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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-05-28 | ![]() |
Space Vacation
Where do you like to go for vacation?
I like to go to a beach hotel in Kenting... 我自己會選擇墾丁海邊飯店去度假。
But, someday … when you grow up … maybe you'll go to a space hotel for
It sounds crazy, but right now, there are people working to build a hotel
that has rooms for 440 space!
The space hotel will look like a super big wheel. It will a wheel
on a bicycle.
The turning will give the hotel some gravity … so you can stand up ...and
your food won't fly away! ...but you will also feel much lighter than on
With less gravity, you could play basketball and jump super high!
You could have a lot of fun with less gravity.
The company says the first space hotel will open in five years … but at
first, it's going to be very expensive.
In 10 or 20 years … it will become much cheaper...and then everyone could go
on vacation in space!
That would be so cool...looking down at the earth...jumping around...having
fun in space! What do you think? Want to go to a space hotel?
1. Hotel旅館。I love staying in a hotel! 我超喜歡住旅館 ! With a swimming
pool and good breakfast, right? 有游泳池和豐富早餐,對嗎? Yeah! 對的!
2. Vacation度假。When I'm on vacation, I like to stay in a hotel with a sea
view. 我度假時喜歡住有海洋景觀的旅館。
3. Gravity地心引力。I would weigh only 40 kilograms on the moon!
我在月球上體重只會有40公斤! That's right, because the moon has less gravity
than Earth.對,因為月球的地心引力比地球輕。
4. Light輕的,lighter更輕。This box is lighter than that one.
這個盒子比那個輕。 It's light because I only put two toy cars in it.
Let's review the vocabulary. Hotel旅館 vacation度假 gravity地心引力
light輕的 lighter更輕
1. What will the space hotel look like?
A: A train
B: A square
C: A bicycle wheel
2. Why could you jump really high at the space hotel?
A: Because there is less gravity
B: Because they give you special shoes
C: Because there is more gravity
3. When will the first space hotel open?
A: In 200 years
B: Tomorrow
C: In 5 years
1: C 2: A 3: C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-06-07 | ![]() |
Robot Space Dogs
Astronauts from lots of countries all want to be the first people to stand on
Mars… but Mars is a long, long way away.
Robots can go to Mars much easier than people. 機器人去火星比人類簡單多了!
Robots don't need food, or air, or water... but people do! One day people
will walk on Mars, but for now...sending robots is a cheaper and safer idea.
Right now there is a robot car on Mars... and also a robot helicopter!
But, the next kind of robot people want to send to Mars is going to look like
...a dog! Yeah! It will have four legs and move around like a dog!
The robot car on Mars is very slow. But the robot dogs can move fast...and
they can go into caves and climb up hills! And if they fall down… they can
stand up again quickly!
The Mars Dogs will help us explore and learn about Mars… but there is one
thing they can't do… they can't bark (Laughs).
1) Robot 機器人。 Robot dogs can run, jump and climb. 機器狗可以跑,跳,爬。
Wow, can it get newspapers for me? 哇,可以幫我拿報紙嗎? For that, you need
Robot dog 2.0. 拿報紙需要機器狗二點零。
2) Mars 火星。 Let's go on a long trip. 我們來個長長的旅行吧。 Where do you
have in mind? 你想要去哪裡? Mars. It takes 10 months just to get there.
3) Move 移動。 How will you move around after arriving on Mars?
你到了火星之後如何來來去去? Easy, we'll get a taxi. 很簡單,就叫計程車。
4) Look like 看起來像。 What do the clouds look like to you?
你覺得雲看起來像什麼? Hmmm, they look like… hamburgers. 看起來像漢堡。
Let's read them together.
robot 機器人 Mars 火星 move 移動 look like 看起來像
1. Why is it cheaper and easier to send robots to Mars?
A: Robots think work is fun
B: Robots don't need air, food, and water
C: Robot food is super cheap!
