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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-05-23 | ![]() |
This Library Wants Cat Pictures
Have you borrowed books from a library? Libraries have great books!
It's important to return books on time. It's also important to take good care
of them. If you lose a book, some libraries take your library card! Oh no!
During the pandemic, many people lost books. Their libraries took their
cards. But in one American city, the library wants these people to enjoy the
library again.
Do people have to pay for their lost books? No! They can bring a picture of a
cat. A cat? Yep! Then they get their library card back!
Many people brought cute cat pictures. But one boy didn't have a cat. So he
drew a cat! He got his library card back!
This library is kind. Some people don't have money for lost books. But they
want to go to the library. So the cat pictures are making everyone happy!
The library is welcoming everyone back. It's showing that making mistakes is
okay. It's also showing there's always a way to start over, especially when
cute cats help! Let's go borrow some books!
1. borrow 借
That book you borrowed from me…? 你跟我借的那本書...
Yeah, "Everyone Poops 大家來大便," we're not done yet. 我們還沒有看完。
2. back 回來
It's from the library. 它是圖書館的書。
It's a fun book. My son enjoyed it a lot。它是好玩的書,我兒子很喜歡看。
Would you bring it back to me tomorrow? 可以明天帶回來給我嗎?
3. return 歸還
I need to return it. 我需要歸還。
Of course. we've learned a lot from it.當然,我們已經學到很多了。
4. some 一些
What have you learned? I'm curious. 你們學到什麼? 我很好奇。
That some animals poop on the move. 有的動物一邊走一邊大。
Do you have a library card? 一起來讀單字。
1. Why do libraries take some people's library cards?
a. People lost books.
b. People sold books.
c. People bought books.
2. What did one boy draw?
a. A book
b. A cat
c. A library
3. What is the library showing?
a. Making mistakes is okay.
b. Books are okay.
c. Losing books is okay.
1. a
2. b
3. a
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-06-07 | ![]() |
Hey kids, the storyteller is here! It's story time!
In Pakistan, many poor kids can't read. Many don't go to school. There's
nothing to do. Some kids get into trouble...
In one city, some people want these kids to love reading.
These people wrote fun picture books. They also got some old ice cream bikes.
These bikes have a big, strong box to hold ice cream. But now they hold lots
of books. The bikes are cute, colorful little libraries!
Storytellers ride the bikes. They go to poor parts of the city. They find a
good place for reading. They put colorful little mats on the ground. They put
orange safety cones around the mats.
Every time, lots of kids come. They sit on the mats. The storyteller reads.
He holds the book high. The kids listen to every word! They look at every
picture! Their eyes shine! They smile and laugh!
Some of these kids go to school now. They want to learn how to read.
Storytelling can change lives!
1. poor 貧窮的
Once upon a time, there was a poor boy… 從前有一個窮小子…
Wait, are you telling me a story? 等一等,你在跟我講故事嗎?
Yeah, this is a story I wrote. 是啊,這是我自己寫的故事。
2. listen to 聆聽
Do I have to listen to it? 我一定得聽嗎?
Do you have anything better to do? 你有更好的事要做嗎?
Well, not really.倒也沒有。
In that case, please let me go on. 既然那樣,拜託讓我繼續。
3. read 閱讀
But I prefer reading it myself. 但是我比較想要自己看。
It's not done yet. 我還沒寫完。
4. word 字
How many words have you got? 你寫了幾個字了?
About 20. 大概20個。
That's just 3 or 4 sentences! 那才三四個句子。
Like I said, it's not done. 我說了還沒寫完嘛。
listen to聆聽
1. What did the ice cream bikes become?
a. Little libraries
b. Small schools
c. Strong boxes
2. What's in the big boxes now?
a. Ice cream
b. Books
c. Storytellers
3. Why do some of these kids go to school now?
a. To ride a bike
b. To get orange cones
c. To learn how to read
1. a
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-07-08 | ![]() |
Reading for the Brain
Do you like stories about magic? How about stories about superheroes? These
stories are fiction. Fiction means the stories are NOT real. But they're
exciting! You can use your imagination!
One girl loves fiction. She likes adventure stories. She likes stories about
magic. But she LOVES fairy tales…
Once upon a time, the girl had a question … Is reading fiction good for the
One day, some scientists gave her the answer. They said reading fiction helps
the brain in many ways!
Fiction readers understand other people's feelings better. They think more
clearly. They solve problems better. They're good at understanding ideas and
things they can't see or touch.
The scientists looked at studies on people who read fiction and people who
watch fiction. They said reading fiction was more helpful for the brain!
The girl is very happy! Now she knows - reading fiction is good for the brain
in many ways! Now you know too. So everyone can live happily ever after! The
1. fiction 小說
What's your favorite type of story? 你最喜歡哪種故事?
Fiction. Only fiction can take me into another world.
2. read 閱讀
Like A Game of Thrones? 就像《權力遊戲》嗎?
Yeah, it's a wonderful story. 對啊,它是很奇妙的故事。
I love reading it.我很喜歡看。
3. fairy tale 童話
It's full of dragons, castles, kings and queens.
