Privacy Policy

In order to protect your personal information, please read the following privacy policy before using the ICRT app. Please note that this privacy policy is subject to change without notice, however, we will not remove any rights detailed in this policy without your consent. The most up-to-date version of the policy will be published on the Google Play Store page and can be accessed at any time.

I.                    Collection, Use and Modification of Personal Information


1.       Purpose of Collected Data

Upon download and use of the ICRT app, the software will capture and record personal data relevant to the services you request. By downloading the ICRT app, you agree to have your information recorded. If you do not agree to have your information recorded by the ICRT app, please refrain from downloading the application and refrain from utilizing its services.

2.       Use of Personal Information.

Data will be collected from the application up until you terminate ICRT’s services, and request us to remove the information from our servers. Information will be stored on ICRT system servers and managed with in-house software.  Third party programs may be used to further analyze such information. Data may be combined in order to improve or change our products, services or advertising content. For instance, your information may be used for the following purposes:

·         Your data may be analyzed and consolidated with other users’ information to better meet the needs of clientele, and improve the ICRT app and experience.

·         Your information may be used to notify you of latest changes and updates to the ICRT app.

·         Your information may be used to assist with the development and delivery of our various products, services and advertising content.

·         Your data may be used to send out notices related to modification of terms and conditions of use and policy. However, ICRT is not obligated to inform you of each and every notice.

·         Your data may be used for academic research and other consultation services.


3.       Modification of Personal Information.

You may modify your ICRT account information at any time. Unauthorized use of the name or account of other people is prohibited.

4.       Deletion of Personal Information.


You may request to delete your account and personal information at any time. The information will not be completely removed from our servers until due processes have been completed. Our backup system may hold copies of your files to prevent fraudulent or illegal activities.


5.       Rights Requiring Written Notice.


(1.)  Access copies of your personal information as stored on our servers.

(2.)  Request copies of your personal information as stored on our servers.

(3.)  Add or remove additional information to your profile as stored on our servers.

(4.)  Halt the collection and use of your personal information.

(5.)  Request the deletion of your personal information as stored on our servers.


II.                  Disclosure of Personal Information.

Except as provided below, or through legal or governmental requirements, ICRT will not sell, lease, trade or transfer any personal and/or traffic data or communications content without your expressed permission.

1.       Information that you voluntarily disclose in your user profile, or which you disclose on forums and discussions boards, or comments you post will be publicly available by others, hence, may be reposted or used.

2.       Under circumstances of legality such as exerting our legal rights, defense against legal claims, protection of ICRT’s interests, preventing fraudulent behavior, enforcing of our policies and/or protecting third party’s rights, property, or safety, ICRT may disclose your personal information.

3.       In order to provide you with any ICRT products or services you request, ICRT may share your personal and traffic data with ICRT’s affiliates or partner agents. ICRT will always require these third parties to observe relevant laws and take appropriate measures to protect your personal data/traffic data. However, ICRT is not liable for the conduct of its affiliates or partner agents.

4.       Some of ICRT’s products or services may be co-branded and offered together through ICRT or via business partners. If you choose to utilize such products or services, you consent to both ICRT and its business partners’ use of your personal information.

5.       Detailed information of all the activities on your ICRT account, including but not limited to traffic data, communication data and transaction data, may be accessed by ICRT once your permission is granted. You are entitled to withdraw your permission at any time.

6.       In the event of a change in ownership, merger, or acquisition by a third party entity, ICRT will be requested by law to transfer your personal information. ICRT will inform you in advanced in case a different privacy policy applies.


III.                 Plug-ins and Other Applications.

If you use any add-ons, plugins or third party applications in conjunction with the ICRT app, or use any third party applications or products that incorporate or embed the ICRT app, the providers of such applications may get access to some of your personal information. ICRT does not and cannot control how the providers of such applications use your personal information. Please ensure that you review the privacy policies or other terms applicable to the use of such applications before installation.

IV.                Contact


1.       ICRT may request you to provide feedback and share your user experience with the application as a means to balance and improve the quality of our software. ICRT may also utilize this feature to provide you information regarding software changes or changes to products you may have purchased with us. However, there is no obligation to respond or participate in such activities.

2.       ICRT may send you notifications about faults and service issues. ICRT reserves the right to use the ICRT software to notify you of any service announcements, administration messages and eventual claims with respect to ICRT, ICRT products and ICRT system changes. ICRT will use the same rights to notify you of additional consideration including but not limited to claims of the violation of third party rights. You may not opt out of accepting the above notifications.

3.       If you have registered for or use co-branded ICRT services or products, you may receive e-mails or SMS from our business partners on ICRT’s behalf.