2. What will the next robots going to Mars look like?
A. Dogs
B. People
C. Penguins
3. What can Mars Dogs do?
A: Bark really loud
B: Go into caves and climb up hills
C: Find bones and catch sticks
1: B 2: A 3: B
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-06-08 | ![]() |
Hands-Free Sneaker
Matthew is a young person from America. He was born with a disability. A
disability can make some things really hard. Can you tie your shoes by
yourself? Of course you can, right?
Matthew uses crutches and he can walk by himself. But he can't bend down to
tie his shoelaces. 麥修用拐杖走路,但是他沒辦法彎腰綁鞋帶。
So, Matthew thought, "Hey, maybe I can ask a shoe company to help me!"
The people at the company were kind and said, "Ok, we will try to help!"
It wasn't easy. The company tried lots and lots of ideas… nope...
nope...nope... then finally... yeah! They invented a new sports shoe that
doesn't use shoelaces. 他們發明了不需要用鞋帶的運動鞋。
This new shoe is very interesting… it has a special hinge that automatically
opens and closes with your foot... you don't need to bend down... and there
are no shoelaces.
You can see a video of the new shoes on the internet.
Matthew is really happy about the new shoes... and... maybe soon, lots of
people will use them… then the shoe company can make money!
Pretty cool, yeah?
Being kind and helping can make the world a better place... for other people,
and for yourself, too!
1) Shoes 鞋子。 My feet hurt! 我的腳好痛! Something wrong with your shoes?
你的鞋子有問題嗎? Yeah, these shoes are too tight! 對啊,這雙鞋子太緊了!
2) Bend down 彎下來。 Look at the caterpillar! 你看這隻毛毛蟲。 Where is it?
I don't see anything. 在哪裡? 我什麼都沒看到。 You have to bend down to see
it. 你得彎下腰來看。
3) Make money 賺錢。 I can't go out tonight. I have to work and make money.
我今晚不能出門。我要工作賺錢。 Why do you want to make more money?
你為什麼需要賺更多錢? Because the more the better. 因為越多越好。
4) Sports 運動。 Also, I like my job at the sports center.
而且我喜歡運動中心的工作。I can use all the equipment. 我可以用所有設備。
Will you read with me?
shoes 鞋子 bend down 彎下來 make money 賺錢 sports 運動
1. What was Matthew's problem?
A: He couldn't walk
B: He couldn't bend down
C: He couldn't see
2. What happened when Matthew asked a shoe company for help?
A: They said, "Sorry, we are too busy."
B: They said, "No thank you. We don't like ice-cream."
C: They said, "OK, we will try to help."
3. What did the shoe company invent?
A: A new kind of sports shoe...with no shoelaces
B: A new kind of cap for swimming
C: A new kind of socks
1: B 2: C 3: A
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-06-09 | ![]() |
Candy Pen
I love candy. 我超愛吃糖果。 I don't care what kind it is... as long as it is
sweet candy, I will want to eat it!
Candies come in all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes. But wouldn't it be
fun if you could design your own candy any time you wanted?
Well, you can! There is a company that is designing a 3D pen that lets you
draw candy. 有一種公司發明了一種3D筆,可以讓你畫出3D的糖果還可以吃。
That's right, you can draw a piece of candy, and then eat it!
The pen lets you draw a 3D shape, so it's not like a picture on a flat piece
of paper. You can touch it and actually pick it up.
The pen comes with colorful gel inside, and all you have to do is draw your
own 3D design! When the gel becomes hard, you have a piece of candy that you
can eat! 這個筆裡面有果凍膠,畫出來的東西變硬了以後就可以吃!
That sounds so fun! And there are so many flavors that you can put into the
pen... strawberry, orange, apple, grape, lemon, and cola.
I think my favorite is cola-flavored candy. 我最喜歡可樂的口味。
I wish I had one of these candy pens!
I would need to be careful not to put it in my pencil case though. 我要小心…
I might accidentally use it to write my homework! I don't think the teacher
would like it if I handed in a sticky assignment at school.
