What am I doing at a sleepless night? Well, watching anime or playing games of course. This song was composed by one of my favorite composers, Yoko Kanno. We all have things to regret in the middle of the night that prevent us from falling asleep. The lyrics depict that although there is a hole in the heart, it still beats firmly on its own.

我失眠時在做什麼呢?當然是看動畫或玩電動啊!這首曲子是我最喜歡的作曲家之一 -- 菅野洋子的作品。我們都有在深夜痛悔而睡不著的時候,而這首歌的歌詞正訴說著「可能我們心並非完整或是缺了口,它卻仍強而有力地跳動著」。