由客家委員會所監製的「客家風情」以生動、趣味的對話形式,為您介紹不同面向的客家文化、歷史、旅遊景點、音樂及貼近生活、實用的客家話。節目內容包括客家旅遊名勝、聚落文化、人物史蹟、美食特產等,同時從豐富的訊息中教大家實用的客語單字及客語應答。週一到週五、每天在 ICRT 播出五次,分別在 7~8、12~13、15~16、18~19、22~23 之間播出。
Sponsored by the Hakka Affairs Council, ICRT's "We Love Hakka" program is a window into the fascinating language, food, art and culture of the Hakka. The Hakka language and culture has significantly influenced Taiwanese society, so tune in ICRT to explore and learn with "We Love Hakka!" Monday through Friday program is aired 5 times a day during the 7AM, 12PM, 3PM, 6PM and 10PM hours.
收聽完精彩節目,也請動動手指填問卷喔!你的小小建議,對 ICRT「客家風情」來說是大大的幫助!