1) Candy 糖果。 I made some candy popcorn. 我做了糖爆米花。 Would you like to
try it? 你想試吃嗎? Candy popcorn, so fancy! 糖爆米花,真豪華! Sure, I'd
like to have some. 我一定要嚐一嚐。
2) A piece of 一片,一顆。 Okay, we each have a piece of lemon pie and two
pieces of candy. 好,我們每個人有一片檸檬派,兩顆糖果。 I love lemon pie. Can
I have two pieces? 我喜歡檸檬派,可以有兩片嗎?
3) Draw 畫圖。 Kevin draws lovely pictures! 凱文畫的圖真漂亮! Yeah, I'm
surprised he can draw so well. 對啊,我很驚訝他那麼會畫圖。
4) Eat 吃。 Don't eat too much before going to bed. 睡覺之前別吃太多。
Let's try not to eat too much candy. 我們來複習單字。
candy 糖果 a piece of 一片,一顆 draw 畫圖 eat 吃
1. What kind of device is talked about in this story?
a. A pen
b. A pencil box
c. A weapon
2. What can this device do?
a. Draw candy
b. Draw fruit
c. Do homework
3. What flavor is not mentioned in this story?
a. Strawberry
b. Cola
c. Durian
1. A 2. A 3. C
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News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) | Posted on 2021-06-17 | ![]() |
The Grand Hotel's Secret Tunnels
Ninety-eight… ninety-nine… one hundred! Ready or not, here I come!
Okay, now where did my friends go? 我的朋友跑到哪裡去了?
Ah! There you are! Caught you! 找到你了!
I love playing hide-and-seek. Do you know that game? 你玩過hide-and-seek躲貓貓嗎?
Hide-and-seek is a game where some people hide, and one person tries to go find all of them! It's simple, but it's super fun!
Sometimes it's really hard to find people, especially if they have really good hiding places!
Do you know what a really great hiding place would be?
The secret underground tunnels under the Grand Hotel in Taipei! 台北圓山大飯店下面有秘密隧道喔。
Yep, there are secret tunnels underneath that hotel! But it's not so secret anymore. 當然,這些隧道現在已經不是秘密了, because the hotel decided to open it to the public, and let everyone see it.
The tunnels were built a long time ago, over 50 years ago. They were built as a secret way to escape from the hotel. 50多年前建造的,它是用來逃生的。
That's pretty cool! Playing hide-and-seek in these tunnels would be very fun.
The hotel probably wouldn't let people play games down there though…飯店應該不會讓人在那裡玩遊戲。
But you can still go to visit, and learn all about the history of the secret tunnels underneath the Grand Hotel!
1) Where 在哪裡。 Where did Kevin go? 凱文去哪裡了? I don't know. He was here
just a minute ago. 我不知道。他一分鐘之前還在這裡。Maybe he went home.
也許他回家了。Where does he live? 他住在哪裡? On South Road. 在南方路上。
2) Hotel 旅館。 There are so many hotels in Hualien! 花蓮有好多家旅館! I
don't know how to choose.我不知道怎麼選。 Let me help you. 我來幫你。How
about the Green Hotel? It's has a nice swimming pool. 綠色旅館怎麼樣?
3) Game 遊戲。 Let's play the game Hawk and Chicken. 我們來玩老鷹捉小雞吧。
I've never played this game before. 我沒玩過這個遊戲。It's easy. 很簡單的。
4) Secret 秘密。 Everyone has secrets. 每個人都有秘密。I don't. 我沒有。
Do you have any secrets? Let's read together.
where 在哪裡 hotel 旅館 game 遊戲 secret 秘密
1. Which hotel in this story has secret tunnels?
a. The Hyatt
b. The Grand Hotel
c. Silks Hotel
2. In which city is this hotel located?
a. Taipei
b. Taichung
c. Tainan
3. Where are the tunnels?
a. On the roof
b. Inside the hotel rooms
c. Underground
1. B 2. A 3. C
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