V.                  Contacting Us.


If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, you can reach out to us on the ICRT website (




為保護您的隱私權,請您詳細閱讀以下有關ICRT App之「隱私權政策」,請注意,本《隱私權政策》會不定時變更。我們不會在未經您同意的情況下,削減本《隱私權政策》賦予您的權利,並且會隨時在 ICRT App 登載最新版本的《隱私權政策》,提供您隨時查閱。


  1. 個人資料之蒐集與目的
    在您加入ICRT會員或下載、使用ICRT相關服務時,軟體系統將依您所要求的服務內容,擷取提供該等服務所必須蒐集之可供辨識個人之資料,若您係以企業用戶之成員身分使用ICRT相關服務者,除前述資料外,軟體系統將擷取您所撥打的通訊號碼暨時間提供予企業用戶,以利企業用戶分析使用情形與核計帳款,詳細擷取資料在您下載ICRT App時業已取得您的同意。倘若您不同意提供上述個人資料,請勿繼續使用ICRT服務。
  2. 個人資料之處理及利用

    ·         ICRT為服務營運與客戶管理之需求,使用您的個人資料,例如:稽核、資料分析及研究等,以改進ICRT之產品、服務及客戶溝通。通知您有關ICRT App軟體系統最新產品、服務公告、以及最新訊息。

    ·         協助我們開發、交付及改進我們的產品、服務、內容及廣告。

    ·         傳送重要通知,例如有關重大訊息或使用條款或政策修改之通知,但這並不代表我們因此有將各種訊息逐一通知您的義務。

    ·         學術研究以及其他諮詢與顧問服務。

  3. 個人資料之修改
  4. 個人資料之刪除
  5. 您得以書面主張下列權利
    (1). 查詢或請求閱覽。
    (2). 請求製給複製本。
    (3). 請求補充或更正。
    (4). 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。
    (5). 請求刪除。



  1. 任何您自願在個人資料中公開,在聊天室、討論區中透露、張貼的資訊或評論,將有可能被他人轉貼或使用。
  2. ICRT 依法律規定或為主張權利或對任何指控提出抗辯、為保護 ICRT 的利益、打擊詐欺、執行我們的政策、保護第三人的合法權利、財產或為安全需要而揭露您的個人資料。
  3. 為了向您提供您所要求的ICRT 產品或服務,ICRT 會依實際狀況,與ICRT之關係企業或合作廠商分享您的個人資料與流量資訊,ICRT 將要求其關係企業或合作廠商遵守相關法律,並採取適當的措施來保護您的個人資料與流量資訊,但ICRT並不因此為關係企業或合作廠商之行為承擔法律責任。
  4. ICRT之產品或服務可能顯示合作廠商之品牌,因此,若您註冊或使用該合作廠商之產品或服務時,您同意讓 ICRT 與合作廠商使用您的個人資料。
  5. 在取得您同意之下,ICRT得使用您在 ICRT 帳號中所有活動之詳細資訊,包括但不限於流量資訊、任何通訊及交易之詳細資料。您得隨時撤回同意。但若您係以企業用戶之成員身分使用ICRT App相關服務者,您應同意ICRT得提供您所撥打的通訊號碼與時間等詳細資料予企業用戶,且此同意不得撤回。
  6. 若日後ICRT轉換經營者,被第三人收購或合併,ICRT將依法移交您的個人資料,倘若因此適用不同隱私權政策者, ICRT將事先通知您。


若您使用 ICRT App軟體系統之同時也使用其他附加功能、外掛程式或第三方之應用程式(以下簡稱「應用程式」),該等應用程式的提供者可能會取得某些您的個人資料。 ICRT 不會也無法控制該等應用程式提供者如何使用您的個人資訊。因此,在安裝之前,請務必檢視該等應用程式之隱私權政策或使用條款。


  1. ICRT 有時會要求您提供有關使用經驗的資訊,這些資訊將用於衡量與改善品質。您在任何時候都沒有提供上述資料的義務。
  2. 凡是在ICRT App軟體系統透過回饋意見表或調查而主動送出的任何及全部資訊,將會被用來審查所回饋的意見和改善 ICRT 軟體、產品及系統。
  3. ICRT 可能會針對故障和服務問題與您聯絡,傳送相關訊息。ICRT得以ICRT 軟體或簡訊進行通知,使您知悉關於使用 ICRT 軟體、產品及系統的服務公告、管理訊息、最終求償資訊,包括但不限於侵犯第三方權利的侵權求償。您不能選擇拒絕接受上述訊息。
  4. ICRT可能以ICRT 軟體,通知您有關 ICRT 軟體和您購買的ICRT 產品最新訊息,或是其他 ICRT 產品或 ICRT 相關資訊。若您不願意接受上述訊息,請告知我們。
  5. 如果您註冊或使用 ICRT 的聯名品牌服務或產品,您收到的電子郵件或簡訊,可能由我們的合作夥伴廠商以 ICRT 的名義發出。


如果您有任何關於隱私權政策的問題,請隨時上ICRT 網站與我們聯絡,將您的寶貴意見提供給我們。