!
Pretty safe, right? 每個人都要在泡泡裡,包括樂團,才開始表演喔!
But there are a few problems, like, would the music still sound good inside a
bubble? What if you need the bathroom? And won't it get hot in that bubble?
Well, they thought of that! Each bubble had a speaker for the music, a bottle
of water, a fan, a towel, and two signs.
One sign said "Hot in here!" and the other sign said "I gotta go pee!" If
anyone held up a sign, a worker came to help them out. 一個牌子寫著
"我好熱!" 另外一個寫 "我要尿尿!" ,只要拿起牌子,就會有人來幫忙喔。
Wow! A bubble concert that sounds like a good idea and a lot of fun too!
1. Live 現場。Turn on the TV now! 打開電視機。They are going live for the
game! 他們在播現場球賽! A live game? Cool! 現場球賽? 真酷!
2. Concert 音樂會。BTS has performed in three worldwide concert tours.
BTS已經舉辦過三次世界巡迴演唱會了。I tried to get tickets to their
concerts,我想買票去看他們演唱,but they were sold out in
3. Bathroom 浴室,廁所。I need to go to the bathroom. 我需要上廁所。Now?
We're on the freeway! 現在嗎?我們在高速公路上耶! Find me a bathroom, and
hurry! 幫我找個廁所,趕快! Okay, okay. 好啦!
4. Sign 招牌。There's a sign over there.那裏有個招牌。It says "Restroom,
Women and Men." 上面寫著男女廁所。Hurray! I'm saved! 真好,我得救了!
Please repeat the words after me.
live 現場 concert 音樂會 bathroom 浴室,廁所 sign 招牌
1. Why have many concerts been canceled?
a. Because of coronavirus
b. Because they are too loud
c. Because all the singers are tired
2. What idea did one band have for a safe concert?
a. A soap concert
b. A face mask concert
c. A bubble concert
3. What happened if someone needed to use the toilet at the concert?
a. The concert would stop
b. They had to wait until after the concert
c. They had to hold up a sign
1: a 2: c 3: c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-06-03 | ![]() |
Wasting Food is Bad for the Environment
Ugh, I'm so full. I can't possibly eat another bite. But I still have so much
food left on my plate! I really shouldn't waste it.
That's because wasting food is actually very bad for the environment.
浪費食物對環境很糟糕。Did you know that?
Some smart people did research on this problem.
And they found out that a lot of the food that is made all around the world
is wasted!
Food is wasted in people's homes and in restaurants.
Sometimes food is even wasted while it is being made or being delivered from
Overall, a third of the food that people make in the world isn't actually
eaten! 世界上有三分之一的食物是沒有人吃!
That is so much food!
Experts say one of the best ways we can protect the planet is to waste less
food. 專家說愛惜食物對地球比較好。
This means don't buy or make more food than you need.
You also need to remember not to waste food that you already have, because it
could be used to feed people who really need it.
So try not to ask for more food than you can actually eat.
I'm too full to finish my meal right now, but you know what? I'm not going to
waste it. 我不會把這一餐扔掉。
I'm going to take it home with me and I will finish the rest tomorrow!
That way I won't be wasting any!
1. Waste浪費。I hate to see so much food wasted!
我真討厭看到食物這樣浪費掉。This is not wasting. 這不是浪費。You don't want
meat that's gone bad. 你不會想要壞掉的肉。
2. Food食物。We buy too much food every week.
我們每個星期買太多食物了。That's true.這是真的。We need to cut back a
3. Finish完成。Have you finished your dinner? 你吃完晚飯了嗎? Not yet. Why
are you asking? 還沒呢,為什麼要問? Because I'd like to serve dessert!
4. Best最好的。What dessert did you make? 你做了什麼甜點? Orange milk pudding
with dark chocolate. 橘子鮮奶布丁加黑巧克力。That's the best dessert!
Okay, try not to waste food. Waste浪費 food食物 finish完成 best最好的
1. What is bad for the environment?
a. Eating food
b. Thinking about food
c. Wasting food
2. How much food in the world is currently wasted?
a. One third
b. One half
c. One sixth
3. How is food not wasted?
a. During deliveries
b. In restaurants
c. Giving it to people who need it
1. C 2. A 3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-09-14 | ![]() |
Man Skates Across Canada
Hi everyone! Do you like riding a bicycle? Or maybe a skateboard?
What about in-line skating? Have you ever tried it?
In-line skating 就是溜直排輪. It's fun. But be careful not to crash into
In Canada, there's a man called Zach, who must really like skating.
He skated from one side of Canada, all the way to the other side! From the
west to the east! 他從加拿大西岸一路溜到東岸。 And Canada is a really big
Zach's sister, Rachel, went with him, she was driving behind him in a van.
Zach 的家人開車跟在後面。
From start to finish, their journey took almost 3 months, and was over 10,000
kilometers! 他們這趟旅行全程超過一萬公里,花了3個月。
That's a new world record for skating! 那是世界新紀錄!
They did it for two reasons. The first was to have fun!
The second reason was to raise awareness for the environment and for bees.
Zach says bees are so important for the environment. If we can help bees, we
can help everyone!
Great job Zach and Rachel. And congratulations on breaking the skating record!