Sounds like a fairy tale. 聽起來像童話。
No, good people die in that story. 不像,那個故事裡好人會死。
4. superhero 大英雄
And the superhero is a person with dwarfism. 而且大英雄是侏儒。
You didn't watch the TV series? 你都沒看電視影集?
Do you like fiction?
fairy tale童話
1. What kind of story is fiction?
a. Not real
b. News
c. Real
2. What does reading fiction help?
a. Scientists
b. The brain
c. Fairy tales
3. What did the scientists say about fiction readers?
a. They're better at sports.
b. They don't think clearly.
c. They solve problems better.
1. a
2. b
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-10-01 | ![]() |
The Taishin Youth Volunteer Awards
A young girl's love of books is changing lives! She loves to read. She wants
to help kids everywhere to read, learn, and grow.
有個女孩,她對書本的熱愛正在改變生命! 她要幫助世界各地的兒童閱讀和學習。
The girl found a group online. It helps kids to study. She volunteered. She
read books online with students in India. She had a great time!
Next, she started her own group. She worked with more than 70 schools in
Taiwan. She helped many students!
接著,她成立自己的團隊,跟超過 70 個台灣的學校合作,幫助很多學生!
Then she started another group! It runs online reading clubs. It's for girls
all over the world!
然後,她又成立了第二個團隊! 這是給世界各地女孩參加的線上讀書會。
Last year, this girl won a Taishin Youth Volunteer Award. It's for junior
high and high school students who help others.
She got a medal. Her favorite charity got money. She went on study trips
This year's awards are soon. Do you know junior high or high school students
in Taiwan who love to volunteer? They can sign up! Maybe they'll win! Sign up
ends on October 31st!
你認識喜歡當志工的中學生嗎?也許他們會得獎! 記得要在 10 月 31
Are you too young for the award this year? Well, you're not too young to
volunteer. It will make you feel good!
1. volunteer 當志工。
Oh my God! I want to volunteer for this! 天哪,我要去當這個志工!
For… eating at Michelin restaurants? 吃米其林餐廳的志工?
No! For the World Masters Games! 不是! 壯年運動會的志工!
2. work 工作。
Masters in playing video games? 玩電腦遊戲的大師?
No, masters in sports! 不,運動大師。
Oh, I get it. 我懂了。
You like working with handsome athletes. 你喜歡跟帥帥運動員一起做事。
Who wouldn't? 誰會不喜歡?
3. all over the world 世界各地。
Plus I'll get to meet people from all over the world!
4. start 開始。
So what do volunteers do? 所以志工做些什麼?
I don't know. Starting a race with a gunshot? 我也不知道。鳴槍讓賽跑開始?
volunteer當志工 work工作 all over the world世界各地 start開始
1. What does last year's award winner love?
a. Books
b. Bags
c. Balls
2. What do award winners get?
a. A book
b. A volunteer
c. A medal
3. When does sign up end for this award this year?
a. October 1st
b. October 21st
c. October 31st
1. a
2. c
3. c
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2024-12-03 | ![]() |
Looking for the Golden Owl
Looking for something special is exciting! A very special thing can be a
treasure. Looking for it is a treasure hunt.
Treasure hunts have maps or puzzles. People find answers to the puzzles …
Aha! The answers help them find the treasure!
A treasure hunt started in 1993. The treasure is an owl. It's made of gold,
silver, and diamonds! It was somewhere in France.
A man made eleven puzzles. It took four hundred and fifty hours! He put the
puzzles in a book. Thousands of people read it. They tried to find the
answers. They wanted to find the golden owl!
一個男人花了 450 個小時,設計了 11
The man said finding the owl might take a few months. Two years later, he
said finding it might take two hours. But everyone had to share their
The man died in 2009. But people didn't stop looking. They looked for 31
years! Then someone found the owl! The treasure hunt is done! Many people are
那個男人在 2009 年過世,但其他人沒有放棄寶藏,他們總共找了 31
The golden owl is worth about five million Taiwan dollars! Whoa! What a
1. look for 尋找。
I would never spend years looking for some treasure.
Why not? It could be a lot of fun. 為什麼不? 也許很好玩呢。
2. find 找到。
It's fun only if you can find it. 你找到了才好玩。
I would always worry that it's a scam. 我會一直擔心是個騙局。
3. gold 黃金。
A treasure box full of gold, silver and diamonds? 寶貝箱裡裝滿了金銀鑽石?
That's only in movies. 那只有電影裡才有。
4. hundred 百。
I want to find a sunken ship if I can. 可能的話我想找到一艘沈船。
A ship that sank hundreds of years ago. 幾百年前沉沒的船。
Will you join a treasure hunt? 一起來讀單字。
look for尋找 find找到 gold黃金 hundred百
1. Where was the owl?
a. Germany
b. Spain
c. France
2. How long was the treasure hunt?
a. 11 years
b. 31 years
c. 2,009 years
3. How much is the owl worth?
a. Five thousand Taiwan dollars
b. Five million Taiwan dollars
c. Five billion Taiwan dollars
1. c
2. b
3. b
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