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Biden and Xi Discuss Peace Across Taiwan Strait
Posted on 2024-04-03 18:10:13
U.S. President Joe Biden emphasized the crucial need for peace and stability
across the Taiwan Strait during a phone talk with Chinese President Xi

This dialogue, marking their first communication since their meeting in
California in November, covered various topics including bilateral and global

The White House highlighted discussions on cooperation, military
communication, and addressing AI risks.

Biden also voiced concerns over China's support for Russia and unfair trade
practices. Upcoming visits by U.S. officials to China were announced, amidst
China's increasing military presence.

Xi defined peace, stability, and credibility as key for Sino-U.S. relations
in 2024, reiterating the Taiwan question as a non-negotiable red line.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed gratitude towards Biden's stance,
amidst ongoing tensions with China.


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