1. Journey 旅行。
The journey took Zach 90 days. 那一趟旅行花了札克九十天。
It's actually shorter than I thought. 其實比我想像的少。
Me too. I thought the journey would take at least half a year.
2. Reason 理由。
Zach's reasons are interesting. 札克的理由很有趣。
What are his reasons? 他的理由是什麼?
For fun and for raising awareness for bees!
3. West 西邊,East 東邊。
There's a lot more air pollution in the west than in the east.
That's true. 這是真的。
I think it's because all the big cities are in the west.
journey 旅行
reason 理由
west 西邊
east 東邊
1. What did Zach use to break a world record?
a. A big car
b. In-line skates
c. A bicycle
2. What journey did Zach make?
a. He went from one side of Canada to the other side
b. He went from Taipei to Kaohsiung
c. He went all the way around Hong Kong
3. Why did he make the journey?
a. Because he doesn't like skating
b. To help bees and the environment, and to have fun
c. Because he didn't have a car
1: B
2: A
3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-09-29 | ![]() |
Towers that Eat Pollution
Pollution is a big problem around the world. It's really bad for your health.
It can make you cough.
Oh, excuse me. In some parts of India, the pollution is really, really bad.
But India is trying to make its air cleaner. It built a tower that eats
Well, it doesn't eat the pollution like that. It sounds more like this.
The top of the tower has 40 huge fans. These 40 fans suck in the dirty air.
The air is cleaned in the tower. Then, the tower blows the clean air out.
Like this: the dirty air comes in... And the clean air comes out. Again...
Whew! That's making me tired. But the fans never get tired. They keep working
and working.
If the tower works well, India will make more of these smog towers. Oh,
sorry, smog is a kind of pollution. So, a smog tower is a pollution tower.
I hope it works! Maybe they can build a smog tower in Taiwan, too!
1) Air pollution 空氣汙染。
There's so much air pollution today! 今天的空氣汙染好嚴重!
Yeah, even the sky is grey. 對啊,連天空都是灰的。
2) Fan 電扇。
Here, this fan should blow away the bad air. 來,這座電扇應該可以吹走髒空氣。
One fan is not enough. 一座電扇不夠。
3) Tired 很累。
You look tired. 你看起來很累。
I feel tired. 我覺得很累。
Maybe you should go to bed earlier. 也許你應該早一點上床。
No, I've got work to do. 不行,我還有工作要做。
4) Work 工作。
You're working too hard! 你工作太辛苦了!
You're not a robot, you know. 你要知道你不是機器人。
I know. 我知道。
Let's read the words together.
air pollution 空氣汙染
fan 電扇
tired 很累
work 工作
Q1: Where is the pollution tower?
A: In India
B: In Canada
C: In America
Q2: How many fans does the tower have?
A: 14
B: 40
C: 400
Q3: What will India do if the tower works well?
A: Build more towers
B: Put more fans in the towers
C: Sell towers to other countries
1. A
2. B
3. A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-10-18 | ![]() |
New Taipei Getting New YouBike Service in October
Guess what? New Taipei City is getting a new YouBike system. It's already in
Taipei City, but the new YouBike system will be ready in New Taipei City at
the end of this month! 新北市新的微笑單車,月底就可以用了。
It is called YouBike 2.0, and there will be new bikes and new stations. The
colors are a little different too. 顏色有一點不一樣。 The original was orange
and yellow. The new version is white and yellow.
There will be seven hundred places in New Taipei City where people can borrow
these bicycles… 有七百個地方可以租腳踏車。
These rental stations will be in places where it is convenient for a lot of
people. 會放在方便的地方。 For example, near MRT stations!
Another place you can rent them is at New Taipei City Hall in Banqiao.
And in the future, the government plans to add even more stations for
YouBikes… as many as one-thousand-five-hundred!
This is great! I really like riding bikes, and I'm excited to try the new
bikes. I think they're very convenient to use to get around the city.
They are also better for the environment than driving cars, and it helps you
get very good exercise! 我覺得腳踏車很方便,也比開車環保,而且你還可以運動!
Will you be using the YouBike 2.0 bicycles?
1. System 系統。
We have a new YouBike system. 微笑單車現在有新的系統。
So I don't need to bring my EasyCard? 所以我不需要帶悠遊卡?
That's right. You only need your cell phone. 對的。只需要手機。
2. Ride a bike 騎腳踏車。
I feel bored. 我覺得好無聊。
Let's go and ride bikes at the riverside park. 去河濱公園騎車吧。
Great idea! 好主意!
3. Excited 興奮的。
I'm so excited about tomorrow's School Day! 我好興奮明天的學校日!
Me too. I'm excited to see my old friends.
Are they coming? 他們會來嗎?
Yes they are! 會來。
4. In the future 未來。
There will be more bike trails in the future. 未來會有更多自行車道。
I can't wait. 我簡直等不及了。
Do you ride a bike every day?
system 系統
ride a bike 騎腳踏車
excited 興奮的
in the future 未來
1. What kind of transportation is this story about?
a. Cars
b. Trains
c. Bicycles
2. What are the new bicycles called?
a. YouBike 2.0
b. YouTube 2.0
c. Moovo
3. What city is mentioned in this story?
a. Taipei City
b. New Taipei City
c. Taichung City
1. C
2. A
3. B
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