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Realtime News
Vice Premier Meets with Japan's LDP Secretary-General in Tokyo
Posted on 2023-06-29 07:15:13
Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan has held talks with the secretary-general of
Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Cheng met with Toshimitsu Motegi at the party's headquarters in Tokyo.

Speaking during the meeting, Motegi described Taiwan is an extremely
important partner to Japan and a precious friend with shared values and the
the two countries also enjoy close economic relationships and regular
personnel exchanges.

Cheng echoed Motegi's views, but added that Taiwan and Japan have shared
values and extremely close trade ties, and also face common geopolitical

And the vice premier went on to say two countries have a shared vision, as
evident from a strategy of "de-risking, not de-coupling" from China, which
was laid out during the recently concluded G-7 summit in Hiroshima.

Cheng is leading a delegation of economics officials to Tokyo this week for
talks on energy, net-zero emissions and 5-G wireless cellular technology.

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